Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

I feel for them, but there are those who must understand that this works ensures that a population eats. Just as the nurses and doctors are risking their lives on the front lines, some of them even sadly taking their own in New York because of the horrors they are seeing; all societies need critical work done in critical times. It's not fun, not ideal. If one doesn't want to do it, another will.
Put in measures to make it much safer, this virus is going to be beating our butts for the net 3 years or so.

If the supply chain of meats does not continue soon, then the whole system will fall apart.....

manufacturers need to meet OSHA standards to keep their employee's safe and not be given a free ride on this either....

MAKE IT SAFER for them.... make them feel and know they are safer.

Do weekly or daily or whatever testing, so the sick employees can isolate themselves at home instead of spreading it to the rest of the meat packers and management.

Put up plastic barriers in all plants to separate the packers and have the 6 foot minimum spread of packers..... if they have to go to two shifts or three shifts to keep people at a safer spread distance, then so be it.

Supply them with protective masks and gear, two sets a day, so when it is removed at lunch it is discarded and a new mask put on after lunch....

give them a video of how to properly put on an N95 mask and how to remove it safely, and on washing hands properly and when to do such, how often, same with sanitizer use... this is just to give them some sense of control over the virus and be less scared..... basically educate them.

Figure out a way, with maybe separate tents outside, to feed the workers, instead of all of them crammed in to the same cafeteria at once....

Sanitizer in front of every bathroom, in every bathroom as well... at every door, on both sides, in locker areas, outside of locker area....

They can pay them better, a "Combat Pay" type of thing...

A bunch of small things that could mentally ease their fears thru education and supplies AND a few major changes like suggested at the top.... plexiglass separation, 6 foot spread, two shifts instead of one.... and this is from me, just an everyday Josephine who knows little...

epidemiologists, infectious disease experts should be hired by these manufacturers initially married with the line manufacturing engineers so they can figure out what is best and feasible.... to meet safety standards for operating during an epidemic.

Some quick things can be done to get them up and running, even if at half mast.....

Even with less production of meat processing until major things can be done, it still keeps the entire supply chain going enough to not let the system in place, to fail.....and to keep hyper inflation on meat, from occurring.

That gives time for new innovations inside the workplace, a new kind of thinking on how these plants are designed, to make it safer for both the workers and us.... what if the next pandemic is something that could be passed through eating a product infected with it from human touch?

We seem to be in the beginning of an era that lends itself to these monster viruses and disease!

Also, are all the meat processors that have been infected and survived already, are they already immune? We really need to know this....they need to know this....
So, should the world demand closing the wet markets in Asia and other places where this originates?

Yes? No?

No other meat plants in the world have seen this? Just our country?

No farm that grows vegetables in this country has seen coronavirus?


It's hard to say....immediate gut instinct is yes.....

But I know little about the markets and why they are prevalent in China..... someone else on this board not too long ago, who seemed to understand the situation said that wild animals eaten as their meat source is because most of the Chinese people do not have access or can not afford to buy meat that is processed like Beef, and Pork...

it's a special occasion when they buy those type of meats..... most or many have always eaten meats from the wild as their primary meat source....

think of it as venison, or moose, or bear meat, or grouse, or pigeons or squirrel, or wild turkey and Pheasants, things hunters and living in the wild eat, here in off the grid, and are not available for us to buy in grocery stores....

Without further research, I do think that ALL bats should be banned from sale at ALL wet markets... because they are known to pass viruses to humans, even through intermediary animals....
None of us really know.

Of course there have been documentaries about the wet markets.

So, if the coronavirus is really in our meat market, even though our meat plants are strictly overseen, then what could that mean about meat markets in regions where it is not very clean?

Also, how can it be that coronavirus is not in vegetable farms. Only the same meat farms that the left haven been attacking due to climate change over the last several years?
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?
So now you're a butcher and you're speaking for them? Sorry I don't fucking think so asshole. You're just another random leftie asshole and no more.
okay heads up ...get your shit in order....get a freezer if you can....plow up that nice front and back yard cause you are going to need local csa's...and find one...dont wait much longer....they are being swamped with orders...i realize many of you cant ...small apartments etc...use patio planters and grow what food you can...and you may want to go on and cut your meat will be amazed at how little a serving 4 ozs is but you can do it....

we are all gonna need to be creative for a while...
Put in measures to make it much safer, this virus is going to be beating our butts for the net 3 years or so.

If the supply chain of meats does not continue soon, then the whole system will fall apart.....

manufacturers need to meet OSHA standards to keep their employee's safe and not be given a free ride on this either....

MAKE IT SAFER for them.... make them feel and know they are safer.

Do weekly or daily or whatever testing, so the sick employees can isolate themselves at home instead of spreading it to the rest of the meat packers and management.

Put up plastic barriers in all plants to separate the packers and have the 6 foot minimum spread of packers..... if they have to go to two shifts or three shifts to keep people at a safer spread distance, then so be it.

