Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Thomas Price, M.D. & C.L. Gray, M.D
The media is churning out countless alarmist stories each day about the threat of COVID-19 and the dangers of societal reopening. "Risk of new lockdown rises with fear of second COVID-19 wave," writes Reuters, as one example of the genre.
These stories generally incite, rather than inform. They cherry-pick facts and lack context. Only when the COVID picture is viewed in perspective are people able to make wise decisions about their actions. It should be safe for society to continue broadly reopening while directing resources to specific at-risk populations, such as nursing homes and prisons, which are more vulnerable.
This rise and fall in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths is precisely what one expects with a new infectious disease as we learn more and adjust. It’s part of "the dance" that we all knew was coming after the curve was flattened. It shouldn't be used to justify pausing societal reopening, so long as appropriate precautions are encouraged and taken.
Reopening remains a success, with the positive case rate flattened, hospitalizations falling in most of the country, and deaths significantly reduced. That's the positive story that the media should tell. Even if it won't get as many clicks.

A second wave followed by a second shutdown of the economy is Biden's and the Lame Stream media's wet dream.
Yes, the LSM is praying to their Marxist God's for a another wave, or any other catastrophe to befall this country, anything that could make Pres Trump look bad and give an advantage to the media's coconspirators, the Dems, come November. How sick is that.
Indeed, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat baby killers have suddenly become pro-life for old folks with 2 comorbidities who are like one foot in the grave and other on a banana peel. They have zero problem with millions of babies aborted before taking their first breath.
"'Fear is the Key", it is the product pushed by the biased MSM doomsday marketeers. The Liberal MSM's scramble to outdo each other as the new Pravda indicates that Liberals have carefully determined that we are all a bunch of useful idiots, too lazy to think critically, just ready and willing to have them bridle and pump our minds with their "steroid of fear" aka news.
Two weeks of protests nadda, trump rally omg. You gotta laugh. Need evidence now.

The majority of people attending protests (almost all as a matter of fact) were wearing masks. The majority of people attending Trump's pep rally (almost all I would bet) will not be wearing masks. There's your evidence. :)
about half of the rioting mob didnt have masks ....... and how do you know how many will be not be wearing one in an event that hasnt happened ...

Don't know what pictures of protests you were looking at but I saw mostly masks. And as far as the pep rally tonight? How can I guess even though it hasn't happened? Oh, because their dear leader doesn't wear a mask and anyone who enters that building with a mask on is likely to be shamed. Just playing the odds. But we can revisit tomorrow morning. :)
The majority of people attending protests (almost all as a matter of fact) were wearing masks. The majority of people attending Trump's pep rally (almost all I would bet) will not be wearing masks. There's your evidence. :)

But it only takes a few. Masks are being handed out at the rally. Y'all need to stop all the crying.yalls shit is old already
Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Thomas Price, M.D. & C.L. Gray, M.D
The media is churning out countless alarmist stories each day about the threat of COVID-19 and the dangers of societal reopening. "Risk of new lockdown rises with fear of second COVID-19 wave," writes Reuters, as one example of the genre.
These stories generally incite, rather than inform. They cherry-pick facts and lack context. Only when the COVID picture is viewed in perspective are people able to make wise decisions about their actions. It should be safe for society to continue broadly reopening while directing resources to specific at-risk populations, such as nursing homes and prisons, which are more vulnerable.
This rise and fall in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths is precisely what one expects with a new infectious disease as we learn more and adjust. It’s part of "the dance" that we all knew was coming after the curve was flattened. It shouldn't be used to justify pausing societal reopening, so long as appropriate precautions are encouraged and taken.
Reopening remains a success, with the positive case rate flattened, hospitalizations falling in most of the country, and deaths significantly reduced. That's the positive story that the media should tell. Even if it won't get as many clicks.

A second wave followed by a second shutdown of the economy is Biden's and the Lame Stream media's wet dream.
Yes, the LSM is praying to their Marxist God's for a another wave, or any other catastrophe to befall this country, anything that could make Pres Trump look bad and give an advantage to the media's coconspirators, the Dems, come November. How sick is that.
Indeed, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat baby killers have suddenly become pro-life for old folks with 2 comorbidities who are like one foot in the grave and other on a banana peel. They have zero problem with millions of babies aborted before taking their first breath.
"'Fear is the Key", it is the product pushed by the biased MSM doomsday marketeers. The Liberal MSM's scramble to outdo each other as the new Pravda indicates that Liberals have carefully determined that we are all a bunch of useful idiots, too lazy to think critically, just ready and willing to have them bridle and pump our minds with their "steroid of fear" aka news.
It's possible Obama paid for multiple strains of Covid.
Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Thomas Price, M.D. & C.L. Gray, M.D
The media is churning out countless alarmist stories each day about the threat of COVID-19 and the dangers of societal reopening. "Risk of new lockdown rises with fear of second COVID-19 wave," writes Reuters, as one example of the genre.
These stories generally incite, rather than inform. They cherry-pick facts and lack context. Only when the COVID picture is viewed in perspective are people able to make wise decisions about their actions. It should be safe for society to continue broadly reopening while directing resources to specific at-risk populations, such as nursing homes and prisons, which are more vulnerable.
This rise and fall in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths is precisely what one expects with a new infectious disease as we learn more and adjust. It’s part of "the dance" that we all knew was coming after the curve was flattened. It shouldn't be used to justify pausing societal reopening, so long as appropriate precautions are encouraged and taken.
Reopening remains a success, with the positive case rate flattened, hospitalizations falling in most of the country, and deaths significantly reduced. That's the positive story that the media should tell. Even if it won't get as many clicks.

