Meanwhile on another planet called California.... there will be no reparations. "We were just talking that is all"

The Real Question is, what was/is the purpose of holding these more-or-less public discussions about reparations, when every adult in the room knew/knows that they will never happen?

Seriously. There is no chance. There would be a revolution by "white" people that would make the American Revolution look like a garden party. And everybody knows it.

So what is the point of having discussions about reparations? Do they think African Americans are too stupid to recognize reality?
The Real Question is, what was/is the purpose of holding these more-or-less public discussions about reparations, when every adult in the room knew/knows that they will never happen?

Seriously. There is no chance. There would be a revolution by "white" people that would make the American Revolution look like a garden party. And everybody knows it.

So what is the point of having discussions about reparations? Do they think African Americans are too stupid to recognize reality?
This pales in comparison to the liberal social programs from the late 1950s - 1980s where they took millions of black families... replanted them in "projects" like Cabrina Green in Chicago where 100,000 people lived in one square mile. Gave them just enough money so they didn't have to get a job.
The result was there was no longer a need for black males to support their offspring. Women could get more money for having more children. And that is exactly what they did... meanwhile the black males with nothing to do all day formed gangs and sold drugs to all of these people getting checks for nothing.
This has absolutely decimated the American black race.
But blacks still line up to vote Democrats in office despite being their economic slaves.
The Real Question is, what was/is the purpose of holding these more-or-less public discussions about reparations, when every adult in the room knew/knows that they will never happen?

Seriously. There is no chance. There would be a revolution by "white" people that would make the American Revolution look like a garden party. And everybody knows it.

So what is the point of having discussions about reparations? Do they think African Americans are too stupid to recognize reality?
I have it on good authority IM2 has moved to CA to get his reparations. Ops!
This pales in comparison to the liberal social programs from the late 1950s - 1980s where they took millions of black families... replanted them in "projects" like Cabrina Green in Chicago where 100,000 people lived in one square mile. Gave them just enough money so they didn't have to get a job.
The result was there was no longer a need for black males to support their offspring. Women could get more money for having more children. And that is exactly what they did... meanwhile the black males with nothing to do all day formed gangs and sold drugs to all of these people getting checks for nothing.
This has absolutely decimated the American black race.
But blacks still line up to vote Democrats in office despite being their economic slaves.
The Democrats put the Blacks on the welfare plantation and the Blacks loved it.

They didn't have to pick no cotton or nuttin to get their watermelon and collard greens. All they had to do was vote for the Democrats every couple of years.
I have it on good authority IM2 has moved to CA to get his reparations. Ops!
No Negro in America would miss out on that!

Just think, if a Negro living in another state didn't get their share they would probably sue their home state and some The Worthless Negro or Potatohead appointed judge would rule in their favor.
California finally had to return back to planet Earth and admit "There is no possibility of reparations".
Couple that with Newsome's $10 Billion calculation error that made him have to announce that California's budget problem is 33% worse than they said.

Everyone new there was no way reparations were going to happen, not with a $31 billion budget shortfall that would increase the debt by another $60 billion.

Looks like robbing stores will continue into the foreseeable future.

People need to understand that----------->this is just another way to divide Americans; just look at who has brought the idea forward. They knew this was never going to happen, but by bringing it forward, they can now blame certain people for it not happening. Truth be told----------->Newsome is not going to let this go away, as he is going to run for President. He will side step the issue, until the last weeks of the Primary if he goes against Biden, because all Left candidates believe what I am now going to say to be true----------------> ANY Democrat can defeat Donald Trump, because of the damage they and media have inflicted upon him. They are all in on Trump being the nominee, because then it is not about performance, but in their minds eye, likability. And so, to keep their historical base on the plantation, they will say anything they want to hear.
They are just trying to rile up the Negroes. The Negroes already have an entitlement mentality and this just feeds it.

Promise them any thing and they will fall for it.

"Vote Democrat and you will get lots of money". It works every time.
I served in the military back in the 1960s with a White guy from Pine Bluff. Listening to him talk you would think that was the best place in America to live. Looks like things have really changed.

Oh yeah, the old timers around here really brag about how Pine Bluff used to be.

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