Supply them with protective masks and gear, two sets a day, so when it is removed at lunch it is discarded and a new mask put on after lunch....

give them a video of how to properly put on an N95 mask and how to remove it safely, and on washing hands properly and when to do such, how often, same with sanitizer use... this is just to give them some sense of control over the virus and be less scared..... basically educate them.

Figure out a way, with maybe separate tents outside, to feed the workers, instead of all of them crammed in to the same cafeteria at once....

Sanitizer in front of every bathroom, in every bathroom as well... at every door, on both sides, in locker areas, outside of locker area....

They can pay them better, a "Combat Pay" type of thing...

A bunch of small things that could mentally ease their fears thru education and supplies AND a few major changes like suggested at the top.... plexiglass separation, 6 foot spread, two shifts instead of one.... and this is from me, just an everyday Josephine who knows little...

epidemiologists, infectious disease experts should be hired by these manufacturers initially married with the line manufacturing engineers so they can figure out what is best and feasible.... to meet safety standards for operating during an epidemic.

Some quick things can be done to get them up and running, even if at half mast.....

Even with less production of meat processing until major things can be done, it still keeps the entire supply chain going enough to not let the system in place, to fail.....and to keep hyper inflation on meat, from occurring.

That gives time for new innovations inside the workplace, a new kind of thinking on how these plants are designed, to make it safer for both the workers and us.... what if the next pandemic is something that could be passed through eating a product infected with it from human touch?

We seem to be in the beginning of an era that lends itself to these monster viruses and disease!

Also, are all the meat processors that have been infected and survived already, are they already immune? We really need to know this....they need to know this....
So, should the world demand closing the wet markets in Asia and other places where this originates?

Yes? No?

No other meat plants in the world have seen this? Just our country?

No farm that grows vegetables in this country has seen coronavirus?


It's hard to say....immediate gut instinct is yes.....

But I know little about the markets and why they are prevalent in China..... someone else on this board not too long ago, who seemed to understand the situation said that wild animals eaten as their meat source is because most of the Chinese people do not have access or can not afford to buy meat that is processed like Beef, and Pork...

it's a special occasion when they buy those type of meats..... most or many have always eaten meats from the wild as their primary meat source....

think of it as venison, or moose, or bear meat, or grouse, or pigeons or squirrel, or wild turkey and Pheasants, things hunters and living in the wild eat, here in off the grid, and are not available for us to buy in grocery stores....

Without further research, I do think that ALL bats should be banned from sale at ALL wet markets... because they are known to pass viruses to humans, even through intermediary animals....
None of us really know.

Of course there have been documentaries about the wet markets.

So, if the coronavirus is really in our meat market, even though our meat plants are strictly overseen, then what could that mean about meat markets in regions where it is not very clean?

Also, how can it be that coronavirus is not in vegetable farms. Only the same meat farms that the left haven been attacking due to climate change over the last several years?

Not to be a debbie downer,

It is likely spreading like wildfire in other food processing plants as well..... anyone working an assembly line, is likely spreading it to one another, and then to the community and cities surrounding them.....
Trump admin has EASED the federal laws and oversight of meat processing plants a few months ago..... this is likely a part of the problem with the massive spread
okay heads up ...get your shit in order....get a freezer if you can....plow up that nice front and back yard cause you are going to need local csa's...and find one...dont wait much longer....they are being swamped with orders...i realize many of you cant ...small apartments etc...use patio planters and grow what food you can...and you may want to go on and cut your meat will be amazed at how little a serving 4 ozs is but you can do it....

we are all gonna need to be creative for a while...
Seeds are non-essential
When the Air traffic controllers refused Reagan he fired them all....if these men and women refuse to go back to work fire them and find qualified replacements for them...simple as that....I'm sure there are people that can and have done that job and would be willing to go back to work...
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

CNNApril 29, 2020, 8:56 AM EDT

Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump's executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.


Meanwhile the wet markets in China and other countries remain. That is racist to bring that up.

You all going to wake up to the globalist push to destroy the free market and usher in the new world order? No?

Weren't the globalists all of a sudden claiming eating meat caused "GLOBAL WARMING." Well that effort failed.

Want proof? Why isn't the world media discussing the wet markets in regions around the world where these pandemics originate?

Answer that and you will see what this is all about.

So, the spread of coronavirus is not in meat factories around the world? Yes? No?

Just here in America eh?

The world food supply is and will be disrupted for at least a while if not longer.

I said the same thing, trump can't drag people into those plants to do that work. I know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

The guidelines that trump put in place for them to open up are only suggestions. If it's convenient for the company to be safe. It's not required.

The owners of those business aren't going to do anything beyond what will make them the most money. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren't going to do what's best for their business or workers.

