Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

When the Air traffic controllers refused Reagan he fired them all....if these men and women refuse to go back to work fire them and find qualified replacements for them...simple as that....I'm sure there are people that can and have done that job and would be willing to go back to work...
Oh for goodness sake..... no he can't fire them at meat packing plants, you FASCIST!

I didn't say he could...I'm talking about the management and yes they can be replaced by management under the current you can shove your fascist accusation....
I feel for them, but there are those who must understand that this works ensures that a population eats. Just as the nurses and doctors are risking their lives on the front lines, some of them even sadly taking their own in New York because of the horrors they are seeing; all societies need critical work done in critical times. It's not fun, not ideal. If one doesn't want to do it, another will.
Nurses and doctors are in the business of having to risk their lives.
Meat Plant factory workers?
They better be rewarded for this.
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?
Just deport them. Americans are too fat anyway.
Put in measures to make it much safer, this virus is going to be beating our butts for the net 3 years or so.

If the supply chain of meats does not continue soon, then the whole system will fall apart.....

manufacturers need to meet OSHA standards to keep their employee's safe and not be given a free ride on this either....

MAKE IT SAFER for them.... make them feel and know they are safer.

Do weekly or daily or whatever testing, so the sick employees can isolate themselves at home instead of spreading it to the rest of the meat packers and management.

Put up plastic barriers in all plants to separate the packers and have the 6 foot minimum spread of packers..... if they have to go to two shifts or three shifts to keep people at a safer spread distance, then so be it.

Supply them with protective masks and gear, two sets a day, so when it is removed at lunch it is discarded and a new mask put on after lunch....

give them a video of how to properly put on an N95 mask and how to remove it safely, and on washing hands properly and when to do such, how often, same with sanitizer use... this is just to give them some sense of control over the virus and be less scared..... basically educate them.

Figure out a way, with maybe separate tents outside, to feed the workers, instead of all of them crammed in to the same cafeteria at once....

Sanitizer in front of every bathroom, in every bathroom as well... at every door, on both sides, in locker areas, outside of locker area....

They can pay them better, a "Combat Pay" type of thing...

A bunch of small things that could mentally ease their fears thru education and supplies AND a few major changes like suggested at the top.... plexiglass separation, 6 foot spread, two shifts instead of one.... and this is from me, just an everyday Josephine who knows little...

epidemiologists, infectious disease experts should be hired by these manufacturers initially married with the line manufacturing engineers so they can figure out what is best and feasible.... to meet safety standards for operating during an epidemic.

Some quick things can be done to get them up and running, even if at half mast.....

Even with less production of meat processing until major things can be done, it still keeps the entire supply chain going enough to not let the system in place, to fail.....and to keep hyper inflation on meat, from occurring.

That gives time for new innovations inside the workplace, a new kind of thinking on how these plants are designed, to make it safer for both the workers and us.... what if the next pandemic is something that could be passed through eating a product infected with it from human touch?

We seem to be in the beginning of an era that lends itself to these monster viruses and disease!

Also, are all the meat processors that have been infected and survived already, are they already immune? We really need to know this....they need to know this....
So, should the world demand closing the wet markets in Asia and other places where this originates?

Yes? No?

No other meat plants in the world have seen this? Just our country?

No farm that grows vegetables in this country has seen coronavirus?



Calm down. Brazil and Canada have problems as well.

Staggering shutdown in the meat industry raises concerns of a global shortfall
I think people will work, they need to work to earn a living and feed their families.

Remember this here, if you refuse to go back, you lose your unemployment. Receipt of UI checks is based upon the idea that the recipient is able and available to work
That law should be challenged in every at-will employment State. Employment is at the will of either party in an at-will employment State.
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?

The world food supply is and will be disrupted for at least a while if not longer.

I said the same thing, trump can't drag people into those plants to do that work. I know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

The guidelines that trump put in place for them to open up are only suggestions. If it's convenient for the company to be safe. It's not required.

The owners of those business aren't going to do anything beyond what will make them the most money. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren't going to do what's best for their business or workers.

The fact that there has been a big outbreak in those companies shows that they don't give a damn about their employees or business. The plant that has the worst outbreak isn't making testing mandatory for all workers. It's just voluntary. So people who have the virus but no symptoms can still infect others. It all shows that the owners don't care about their business. If they did, they would know taking the proper steps to keep the virus out of their plants is what is best for their business. They put money even ahead of what's best for the business.

If I were you, I would stop worrying about china and other nations. You have a choice here in America. You can buy meat and food that is only grown here in America. It's what I do. Especially places like china. If the label says it's from china I won't buy it. Period. Same with Mexico and any South or Central American nation.

