Media denounces Jan. 6 riots while paying protest organizer who attended them

The Breeze

Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2010
Why am I not surprised?

The protestor organizer, John Earle Sullivan, claims that he and his organization, Insurgence USA, was simply trying to “give unedited raw footage, photos, and news of the insurrection here in America”. Reports showing his actions Jan. 6 indicate this sentiment being taken a step further.

He then pushed past U.S. Capitol Police once inside while telling rioters that “we got to get this s— burned,” and “it’s our house m————.”

There are spies every where....But, does the media subject stupid Trump rioters and insurrectionist to do what they did without their own knowledge of what they are doing?
I read the Accuracy in Media piece.
It, along with the OP, are each disingenuous.

Let's be clear here, Sullivan, a left-leaning 'activist' has been a 'protest gadfly' for any number of protest events --- be they riots, demonstrations, sit-ins, marches, what have you.

He claimed to the police that he was merely an independent 'journalist' when he was filmed inside the Capitol making incendiary remarks and cheerleading on destruction on January 6th.

The police didn't buy his story.....and he was arrested.

But, it WAS Sullivan who used his video camera (smartphone?) to depict the Babbitt woman's shooting. It was simply and only that video footage that media companies paid him for.

NOT....for attending or organizing anything to do with the insurrection. They bought the video that an on-site private-party witness captured. A sale and a purchase. Nothing more sinister than that.

Here's what Politico had to say about Sullivan:

"The defendant, John Sullivan of Utah, has maintained that he attends raucous demonstrations as a journalist, sharing videos through his Insurgence USA website and social media platforms.

However, prosecutors contend that Sullivan is not a mere bystander or chronicler of protests. Instead, they say, he actively encourages violence, telling viewers how to make Molotov cocktails and evade identification by police. He was arrested last month on charges stemming from the Jan. 6 riot, including interfering with police during a civil disorder. Sullivan was later hit with an additional charge: obstruction of Congress.

Sullivan’s politics remain murky. He has described himself as an opponent of Trump and a backer of Black Lives Matter. However, BLM activists in Utah have disowned him, saying he seemed intent on provoking violence at protests. They’ve also noted that Sullivan often seems to work in tandem with his brother, James, who spoke at a right-wing, Proud Boys event.
..the MSM is mostly bullshit and lies--plain and simple

Which "MSM" (main stream media?) does the poster read or watch?
There are thousands of sources now of 'news'....... so the poster is gonna hafta narrow it down a bit in order to make a cogent point.
..the MSM is mostly bullshit and lies--plain and simple

Which "MSM" (main stream media?) does the poster read or watch?
There are thousands of sources now of 'news'....... so the poster is gonna hafta narrow it down a bit in order to make a cogent point.
...all stories about racism/police brutality/white supremacy are bullshit
here's a perfect-RECENT--example--HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
..the MSM is mostly bullshit and lies--plain and simple
Which "MSM" (main stream media?) does the poster read or watch? There are thousands of sources now of 'news'....... so the poster is gonna hafta narrow it down a bit in order to make a cogent point.
Trumpistas don't do cogent points. They attack with anything and see what sticks. As we saw during the election court battles, facts weren't their friend, so all we got were embarrassingly vacuous pleadings with very little in the way of facts and no mention of fraud.
..the MSM is mostly bullshit and lies--plain and simple
Which "MSM" (main stream media?) does the poster read or watch? There are thousands of sources now of 'news'....... so the poster is gonna hafta narrow it down a bit in order to make a cogent point.
Trumpistas don't do cogent points. They attack with anything and see what sticks. As we saw during the election court battles, facts weren't their friend, so all we got were embarrassingly vacuous pleadings with very little in the way of facts and no mention of fraud.
more babble shit from you
.all stories about racism/police brutality/white supremacy are bullshit
here's a perfect-RECENT--example

Ummmm, now you've thrown me a curve, poster 'harmonica'.

  • You link us to a Minneapolis talk-radio transcript that illustrates an incident where a UofMinnesota student posted on social media his umbrage over what he felt was ill-treatment by LEO's.
  • And then the transcript illustrates the police version of events......which differ in details.

So it appears we perspective by one individual on an incident, and we get another perspective by the other party on the same incident.

And you use THAT to illustrate you complaint that "MSM" (whoever that is?) is just "bullshit"?

You are gonna hafta explain just exactly what you expect in your news-feeds?
The transcript informed on an incident between a citizen and the police. It offered the view from the citizen and then an official response from the police. A yin and a yang.

What's wrong with that? It illustrates a real-world situation that probably happens in some form everyday.... and how it is perceived by different people.
I don't mean to be disrespectful ...... but your post comes across as more uninformed and whiny than informative and instructive.
But that's just me.
.all stories about racism/police brutality/white supremacy are bullshit
here's a perfect-RECENT--example

Ummmm, now you've thrown me a curve, poster 'harmonica'.

  • You link us to a Minneapolis talk-radio transcript that illustrates an incident where a UofMinnesota student posted on social media his umbrage over what he felt was ill-treatment by LEO's.
  • And then the transcript illustrates the police version of events......which differ in details.