The fact that there has been a big outbreak in those companies shows that they don't give a damn about their employees or business. The plant that has the worst outbreak isn't making testing mandatory for all workers. It's just voluntary. So people who have the virus but no symptoms can still infect others. It all shows that the owners don't care about their business. If they did, they would know taking the proper steps to keep the virus out of their plants is what is best for their business. They put money even ahead of what's best for the business.

If I were you, I would stop worrying about china and other nations. You have a choice here in America. You can buy meat and food that is only grown here in America. It's what I do. Especially places like china. If the label says it's from china I won't buy it. Period. Same with Mexico and any South or Central American nation.

Stop buying into stupid conspiracy theories. They're ridiculous and only harm our world.
anyone talking about the upcoming mega drought? out know where a lot of food is grown?
Meat isn't essential.

Food is essential.

You don't need to eat meat for food.

I don't eat most meat.

The shutdowns and disruption in meat isn't going to affect me but will the millions of meat eaters.

Maybe you all can at least cut down on the amount of meat you eat. It's going to get very expensive. Most won't be able to afford it anymore.

Maybe a diet of more veggies and grains will be better. I know it will be more healthy. A lot of Americans are overweight and very unhealthy.

Maybe this is an opportunity to change some eating habits. America will be much better off for it.
Meat isn't essential.

Food is essential.

You don't need to eat meat for food.

I don't eat most meat.

The shutdowns and disruption in meat isn't going to affect me but will the millions of meat eaters.

Maybe you all can at least cut down on the amount of meat you eat. It's going to get very expensive. Most won't be able to afford it anymore.

Maybe a diet of more veggies and grains will be better. I know it will be more healthy. A lot of Americans are overweight and very unhealthy.

Maybe this is an opportunity to change some eating habits. America will be much better off for it.

Ye,yes we all know you're a vegetarian. fruit loops are as bad as ex smokers.
"A days wage, for a loaf of bread" bible prophesy... seems to be coming in to play....

Hyper inflation on food! :eek: And if there are shortages on food, on a necessity, then Hyper inflation is what happens..... you have to pay, and pay a lot, for the little that there is to buy....

The Bible also states in end of times as we know it prophesy, that somehow, we will be prevented from eating meat.....?

I know I sound absolutely crazy.... and it is just crazy....!!!!

I've gone the last 25 years, not understanding at all, what the heck these prophesies really meant that I read so long ago..... but I can't help but feel, somethin's happening here.... pestilence, possible starvation through hyper inflation, China with an army of 200 million and the world's angst against them, war and rumors of war is next in prophesy after pestilence and starvation if memory serves? ...though I do need to read it again to be sure, what the signs are again... and New World order collapse.... y'all conspirators think we are working towards a new world order, but the new world order began when America, The New World, was discovered.... this could be the fall of the New World order, not the creation..... it says "riches, will never to be found in you again"..... well hot damn, that is a real possibility with the entire westernized Nations and the cost of this plague....?

Could it be, that the Lord is coming...that this is it?

Well, many generations of people have thought the same over the centuries and it was not the case and they were called looney tunes for thinking such..... and justly so.

I KNOW all of that.... but again, for what it's worth, there's something happening here...imo! :)

For What It's Worth
Buffalo Springfield

There's something happening here
But what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking' their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly saying, "hooray for our side"
It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away
We better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
We better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
We better stop
Now, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
We better stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?

When the Air traffic controllers refused Reagan he fired them all....if these men and women refuse to go back to work fire them and find qualified replacements for them...simple as that....I'm sure there are people that can and have done that job and would be willing to go back to work...
Oh for goodness sake..... no he can't fire them at meat packing plants, you FASCIST!

Meat isn't essential.

Food is essential.

You don't need to eat meat for food.

I don't eat most meat.

The shutdowns and disruption in meat isn't going to affect me but will the millions of meat eaters.

Maybe you all can at least cut down on the amount of meat you eat. It's going to get very expensive. Most won't be able to afford it anymore.

Maybe a diet of more veggies and grains will be better. I know it will be more healthy. A lot of Americans are overweight and very unhealthy.

Maybe this is an opportunity to change some eating habits. America will be much better off for it.

Ye,yes we all know you're a vegetarian. fruit loops are as bad as ex smokers.

I'm not a vegetarian. Where did you get that.

I posted I don't eat most meat. If a person eats seafood, if a person eats poultry once in a while, they aren't a vegetarian.

But then what's wrong with being a vegetarian? Seems to me they aren't the ones being hurt by this.

You meat eaters are.

I can go completely vegetarian and it wouldn't bother me at all. I rarely eat meat as it is. But put some crab, shrimp, clams or salmon anywhere near me and it's gone. I can easily get those things locally at the marina here. No meat processing plant involved.

I'm just being nice trying to give some suggestions to alternatives to the extremely high cost and probably very low availability of meat for you meat eaters.

Take the suggestions or not.

I don't care.

I find the fact that you people think you can force or demand that someone else put their lives on the line just so you can have meat extremely selfish and disgusting. But then it's what I expect from people like you.

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