Media Access Should Be Limited Because They Are Potential Saboteurs


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The media is in the tank for Democrats. The Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplice in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Trump’s media feud enters new era

During the Obama Administration, anyone who criticized him was branded a racist. Now, anyone who criticizes Trump is awarded and held up as glowing examples on how to act.........

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Media Access Should Be Limited Because They Are Potential Saboteurs

Worthy point --- so you think Nosebook access should be cut off to Macedonia? Or just that one town?
Media Access Should Be Limited Because They Are Potential Saboteurs

Worthy point --- so you think Nosebook access should be cut off to Macedonia? Or just that one town?
Haven't a clue what you're babbling about.

Bet you think I'm stoopid now.

Well what else is new.....Fucking snob.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.

Problem is, I actually KNOW how mass media works, which is exactly why I don't have television access. And once again, since this flew blithely over your head the first time, *NOBODY* makes money on taking a political position. They make it on fear and loathing and scandal and fires and earthquakes and Cheeto-faced bigots talking about their dick on a national debate stage. And that CFB would not exist --- literally, nobody would know who the fuck he is --- if not for that same Big Media. It feeds him what he's hooked on as an inveterate Narcissist ---- ATTENTION. He can't live without that, because he's just not man enough. That's been true his entire life, and he himself fully admits it.

So no, there will not be any "restrictions" on media access, even if he does want to trash the First Amendment -- he can't do it. On the contrary there will be Splash, and Big Media will degenerate into an even lower species than any of us ever thought possible. Mark my words.

Again --- speaking of what makes money for commercial media ---- your thread title is far more appropriately applied to Macedonia and its Nosebook grist mill that has fueled sites like this with ridiculous claptrap for the past year.
Been going on a long time...

"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."
-- General William Tecumseh Sherman

The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.

Problem is, I actually KNOW how mass media works, which is exactly why I don't have television access. And once again, since this flew blithely over your head the first time, *NOBODY* makes money on taking a political position. They make it on fear and loathing and scandal and fires and earthquakes and Cheeto-faced bigots talking about their dick on a national debate stage. And that CFB would not exist --- literally, nobody would know who the fuck he is --- if not for that same Big Media. It feeds him what he's hooked on as an inveterate Narcissist ---- ATTENTION. He can't live without that, because he's just not man enough. That's been true his entire life, and he himself fully admits it.

So no, there will not be any "restrictions" on media access, even if he does want to trash the First Amendment -- he can't do it. On the contrary there will be Splash, and Big Media will degenerate into an even lower species than any of us ever thought possible. Mark my words.

Again --- speaking of what makes money for commercial media ---- your thread title is far more appropriately applied to Macedonia and its Nosebook grist mill that has fueled sites like this with ridiculous claptrap for the past year.
I understand your cynicism. You can only imagine the worst of Trump while I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This must come from the brainwashing you got in school.
And when it comes to the press, they figure as long as they can keep Democrats in power, they will be taken care of. The trick is making sure that no alternative news sees the light of day, thus the constant claims of "Fake News" being circulated everywhere.

The media is in the tank for Democrats. The Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplice in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Trump’s media feud enters new era

During the Obama Administration, anyone who criticized him was branded a racist. Now, anyone who criticizes Trump is awarded and held up as glowing examples on how to act.........


That Voltaire quote is spot on.
Been going on a long time...

"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."
-- General William Tecumseh Sherman

The incentive to get the scoop causes some of them to make shit up.

The media is in the tank for Democrats. The Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplice in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Trump’s media feud enters new era

During the Obama Administration, anyone who criticized him was branded a racist. Now, anyone who criticizes Trump is awarded and held up as glowing examples on how to act.........


We're entering a dangerous age in which highly respected and trained journalist are being pushed aside because of a deranged confirmation bias. Any story the contradicts the far-right or alt-rights view is dismissed as "media lie" -- they are like children who scream foul when they don't get their way.

The converge of Trump was overly fair. If you don't see that it's because of your sense of shame having supported a deplorable and unqualified man.

I'm betting most of Trump major policy failures and horrendous decisions will be blames on the Media and Obama.

The rest of the country and the world will just have to shake their head and hope for better days.

When people in Ohio and Penn wake up four years from now without a new factory or job, they will stop blaming the Muslim or Mexican for their plight.

The media is in the tank for Democrats. The Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplice in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Trump’s media feud enters new era

During the Obama Administration, anyone who criticized him was branded a racist. Now, anyone who criticizes Trump is awarded and held up as glowing examples on how to act.........

Shutting off the voice of descent would serve Trump well, in fact, it may be crucial to to his success.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.

Problem is, I actually KNOW how mass media works, which is exactly why I don't have television access. And once again, since this flew blithely over your head the first time, *NOBODY* makes money on taking a political position. They make it on fear and loathing and scandal and fires and earthquakes and Cheeto-faced bigots talking about their dick on a national debate stage. And that CFB would not exist --- literally, nobody would know who the fuck he is --- if not for that same Big Media. It feeds him what he's hooked on as an inveterate Narcissist ---- ATTENTION. He can't live without that, because he's just not man enough. That's been true his entire life, and he himself fully admits it.

So no, there will not be any "restrictions" on media access, even if he does want to trash the First Amendment -- he can't do it. On the contrary there will be Splash, and Big Media will degenerate into an even lower species than any of us ever thought possible. Mark my words.

Again --- speaking of what makes money for commercial media ---- your thread title is far more appropriately applied to that has fueled sites like this with ridiculous claptrap for the past year.
Oh.....I'm fully aware how media gets it's money. You're not the only person to study marketing.
And Nosebooks.......Griss Mills......and Macedonia.......what's the relation outside of something you learned from some egghead professor?

