media control


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
All these shootings going on, sure seems like an epidemic.

Imagine if you turned on the news and the media decided to target driving and medical malpractice.
If the media wanted to take cars away(which they will, in the future) several times per day you would see a story about an innocent young person killed by a drunk/weed driver, and how people aren't responsible enough to drive.
Imagine if several times per day you turn on the news and hear the sob story about an innocent person who walked into a doctors office then died later due to medical malpractice

These issues are not the target of the left. They don't like our Constitution.
How is gun control going to stop biological attacks, the government expected 20 years ago?
very true, cars kill way more people...oh wait, morons that drive, not the cars themselves.

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