Stop buying into stupid conspiracy theories. They're ridiculous and only harm our world.
Looking for you to answer whether you think the American meat facilities are the only places this coronavirus has infiltrated.

How can it not be in any other country's meat packing facilities? Just so happens to be here? Nowhere else?

Why aren't people outraged by the Asian wet markets?

Just so happens it is not in our other farms? No other diseases found at any other facility anywhere around the world? Our meat packing facilities that the left have been relentlessly attacking....cause of bovine farts?

This isn't all about controlling the American people is it? Let's discuss exactly what was found. Do you know? Who claimed it and who reported this mass problem?

Answer those.
I think people will work, they need to work to earn a living and feed their families.

Remember this here, if you refuse to go back, you lose your unemployment. Receipt of UI checks is based upon the idea that the recipient is able and available to work
That law should be challenged in every at-will employment State. Employment is at the will of either party in an at-will employment State.

Actually, it is at the will of both parties. No one is forced to work, we're talking here about people who choose not to work and whether they should get a check.
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?
there will always be somebody willing to work,,,

Yep.... what one guy won't tak in straight time his buddy will take in overtime....and be just fine too.

Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?

The world food supply is and will be disrupted for at least a while if not longer.

I said the same thing, trump can't drag people into those plants to do that work. I know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

The guidelines that trump put in place for them to open up are only suggestions. If it's convenient for the company to be safe. It's not required.

The owners of those business aren't going to do anything beyond what will make them the most money. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren't going to do what's best for their business or workers.

The fact that there has been a big outbreak in those companies shows that they don't give a damn about their employees or business. The plant that has the worst outbreak isn't making testing mandatory for all workers. It's just voluntary. So people who have the virus but no symptoms can still infect others. It all shows that the owners don't care about their business. If they did, they would know taking the proper steps to keep the virus out of their plants is what is best for their business. They put money even ahead of what's best for the business.

If I were you, I would stop worrying about china and other nations. You have a choice here in America. You can buy meat and food that is only grown here in America. It's what I do. Especially places like china. If the label says it's from china I won't buy it. Period. Same with Mexico and any South or Central American nation.

Stop buying into stupid conspiracy theories. They're ridiculous and only harm our world.
Looking for you to answer whether you think the American meat facilities are the only places this coronavirus has infiltrated.

How can it not be in any other country's meat packing facilities? Just so happens to be here? Nowhere else?

Why aren't people outraged by the Asian wet markets?

Just so happens it is not in our other farms? No other diseases found at any other facility anywhere around the world? Our meat packing facilities that the left have been relentlessly attacking....cause of bovine farts?

This isn't all about controlling the American people is it? Let's discuss exactly what was found. Do you know? Who claimed it and who reported this mass problem?

Answer those.

Bingo....they're full of shit.

Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?

The world food supply is and will be disrupted for at least a while if not longer.

I said the same thing, trump can't drag people into those plants to do that work. I know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

The guidelines that trump put in place for them to open up are only suggestions. If it's convenient for the company to be safe. It's not required.

The owners of those business aren't going to do anything beyond what will make them the most money. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren't going to do what's best for their business or workers.

The fact that there has been a big outbreak in those companies shows that they don't give a damn about their employees or business. The plant that has the worst outbreak isn't making testing mandatory for all workers. It's just voluntary. So people who have the virus but no symptoms can still infect others. It all shows that the owners don't care about their business. If they did, they would know taking the proper steps to keep the virus out of their plants is what is best for their business. They put money even ahead of what's best for the business.

If I were you, I would stop worrying about china and other nations. You have a choice here in America. You can buy meat and food that is only grown here in America. It's what I do. Especially places like china. If the label says it's from china I won't buy it. Period. Same with Mexico and any South or Central American nation.

Stop buying into stupid conspiracy theories. They're ridiculous and only harm our world.
Looking for you to answer whether you think the American meat facilities are the only places this coronavirus has infiltrated.

How can it not be in any other country's meat packing facilities? Just so happens to be here? Nowhere else?

Why aren't people outraged by the Asian wet markets?

Just so happens it is not in our other farms? No other diseases found at any other facility anywhere around the world? Our meat packing facilities that the left have been relentlessly attacking....cause of bovine farts?

This isn't all about controlling the American people is it? Let's discuss exactly what was found. Do you know? Who claimed it and who reported this mass problem?

Answer those.

Wow you asked me a lot of very stupid questions.

They insinuate that you came to conclusions that I never even indicated that I believed.

Of course the virus is in other professions. What made you think I didn't think that? I've been posting it on the board for heaven sake. I've been saying the meat and hospital industries are a very good example of what can happen if we open up too soon and without the proper steps to prevent it from happening or over running our medical services again. However this thread isn't about other professions. This thread is about the meat industry. You started the thread. You should stick to your subject.