The media is in the tank for Democrats. The Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplice in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Trump’s media feud enters new era

During the Obama Administration, anyone who criticized him was branded a racist. Now, anyone who criticizes Trump is awarded and held up as glowing examples on how to act.........

Shutting off the voice of descent would serve Trump well, in fact, it may be crucial to to his success.
Funny how you think Obama hasn't been doing that since before he was sworn in 8 years ago.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
None is so blind as he who will not see.
Trump doesn't need the press to get out his message - he can speak directly to the country via the interwebs. That's the big reason why the MSM are in a tizzy...he's disintermediated their business model.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.

Problem is, I actually KNOW how mass media works, which is exactly why I don't have television access. And once again, since this flew blithely over your head the first time, *NOBODY* makes money on taking a political position. They make it on fear and loathing and scandal and fires and earthquakes and Cheeto-faced bigots talking about their dick on a national debate stage. And that CFB would not exist --- literally, nobody would know who the fuck he is --- if not for that same Big Media. It feeds him what he's hooked on as an inveterate Narcissist ---- ATTENTION. He can't live without that, because he's just not man enough. That's been true his entire life, and he himself fully admits it.

So no, there will not be any "restrictions" on media access, even if he does want to trash the First Amendment -- he can't do it. On the contrary there will be Splash, and Big Media will degenerate into an even lower species than any of us ever thought possible. Mark my words.

Again --- speaking of what makes money for commercial media ---- your thread title is far more appropriately applied to Macedonia and its Nosebook grist mill that has fueled sites like this with ridiculous claptrap for the past year.
I understand your cynicism. You can only imagine the worst of Trump while I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This must come from the brainwashing you got in school.
And when it comes to the press, they figure as long as they can keep Democrats in power, they will be taken care of. The trick is making sure that no alternative news sees the light of day, thus the constant claims of "Fake News" being circulated everywhere.

So now you're admitting you DO know about Macedonia.

Whatever's convenient in the moment I guess.
Or perhaps you actually believe that three million Amish rallied to vote for Rump, while some Macedonian kids laugh their asses off all the way to the bank.

The only Rumpian "restrictions" on media will be that they will have to wait three hours or however long it takes to put that ridiculous orange face makeup on :gay: to get to the orange-face time that benefits them BOTH.
The media is in the tank for Democrats and the Democrats are a threat to progress in the Trump Administration and even a threat to national security.

Horseshit yesterday-- horseshit today --- horseshit tomorrow.
This just in a thousand years ago --- NOBODY makes their money from pushing a certain ideology, and Commercial Media is all about Commercial, which means making money.

Now if Media were run by the government, like a Pravda, THEN you'd have media pushing an ideology --- and there's no money in that. It would be completely subsidized by the government. Which is, obviously, not what we have here.

Commercial media trafficks in what sells. And ironically one of the things that sells is paranoia. So you're buying right into it with this juvenile "us and them/there all out to get me" crapola.

Democrats are angry they lost the White House. Their primary accomplices in the election was the media. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to report the news honestly. In recent days Trump has been blocking their access because he knows they are in cahoots with those would torpedo his efforts, thus, the media must be kept totally out of the loop. Some will say this is wrong. I don't because they are a very serious threat to national security.

Oh no I doubt Rump will ever want media access "blocked". He doesn't even EXIST without The Media. He's completely dependent on it for that which is has always been his prime directive --- self-absorbed narcissistic ATTENTION. He knows it and they know it. Matter of fact it could be *everybody* knows it except you.
Trump used the media to get elected. Now he doesn't need them or want them sticking their corrupt noses into his business.
And it's clear that if the media wanted to get rich they never would have backed the Democrats. They would have sided with the GOP, who supposedly are all just a bunch of fat cats.

Problems is, you've been suckered into believing that Democrats aren't all a bunch of greedy assholes that always leave Washington richer than when they came. Especially Democrat Presidents.

Problem is, I actually KNOW how mass media works, which is exactly why I don't have television access. And once again, since this flew blithely over your head the first time, *NOBODY* makes money on taking a political position. They make it on fear and loathing and scandal and fires and earthquakes and Cheeto-faced bigots talking about their dick on a national debate stage. And that CFB would not exist --- literally, nobody would know who the fuck he is --- if not for that same Big Media. It feeds him what he's hooked on as an inveterate Narcissist ---- ATTENTION. He can't live without that, because he's just not man enough. That's been true his entire life, and he himself fully admits it.

So no, there will not be any "restrictions" on media access, even if he does want to trash the First Amendment -- he can't do it. On the contrary there will be Splash, and Big Media will degenerate into an even lower species than any of us ever thought possible. Mark my words.

Again --- speaking of what makes money for commercial media ---- your thread title is far more appropriately applied to Macedonia and its Nosebook grist mill that has fueled sites like this with ridiculous claptrap for the past year.
I understand your cynicism. You can only imagine the worst of Trump while I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This must come from the brainwashing you got in school.
And when it comes to the press, they figure as long as they can keep Democrats in power, they will be taken care of. The trick is making sure that no alternative news sees the light of day, thus the constant claims of "Fake News" being circulated everywhere.

So now you're admitting you DO know about Macedonia.

Whatever's convenient in the moment I guess.
Or perhaps you actually believe that three million Amish rallied to vote for Rump, while some Macedonian kids laugh their asses off all the way to the bank.
When I read your media fed nonsense I hear the theme from the twilight zone.

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