Media attacks ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “Qanon propaganda”

Stop regurgitating QAnon propaganda and people will think you are credible.

What exactly is the “propaganda”?

I guess brown kids being trafficked isn’t a concern for “progressives”.
Cool I hope you enjoy the film
I don’t know if I would say I “enjoyed” it.
It‘s a very dark subject that it seems no one wants to talk about. But if it isn’t talked about, nothing is done to fix it. Most people would rather bury their heads in the sand than to address it and do something about it.
Other people, apparently, would rather do everything they can to discredit those exposing this evil. To attack them, mock them, and accuse them of lying. I wonder why?
The closest I have found, in searching this today, is that someone labeled it “Qanon adjacent.”

Beyond that, I can’t find any real or imagined connection between the movie and Qanon. I can’t even find the thing I read (I think yesterday) about some Qanon production funding.

Seems like total bullshit.
It has nothing to do with “Qanon”. The movie was made five years ago.

That is simply a tactic leftie retards do to protect their political interests, throw out slanders to get everyone to disregard it.
I don’t know if I would say I “enjoyed” it.
It‘s a very dark subject that it seems no one wants to talk about. But if it isn’t talked about, nothing is done to fix it. Most people would rather bury their heads in the sand than to address it and do something about it.
Other people, apparently, would rather do everything they can to discredit those exposing this evil. To attack them, mock them, and accuse them of lying. I wonder why?
I've learned over years that everything the right does is done in bad faith. If the right finally did something in good faith, then I'm glad.
I don’t know if I would say I “enjoyed” it.
It‘s a very dark subject that it seems no one wants to talk about. But if it isn’t talked about, nothing is done to fix it. Most people would rather bury their heads in the sand than to address it and do something about it.
Other people, apparently, would rather do everything they can to discredit those exposing this evil. To attack them, mock them, and accuse them of lying. I wonder why?
I definitely support your newfound concern for brown illegal immigrants.
Mudwhislte: I've never heard of QAnon

Also Mudwhislte: Parrots all retarded QAnon conspiracy theories
I never visit QAnon.
Never even bothered to look it up.
Wouldn't want to either.

Thanks for alerting everyone to who you are, bitch.
I have stated consistently the all pediphiles [sic], including those gay priests should be hanged in the public square.
But you don’t even express outrage about what the movie spotlighted. Makes you feel all hip and shit. Right?

It is disturbing that there are so many who are much more upset and offended that a movie dares to expose organized trafficking and sexual abuse of children, than they are about that actual abuse itself. Given how fucked up much of society has become, it's not very surprising to see this, but still, it is very disturbing.
It is disturbing that there are so many who are much more upset and offended that a movie dares to expose organized trafficking and sexual abuse of children, than they are about that actual abuse itself. Given how fucked up much of society has become, it's not very surprising to see this, but still, it is very disturbing.
Who is the many? I saw Rolling Stone. Someone cares about Rolling Stone now?

The movie may suck. The movie may be great. Calm down. If you just discovered human trafficking where have you been?
Why is this not surprising?
The Sound of Freedom is a movie based on a true story of a Dept of Homeland agent who left his job to help rescue a couple of South American children from sex traffickers.

Why would the leftwing media attack such a story?

Rolling Stone magazine went full retard in attacking the movie, and it has backfired spectacularly….

CNN loses its mind over film that exposes kid traffickers:

Salty’s take!

i saw clips from cnn and msnbc of dems attacking the movie ... why woukld they go out of there way to attack a movie based on a true story ? the film supposedly isnt political so why would the left attack it like theyve been doing the past couple of days ?
i saw clips from cnn and msnbc of dems attacking the movie ... why woukld they go out of there way to attack a movie based on a true story ? the film supposedly isnt political so why would the left attack it like theyve been doing the past couple of days ?
It doesn’t support their Agenda, of unquestioned open borders.

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