Media Bias: John Stossel... The Incredible Smear Machine Aimed At Team Trump


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Oh, no! I did it again.

It was a foolish mistake. But I slipped.

I read The New York Times.

This is bad for my health, because I get so mad at the smug socialist spin, but how can I not read it? It's my hometown paper. My wife wakes me up with indignant questions like, "How can you say government is too big? The Times says ... "

Aargh! Nearly every day brings a new Times outrage.

Saturday, a front-page story smeared Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder.

The story begins, "Decades before President Trump nominated him ... Puzder went to battle with federal labor regulators ... "

Wait a second. "Decades before"? They went back decades to criticize him? Actually, three decades -- to 1983, when as a young lawyer, Puzder represented a client whom the Labor Department accused of squandering union money.

The Times went on to say: "He has repeatedly argued that economic regulations stifle economic growth."

Puzder "argued" that? Regulations obviously stifle growth...

John Stossel: The incredible smear machine aimed at Team Trump
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
IOW, they continue to manifest a deeply negative image of our administration without facts and the result is a mental condition. Seek help, Libs.
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High deficits, burdensome regulation, Congressional gridlock and a divided nation. That is an impossible situation.

Me as president: Here, hold my beer.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.

As to the bolded section, Hillary did the same and Democrats are continuing to do just that. So, something you find repugnant is made acceptable because Donny did it first or more? That seems to be the logic in play.

The Senate has a rule against questioning the integrity of fellow members. Warren violated that with Sessions and was called on it. Now Democrats are up in arms about it.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.

As to the bolded section, Hillary did the same and Democrats are continuing to do just that. So, something you find repugnant is made acceptable because Donny did it first or more? That seems to be the logic in play.

The Senate has a rule against questioning the integrity of fellow members. Warren violated that with Sessions and was called on it. Now Democrats are up in arms about it.
Did you read the second paragraph of my statement when I said: Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake.
Given that statement why would you draw the conclusion that i've "Made it acceptable"??
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.

Good points. Thanks.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
So things people have said and positions they have taken shouldn't be questioned?
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit and calls me stupid... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
I think what's going on is nothing but negative spin on anything, including issues that benefit the left.

Example: "People have a distorted view of the world when they are in a negative state of mind. It becomes a cycle where negative thoughts reinforce negative emotions, which in turn produces negative actions.If the cycle is not broken, and left to run uninterrupted, it inevitably has a detrimental physical and mental effect on the person experiencing the spin. In addition, if these cycles spin often enough, they can lead to clinical depression and anxiety."

How to Stop the Negative Spin of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Liberals claim they blame Trump for a lack of sexual desire or weight-loss.

The left simply has a negative attitude about everything in Washington because they were told they would win and that Trump was a racist nutcase......none of which is true. The only way they can feel good about themselves is by listening to the outlandish statements being made by the press and Dimocraps. What they are doing is making their supporters feel better but at the same time they are infuriating voters that voted for a government that gets things done and I think it will backfire on them bigtime.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
Says the guy as he posts his second ad hominem towards me... #hypothetic
I understand and agree with what you are saying, however, I hope you can recognize the irony. Trumps campaign was centered around demonizing his opponents, in one of the most dirty and negative campaigns I have ever witnessed. He painted a picture of America which was highly over dramatized, taking problems and turning them into apocalyptic situations that we are all living in. He was very effective at doing this, it tapped into peoples frustrations and made them feel validated and supported. The problem is with the many half truths, lies, and manipulations that surrounded much of the rhetoric. When somebody lashes out against our leaders, our media, and their political opponents in the way Trump did it calls for a harsh backlash and reaction, so in a way he brought much of the chaos onto himself.

Im not excusing what the democrats are now doing to oppose Trump, I've spoken out against it and think they are making a mistake. Just as I shamed the Republicans for what they did in opposition to Obama. I'd like to see our congress learn how to work with each other in a respectful and productive way. My fear is that Trump lead the charge with the dirty play and the dems are now joining the mud fight. The people with integrity and honor are being drowned out and I see no end in sight. Trump as our leader has a chance to change the tone but I don't think he has the temperament to do so. Its gonna be a long 4 years.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
Show me where I said anything about mudwhistle in this thread that you so rudely interrupted and threw off track.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
Says the guy as he posts his second ad hominem towards me... #hypothetic
You apparently don't know what "ad hominem" means.
So you're saying that Trump went negative first?

I don't remember that. I remember the media making fun of him, calling his candidacy a joke. The other Republicans took turns trashing him. Trump said nothing that wasn't said before. Political candidates point out the flaws of the previous administration by rule, not by exception. They all do it.

Once he won the nomination Hillary’s media cohorts started in on the violence of Trump's rhetoric and the violence of his followers. They even staged gate crashes at his events. In Chicago they cancelled one of them. It was decided that angry protesters paid by the Hillary campaign it turns out, made holding the event unsafe.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
Show me where I said anything about mudwhistle in this thread that you so rudely interrupted and threw off track.
I was talking about the shit you pulled in the "white privilege" thread.
Really? Out of the gate Trumps main theme was that our leaders are stupid and don't know what they are doing... then he would precede to go down the list of Items ripped into with exaggerated and demeaning detail. It's not a matter of who did it first. Politicians have been doing it forever. There is no doubt, and if people were honest I don't think many would disagree, that Trump has taken political shit talking to a whole new level. Way more negative, way less honest, and an absence of class and respect. This doesn't excuse others to do the same and many on the left are following suit in an embarrassing way. But Trump is now our president and the one with the most power to change the tone. So far he has changed it for the worse, I'm sorry to say I dont have faith that he will do anything to help the situation. It's only going to get worse.
You are so hopelessly stupid that you can't even comprehend your stupidity, much less recognize it.

All Democrats do is talk shit, and that has been their actual governing strategy for literally decades.

Nancy Pelosi alone has talked more shit in the past 8 years than Trump has in his entire life, and she is actually one of the more mild mannered Democrats in the federal government right now.
"All Democrats do is talk shit" says the guy as he talks shit about me... I'm going to make up a new word for you, its a combination of hypocritical and pathetic, i'll call you hypothetic.
You are the stupid fuck who does nothing but use ad hominem.
Says the guy as he posts his second ad hominem towards me... #hypothetic
You apparently don't know what "ad hominem" means.
Ad hominem is when you direct an argument towards the person you are debating rather than their position. And why are you bringing up a different thread here? #hypothetic

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