Media Blackout Exposed: Public Schools Talk Children Into Becoming Gay (Shocking Pics

Resistance is futile...
We will all be assimilated...
We will serve the Gay!
You don't "become" gay. You either are or you aren't.
OMG...high school kids march in a gay pride parade...The world is coming to an end!!!

ROFL..."shocking pics" LOL...did you even look through the site you posted???
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Why are they 'talking' children into becoming gay when they can just offer them a gay doobie?

New Deadly Strain of Marijuana Turning Users Gay

John Winger from Denver told reporters about his experience using the drug. “Right after I injected the pot I knew something was wrong,” Winger said. “My male friend, who I don’t even really like, we were so high from this stuff, we started making out and giving each other HJ’s. I used to like girls, seriously. I wish I would have never done drugs.”
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OMG...high school kids march in a gay pride parade...The world is coming to an end!!!

ROFL..."shocking pics" LOL...did you even look through the site you posted???

Yes I did. I know to the leftwingers indoctrination of small children is as normal as exposing them to homosexuals genitals at a parade that should have never happened and children certainly should not have been at.
OMG...high school kids march in a gay pride parade...The world is coming to an end!!!

ROFL..."shocking pics" LOL...did you even look through the site you posted???

what a twit....this nauseating and destructive activism does not belong in the schools...

This harms kids very badly

This is hurting children (and their families) in many terrible ways. Children who are introduced to sexual topics at a young age — during their “latency period” — can easily be psychologically traumatized by that throughout their lives. Prematurely sexualized children sometimes commit horrible sexual crimes on other, younger children. Pregnancies, diseases, and various self-destructive behaviors have become a problem in society when kids are introduced to this information.

The so-called “coming out” process — persuading a child to internalize that he is “born” homosexual or transgender and cannot change, then publicly declare it — causes even more trauma in vulnerable kids.

The breaking down of religion and moral values by schools and school officials, whom kids look to as authority figures, causes additional problems with youth struggling to develop their sense of right and wrong. And it can cause terrible conflicts with parents who are trying to raise their children with traditional or religious values.
orion you are a nasty troll

a gay straight alliance is not getting children to become gay

There are a lot of these news parody websites about now.
Are re education camps in our future?
I will fight it with all the fiber in my being.
But after years of IRS harrassment..... Good luck to us all.

Oh the humanity.... :D
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orion you are a nasty troll

a gay straight alliance is not getting children to become gay


since there is no proof that one is 'born gay'......many children can become as confused as older gays are and follow examples that are not good for them...

this idiocy needs to be kicked out of the public school system once and for all.....
Maybe I should delete all my Ricky Martin songs off my hard drive...

Or just rename the file... heh heh hhe
OMG...high school kids march in a gay pride parade...The world is coming to an end!!!

ROFL..."shocking pics" LOL...did you even look through the site you posted???

Yes I did. I know to the leftwingers indoctrination of small children is as normal as exposing them to homosexuals genitals at a parade that should have never happened and children certainly should not have been at.

"Indoctrination" There isn't any indoctrination. The kids that are gay were gay before they even heard of this stuff. There weren't any genitals shown in that site you posted, btw.

I just love this:

* Move to deny children access to needed therapy. There is an outrageous bill in the Massachusetts State House (House Bill 154, and there are similar bills in other states) to ban children from receiving professional counseling to deal with unwanted homosexual issues — but would allow counseling for children to affirm homosexual feelings they might have! This would have terrible consequences for children and adolescents who desperately need this kind of help.

This awful evil site tries to make the "cure the gay" camps sound like a good thing, the ones that are becoming illegal in a lot of states. And then they make it sound like the kids receiving therapy that tells them "you're okay how you are" is a horrible, bad thing. UGH, stupidity knows no bounds.
OMG...high school kids march in a gay pride parade...The world is coming to an end!!!

ROFL..."shocking pics" LOL...did you even look through the site you posted???

Yes I did. I know to the leftwingers indoctrination of small children is as normal as exposing them to homosexuals genitals at a parade that should have never happened and children certainly should not have been at.