So it appears we perspective by one individual on an incident, and we get another perspective by the other party on the same incident.

And you use THAT to illustrate you complaint that "MSM" (whoever that is?) is just "bullshit"?

You are gonna hafta explain just exactly what you expect in your news-feeds?
The transcript informed on an incident between a citizen and the police. It offered the view from the citizen and then an official response from the police. A yin and a yang.

What's wrong with that? It illustrates a real-world situation that probably happens in some form everyday.... and how it is perceived by different people.
I don't mean to be disrespectful ...... but your post comes across as more uninformed and whiny than informative and instructive.
But that's just me.
GOTCHA!!! hahahhahahahahahahahahhaahah yes, a curve and you are OUT
----it's on video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the jackass RACIST LIED!!!!!!!--as usual with blacks
here's the video:
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Why am I not surprised?

The protestor organizer, John Earle Sullivan, claims that he and his organization, Insurgence USA, was simply trying to “give unedited raw footage, photos, and news of the insurrection here in America”. Reports showing his actions Jan. 6 indicate this sentiment being taken a step further.

He then pushed past U.S. Capitol Police once inside while telling rioters that “we got to get this s— burned,” and “it’s our house m————.”

.all stories about racism/police brutality/white supremacy are bullshit
here's a perfect-RECENT--example

Ummmm, now you've thrown me a curve, poster 'harmonica'.

  • You link us to a Minneapolis talk-radio transcript that illustrates an incident where a UofMinnesota student posted on social media his umbrage over what he felt was ill-treatment by LEO's.
  • And then the transcript illustrates the police version of events......which differ in details.

So it appears we perspective by one individual on an incident, and we get another perspective by the other party on the same incident.

And you use THAT to illustrate you complaint that "MSM" (whoever that is?) is just "bullshit"?

You are gonna hafta explain just exactly what you expect in your news-feeds?
The transcript informed on an incident between a citizen and the police. It offered the view from the citizen and then an official response from the police. A yin and a yang.

What's wrong with that? It illustrates a real-world situation that probably happens in some form everyday.... and how it is perceived by different people.
I don't mean to be disrespectful ...... but your post comes across as more uninformed and whiny than informative and instructive.
But that's just me.
the HEADLINE/headlines news should be:
'''''black LIES about racism''''
''''MSM lies about racism''''
those should be the headlines
the jackass RACIST LIED!!!!!!!--as usual with blacks

"as usual with blacks"???

Ummm, it may just be me, poster 'harmonica'......but I kinda sorta think that response of yours tells the forum all we need to know.

Thanks for clarifying.
.all stories about racism/police brutality/white supremacy are bullshit
here's a perfect-RECENT--example

Ummmm, now you've thrown me a curve, poster 'harmonica'.

  • You link us to a Minneapolis talk-radio transcript that illustrates an incident where a UofMinnesota student posted on social media his umbrage over what he felt was ill-treatment by LEO's.
  • And then the transcript illustrates the police version of events......which differ in details.

So it appears we perspective by one individual on an incident, and we get another perspective by the other party on the same incident.

And you use THAT to illustrate you complaint that "MSM" (whoever that is?) is just "bullshit"?

You are gonna hafta explain just exactly what you expect in your news-feeds?
The transcript informed on an incident between a citizen and the police. It offered the view from the citizen and then an official response from the police. A yin and a yang.

What's wrong with that? It illustrates a real-world situation that probably happens in some form everyday.... and how it is perceived by different people.
I don't mean to be disrespectful ...... but your post comes across as more uninformed and whiny than informative and instructive.
But that's just me.
..hahhahhahahah whiny---HAHAHHAAHAH
..I destroy most members about their LIES and bullshit
I BACK up most of my claims
not whiny--but RESPONDING to LIES/bullshit---fighting injustice
lovin it!
the jackass RACIST LIED!!!!!!!--as usual with blacks

"as usual with blacks"???

Ummm, it may just be me, poster 'harmonica'......but I kinda sorta think that response of yours tells the forum all we need to know.

Thanks for clarifying.
yes, most of the racial stories from blacks in the MSM are bullshit---proven many times on USMB
--for example--the Mike Brown case--and MOST of the cases involving cops and blacks don't KNOW shit......
do you mean I'm RACIST????!! HAHHAHAAHAHAH
we laugh at the word/words---they mean nothing now BECAUSE blacks use it --and mostly for bullshit
the jackass RACIST LIED!!!!!!!--as usual with blacks

"as usual with blacks"???

Ummm, it may just be me, poster 'harmonica'......but I kinda sorta think that response of yours tells the forum all we need to know.

Thanks for clarifying. about deflecting when you were proven totally wrong
lovin that, also
do you mean I'm RACIST????!! HAHHAHAAHAHAH

Ummm, I didn't say it.
You did.
If one self-identifies as 'racist'....well, amigo, that's on them.
Not on my poor avatar.
the R word = hahahahahahahahahahahahha, I'm not racist at all.......nowhere CLOSE to the definition guys make up crap
..and your babble crap has been refuted

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