Media already changing dial on Covid language.

A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

The thing to do is start administering the vaccine as rapidly as possible. It is supposed to be available around Jan 1. They can easily get all the at-risk population vaccinated in a couple of weeks. I know you goose stepping Dims love shutdowns, but people have to eat and pay the rent.
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

The thing to do is start administering the vaccine as rapidly as possible. It is supposed to be available around Jan 1. They can easily get all the at-risk population vaccinated in a couple of weeks. I know you goose stepping Dims love shutdowns, but people have to eat and pay the rent.

How great did trump make America when people can’t get by 2 weeks when the government sends them $1200?

3000 Americans died this week. Could save 6000 lives if we did what I’m suggesting.

And I wouldn’t get any stimulus. I have a job. I would Continue to work and/or use up vacation time.
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Actually, that is NOT true. Auburn, my alma mater has limited attendance to 20%. That is nowhere near your 20-30K fan figure. at Auburn it is about 17,500. I meant to say in general in the SEC it has been 20-25%. Vandy is the only major exception to my knowledge.
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

The thing to do is start administering the vaccine as rapidly as possible. It is supposed to be available around Jan 1. They can easily get all the at-risk population vaccinated in a couple of weeks. I know you goose stepping Dims love shutdowns, but people have to eat and pay the rent.

I would do my thing late January then your thing January 1st.

Schools already shut down for Xmas don’t they? Many Americans take the holidays off. Wouldn’t be so bad.
How great did trump make America when people can’t get by 2 weeks when the government sends them $1200?

Wanna bet who the majority of the folks in this situation vote for? Trump can't fix all the porch sitters problems. Democrats can't either even though they falsely believe they can by taking it from others.
Except he is now reporting that he will enforce a 4 to 6 week mandatory lockdown.

That should wipe out small business.

Not if Mitch plays ball and sits down to negotiate a virus relief package...something that should have been done months ago.
How much bullshitnpork will it be stuffed with?
That was the hold up in the last relief bill. Just like the first one was stuffed with more pork that relief.
Not if Mitch plays ball and sits down to negotiate a virus relief package...something that should have been done months ago.
Sure, just stuff hand fulls of cash in Nan Pelosi's basket and give her whatever she wants.
That's not a negotiation. It's a capitulation.

Nope. Mitch wants his "targeted" relief package. When he says targeted, he means to the big businesses and corporations that line the pockets of his party.
More dishonesty.
If you are going to throw around the “big business and corporations” bullshit, perhaps you should look at what party gets majority of donations from those groups.
It’s democrats.
Maybe it’s time for a new line of bullshit
It's a novel virus Taz, we're all learning as we go.

Fauci's message has been consistent w/the science at the time.

Grow up dude.
Consistently inconsistent, you mean.
You can't look at the list of Fauci contradicting himself and claim he's consistent with the science
unless you want to admit the science on this is not settled.
he is a troll... pay little attention to him
He is no where near to being a troll. If you don’t know a thoughtful liberal then maybe you shouldnt be here because you’re not open minded enough. Does what he posts bother you?

I think to be allowed to vote you should have to prove you can see both sides of a story.
How great did trump make America when people can’t get by 2 weeks when the government sends them $1200?

Wanna bet who the majority of the folks in this situation vote for? Trump can't fix all the porch sitters problems. Democrats can't either even though they falsely believe they can by taking it from others.
A lot more white benefit than blacks.

If you are working don’t worry about it. You don’t need a check. If you aren’t working and need the check maybe you’re the porch monkey.

You can even put trumps nam on the checks. Won’t buy him enough votes though
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

No thanks.
A lot more white benefit than blacks.

If you are working don’t worry about it. You don’t need a check. If you aren’t working and need the check maybe you’re the porch monkey.

You can even put trumps nam on the checks. Won’t buy him enough votes though

For starters, I didn't mention race. Why would you assume that I meant that black people were porch sitters? Hmmm..

But since you brought race up, there are quite a bit more white people than black people so it stands to reason there are more white porch sitters. As a percentage, however, it isn't close. BTW, black or white, the porch sitters vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. You know, the party of the "free" stuff and the party that wants to redistribute money from us working folks to the porch sitters.

I am the "rich" according to Democrats. I didn't and wont get any stimulus checks. I do however help to pay for the stimulus checks.

Democrats are the ones that buy votes. The "free" talk is all about buying votes. Actual working people who fall for it are just lemmings.
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

No thanks.

You can’t afford it?
A month ago CNN... MSNBC was throwing the word "lock downs" around and of course constantly alluding to Trump refusing to do so and bring ion a panel to discuss that fact. We all seen these.
Take a look at this video below... when Fauci was asked about a lock down, and he said NO we shouldn't do that... she doesn't blink, doesn't question him... doesn't allude to anything.
She asks him about vaccine timing, all of the media pushed when when when... not soon enough while at the same time questioning the safety of it... he gave her an answer saying it may not be till NEXT JUNE before it is publicly available... and what does she do?... nothing. Not a word. If Trump won you can bet your ass she would be talking about Trump delaying somehow... bringing in a panel and talk about something Trump said... he is failing... etc. etc.

They wasted no time whatssoever tuning the outrage volume down to mute.

Please don’t forget trump is still in charge. 3000 Americans a week are dying from this. Is he still downplaying it? Is he still mocking people who wear masks? Is he still having rallies and super spreading?

it takes two weeks for signs to show up. Two weeks ago trump was hosting rallies.

Everyone is not a namby-pamby wuss like you lefties. College football has had many fans in most stadiums this years. The only ones with no fans are those in lefty areas. The SEC has had 25% at their games which equates to 20-30k fans at most stadiums. These folks get close together at various points.

Yes this is where the spikes are happening.

The only thing to do is shut everything down Dec 15 to Jan 3rd. Paid holidays for everyone working. Only unemployed people get the next stimulus check. Use you holiday pay.

Only essential work or work from home. No schools. No hockey games. No thanksgivings or Xmas parties with people outside your home. No airplane trips.

2 week vacation

No thanks.

You can’t afford it?

Lol. No thanks to lockdown. Your derivations are laughable.

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