A second wave followed by a second shutdown of the economy is Biden's and the Lame Stream media's wet dream.
Yes, the LSM is praying to their Marxist God's for a another wave, or any other catastrophe to befall this country, anything that could make Pres Trump look bad and give an advantage to the media's coconspirators, the Dems, come November. How sick is that.
Indeed, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat baby killers have suddenly become pro-life for old folks with 2 comorbidities who are like one foot in the grave and other on a banana peel. They have zero problem with millions of babies aborted before taking their first breath.
"'Fear is the Key", it is the product pushed by the biased MSM doomsday marketeers. The Liberal MSM's scramble to outdo each other as the new Pravda indicates that Liberals have carefully determined that we are all a bunch of useful idiots, too lazy to think critically, just ready and willing to have them bridle and pump our minds with their "steroid of fear" aka news.

Lefties and the media are the mortal enemy of the West. death in DC in the month of July. And the Covid obsessed progressives still referring to the original pandemic ( hold my beer ).

The deep matrix dwellers cant be helped. The good news is, over 100 million Americans wont be rolling up their sleeves.........ever.

Come fall, the fun is going to ramp up to hysterical levels. People arent prepared for this...... death in DC in the month of July. And the Covid obsessed progressives still referring to the original pandemic ( hold my beer ).

The deep matrix dwellers cant be helped. The good news is, over 100 million Americans wont be rolling up their sleeves.........ever.

Come fall, the fun is going to ramp up to hysterical levels. People arent prepared for this......

Actually the Quisling Media has been rooting for the 'Third Wave" of Covid-19 since Joey Xi Bai Dung has been spreading throughout the U.S., the one million illegal aliens festering with the Covid-19 virus and it's latest mutations the Delta and Lambda variants.
It's like they need the virus to be the black plague as desperately as they needed Trump to be a Russian spy.

Hah!!, that's here too... More than likely it's come up from South of the border with the illegal aliens.
Isn't it the fourth wave? God keeps testing us but we keep screwing it up! Maybe we will get it right by the time the Zeta variant comes out.
Media Begging for a 'Second Wave'

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Thomas Price, M.D. & C.L. Gray, M.D
The media is churning out countless alarmist stories each day about the threat of COVID-19 and the dangers of societal reopening. "Risk of new lockdown rises with fear of second COVID-19 wave," writes Reuters, as one example of the genre.
These stories generally incite, rather than inform. They cherry-pick facts and lack context. Only when the COVID picture is viewed in perspective are people able to make wise decisions about their actions. It should be safe for society to continue broadly reopening while directing resources to specific at-risk populations, such as nursing homes and prisons, which are more vulnerable.
This rise and fall in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths is precisely what one expects with a new infectious disease as we learn more and adjust. It’s part of "the dance" that we all knew was coming after the curve was flattened. It shouldn't be used to justify pausing societal reopening, so long as appropriate precautions are encouraged and taken.
Reopening remains a success, with the positive case rate flattened, hospitalizations falling in most of the country, and deaths significantly reduced. That's the positive story that the media should tell. Even if it won't get as many clicks.

A second wave followed by a second shutdown of the economy is Biden's and the Lame Stream media's wet dream.
Yes, the LSM is praying to their Marxist God's for a another wave, or any other catastrophe to befall this country, anything that could make Pres Trump look bad and give an advantage to the media's coconspirators, the Dems, come November. How sick is that.
Indeed, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat baby killers have suddenly become pro-life for old folks with 2 comorbidities who are like one foot in the grave and other on a banana peel. They have zero problem with millions of babies aborted before taking their first breath.
"'Fear is the Key", it is the product pushed by the biased MSM doomsday marketeers. The Liberal MSM's scramble to outdo each other as the new Pravda indicates that Liberals have carefully determined that we are all a bunch of useful idiots, too lazy to think critically, just ready and willing to have them bridle and pump our minds with their "steroid of fear" aka news.
You guys need to make up your minds. First you claim the virus was made to make that fuckup Drumpf look bad. Now youre claiming they want the same thing for Biden? Are your confused or just fucking stupid?
They have 200 covid hospitalizations IN THE WHOLE STATE!

They are in such a panic about the Trump rally they don't know what to do with themselves!

It works both ways. There was an anti-vaccine post the other day referencing the current wave of COVID-19 in highly vaccinated Iceland. There they were experiencing the situation of having 2 covid hospitalizations in the whole country.
Tell this to the Right-Wing Christian followers of Trump who do not want to wear masks or get vaccinated. And is spreading this virus
It is as simple as this if they believe in their GOD....Do it for your brother and sisters....
Matt 25; 40..."Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' 41..."Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
45..."Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' 46..."Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

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