"Indoctrination" There isn't any indoctrination. The kids that are gay were gay before they even heard of this stuff. There weren't any genitals shown in that site you posted, btw.

I just love this:

* Move to deny children access to needed therapy. There is an outrageous bill in the Massachusetts State House (House Bill 154, and there are similar bills in other states) to ban children from receiving professional counseling to deal with unwanted homosexual issues — but would allow counseling for children to affirm homosexual feelings they might have! This would have terrible consequences for children and adolescents who desperately need this kind of help.

This awful evil site tries to make the "cure the gay" camps sound like a good thing, the ones that are becoming illegal in a lot of states. And then they make it sound like the kids receiving therapy that tells them "you're okay how you are" is a horrible, bad thing. UGH, stupidity knows no bounds.

Actually MANY ex homosexuals have been cured and when one came out and admitted he had married a woman you homosexual deviant haters attacked him for it. How tolerant of you. Yes there is MUCH indoctrination going on...I am very glad I stay on top of my kids education every single day and the teacher is a great teacher and we have good communication. Course down here in the conservative south I doubt I need to worry much about this filth being taught in their schools.
Yes I did. I know to the leftwingers indoctrination of small children is as normal as exposing them to homosexuals genitals at a parade that should have never happened and children certainly should not have been at.

"Indoctrination" There isn't any indoctrination. The kids that are gay were gay before they even heard of this stuff. There weren't any genitals shown in that site you posted, btw.

I just love this:

* Move to deny children access to needed therapy. There is an outrageous bill in the Massachusetts State House (House Bill 154, and there are similar bills in other states) to ban children from receiving professional counseling to deal with unwanted homosexual issues — but would allow counseling for children to affirm homosexual feelings they might have! This would have terrible consequences for children and adolescents who desperately need this kind of help.

This awful evil site tries to make the "cure the gay" camps sound like a good thing, the ones that are becoming illegal in a lot of states. And then they make it sound like the kids receiving therapy that tells them "you're okay how you are" is a horrible, bad thing. UGH, stupidity knows no bounds.

Actually MANY ex homosexuals have been cured and when one came out and admitted he had married a woman you homosexual deviant haters attacked him for it. How tolerant of you. Yes there is MUCH indoctrination going on...I am very glad I stay on top of my kids education every single day and the teacher is a great teacher and we have good communication. Course down here in the conservative south I doubt I need to worry much about this filth being taught in their schools.

All the "cure the gay" camps do is put huge amounts of social pressure on people to make them think the only way they can be a decent human being is oppress any honest feelings you have inside. There are plenty of youtube videos of so called "ex gays" saying what a crock of **** those camps are. What's really horrible is they do that awful crap to teenagers who are struggling with all kinds of emotions as it is.
"Indoctrination" There isn't any indoctrination. The kids that are gay were gay before they even heard of this stuff. There weren't any genitals shown in that site you posted, btw.

I just love this:

This awful evil site tries to make the "cure the gay" camps sound like a good thing, the ones that are becoming illegal in a lot of states. And then they make it sound like the kids receiving therapy that tells them "you're okay how you are" is a horrible, bad thing. UGH, stupidity knows no bounds.

Actually MANY ex homosexuals have been cured and when one came out and admitted he had married a woman you homosexual deviant haters attacked him for it. How tolerant of you. Yes there is MUCH indoctrination going on...I am very glad I stay on top of my kids education every single day and the teacher is a great teacher and we have good communication. Course down here in the conservative south I doubt I need to worry much about this filth being taught in their schools.

All the "cure the gay" camps do is put huge amounts of social pressure on people to make them think the only way they can be a decent human being is oppress any honest feelings you have inside. There are plenty of youtube videos of so called "ex gays" saying what a crock of **** those camps are. What's really horrible is they do that awful crap to teenagers who are struggling with all kinds of emotions as it is.

Unless its someone under 18 then no one is forced to go and I doubt those under 18 are forced as well. They know its not normal but a mental illness and should be treated as such. It works and when it does the militant homosexuals attack those that say so.

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