Of course it's in other meat packing facilities. I never said it wasn't nor did I give any indication that I believed it. What a stupid question.

Of course it's in other nation's meat facilities. Why ask me this stupid question? What does it have to do with trump trying to force people to risk their lives in a meat facility? However this thread isn't about other nations and their meat industry. This thread is about America's meat industry. You started the thread. You should stick to your subject.

I can't speak for anyone but myself and find it moronic the you expect me to not only be able to read the minds of every living human on the planet but to speak for those people. I don't know why people aren't upset about it. I know why I'm not. I don't care. I have no control of China. I don't write their laws or regulations on food in their markets. I don't eat food that comes from China. Why on earth would you ask me such a moronic question? However this thread isn't about what everyone on the planet thinks of China and their markets. This thread is about the meat industry in America. You started the thread. You should stick to your subject.

Why are you asking me about farms and their safety of the food they produce? I don't own a farm. I don't write the regulations or laws that oversee farms. If it's on farms, ok. So it's on farms. We were all told it would reach the rural areas after the urban. What's your point? When we get reports in the news about farms being unsafe, then people should be alarmed. Personally, I think farms should be taking the same precautions as the ones I think that mean facilities must take. No one is attacking the meat industry. Get over the persecution and paranoia. Everyone isn't out to get you. You don't matter and no one even knows you exist to persecute you so your paranoia is really unwarranted. However this thread isn't about farms. This thread is about the meat industry. You started the thread. You should stick to your subject.

Read any crazy and moronic conspiracy you want into all this. Keep in mind, trump is running things. So if there's some big conspiracy, he's in on it. He was the one who wrote that EO.

You are extremely rude and the only reason why I replied to your delusional demands is that it gives me more chance to show what a delusional paranoid moron you are. It's fun to see morons like you make fools of themselves to all of cyberspace.

You can reply to this with more demands but I'm going to do what I usually do with your posts, scroll right on by without reading or replying.

It's a waste of time to try to communicate with a mentally challenged paranoid moron like you who makes such delusional and moronic demands.
Give amnesty to any illegal immigrant qualified to take over their job.

Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?
They need to stay away collectively....or else they'll get picked off one by one.
One of the questions asked when applying for unemployment benefits is whether you have refused work that was offered to you.

But will any of these union Democrats have even a trace of honesty left?

No work? NO PAY!
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?
They need to stay away collectively....or else they'll get picked off one by one.

Donald eh? Democrat Donald.....
Probably an operative.

Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?

The world food supply is and will be disrupted for at least a while if not longer.

I said the same thing, trump can't drag people into those plants to do that work. I know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

The guidelines that trump put in place for them to open up are only suggestions. If it's convenient for the company to be safe. It's not required.

The owners of those business aren't going to do anything beyond what will make them the most money. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren't going to do what's best for their business or workers.

The fact that there has been a big outbreak in those companies shows that they don't give a damn about their employees or business. The plant that has the worst outbreak isn't making testing mandatory for all workers. It's just voluntary. So people who have the virus but no symptoms can still infect others. It all shows that the owners don't care about their business. If they did, they would know taking the proper steps to keep the virus out of their plants is what is best for their business. They put money even ahead of what's best for the business.

If I were you, I would stop worrying about china and other nations. You have a choice here in America. You can buy meat and food that is only grown here in America. It's what I do. Especially places like china. If the label says it's from china I won't buy it. Period. Same with Mexico and any South or Central American nation.

Stop buying into stupid conspiracy theories. They're ridiculous and only harm our world.
Looking for you to answer whether you think the American meat facilities are the only places this coronavirus has infiltrated.

How can it not be in any other country's meat packing facilities? Just so happens to be here? Nowhere else?

Why aren't people outraged by the Asian wet markets?

Just so happens it is not in our other farms? No other diseases found at any other facility anywhere around the world? Our meat packing facilities that the left have been relentlessly attacking....cause of bovine farts?

This isn't all about controlling the American people is it? Let's discuss exactly what was found. Do you know? Who claimed it and who reported this mass problem?

Answer those.

Outraged by Asian wet markets? More outraged that we can't seem to test more than 5% of our population for this virus that has killed 55000 so far.
Only 55000 dead?

But the cleaner air!

But the cleaner water!

But the quiet highways!

But the free stuff!

Isn't 55,000 a small to price for all THAT? I'm sure that our enviro-left has taken notice and is already contracting with China for a new and improved virus to further their goals.

Wouldn't it be nice to get a glimpse of George Soros' checkbook just now!

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