Media "fact checkers" lie to try to save Obama.

Apparently the government under President George Bush was not there to support them huh? In reality it was because they made gas guzzling SUV at that plant. GM management is to blame. Not Bush, not Obama. But fact of the matter is the plant closed before he took office.

Actually people like SUVs alot more than volts...and if you drill for gas, while you come up with a new energy source, it's a non issue, but liberals are unbelievably stupid and lie and distort.

There are plenty of SUV's that are not gas-guzzlers. We will never drill our way to lower gas prices or energy independence.
When the plant closed had nothing to do with what Obama said. Also, the plant closed in April of 2009. Was Obama in office yet?

Now Ryan lied about the time line of the closure, just as you have. The majority of the plant was closed during Bush's term. They shut down the last remaining operations in April of 2009, laying off the final 57 people. 57 people hardly represent a plant closing. That is just the final stage of mothballing a plant. The plant, as far as an economy impacting payroll, was closed in 2008.

Anybody that has worked in industry realizes this, and realizes that Ryan was playing fast and loose with the truth. Of course, for many of the GOP posters here, anything beyond a McD's job is outside of their ken.

So you pointing out the accuracy of what I said is me lying. Wow ... just wow. Anything to defend your boy Obama. You just admit it wasn't even shut down yet when Obama took office. Even if it had been shut down before then what does that have to do with Obama giving up on them? He couldn't get it back up and running after it being shut down four months after he took office? Why did he go back on his beliefs which he stated to those workers in 2008? Ryan told the truth.

Piss off, you know damn well if the Prez actually had bailed it out Ryan would either not acknowledge it or find some kind of spin to bash him over it. It was closed down in all but name by the time the Prez took office; that's a fact, too. One which Ryan didn't seem to think important to mention.
Now Ryan lied about the time line of the closure, just as you have. The majority of the plant was closed during Bush's term. They shut down the last remaining operations in April of 2009, laying off the final 57 people. 57 people hardly represent a plant closing. That is just the final stage of mothballing a plant. The plant, as far as an economy impacting payroll, was closed in 2008.

Anybody that has worked in industry realizes this, and realizes that Ryan was playing fast and loose with the truth. Of course, for many of the GOP posters here, anything beyond a McD's job is outside of their ken.

So you pointing out the accuracy of what I said is me lying. Wow ... just wow. Anything to defend your boy Obama. You just admit it wasn't even shut down yet when Obama took office. Even if it had been shut down before then what does that have to do with Obama giving up on them? He couldn't get it back up and running after it being shut down four months after he took office? Why did he go back on his beliefs which he stated to those workers in 2008? Ryan told the truth.

Piss off, you know damn well if the Prez actually had bailed it out Ryan would either not acknowledge it or find some kind of spin to bash him over it. It was closed down in all but name by the time the Prez took office; that's a fact, too. One which Ryan didn't seem to think important to mention.

He didn't bail it out though .... soooooooooooooooooooooooo ya know. It's called politics. Obama did the same thing to Ryan on medicare and they pushed back by pointing out Obama's own cuts to medicare which led to everyone on Obama's side defending those cuts and pointing back at Ryan's cuts. It's one long back and forth until someone gets elected.
Obama said this in 2008.

“(But) I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this (General Motors) plant will be here for another hundred years,” said Barack Obama in February, 2008, promising UAW workers at GM’s giant, troubled plant in Janesville, Wisc., that he would watch over them if elected president. “When I talk about real change that will make a real difference in the lives of working families, it’s not just the poll-tested rhetoric of a political campaign. It’s the cause of my life. And you can be sure that it will be the cause of my presidency from the very first day I take office.”

Obama lied about Janesville GM auto plant, not Ryan | Twitchy

The plant closed a whole month before Obama took office. Why didn't Obama save it later? Was it too far gone? Did his statement there some how not apply anymore because it was closed down for a whole entire month before he took office? How is anything that Ryan said in his speech about this untrue again? Hmmmm.

We're all thinking it, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it. It's people EXACTLY like you that are the reason our country is in such a bad place. You and people like you are the issue with this country. Be proud of yourself.

People who can recognize the truth?
No. You are the reason things are bad. Your knee jerks every time someone uses the words "multi-national corporation" like a 14 year old at a vampire movie. Unaware of how the economy works, you are ripe pickings for any pol that tells you things that confirm your misinformation.
So rich people only got rich by screwing poor people. One person can have more money only if another person has less money. "Powerful interests" are conspiring to steal from you and only government stands in their way.
It is bullshit. It is false. And you fall for it like a teenybopper at a Beatles concert.
Obama said this in 2008.

“(But) I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this (General Motors) plant will be here for another hundred years,” said Barack Obama in February, 2008, promising UAW workers at GM’s giant, troubled plant in Janesville, Wisc., that he would watch over them if elected president. “When I talk about real change that will make a real difference in the lives of working families, it’s not just the poll-tested rhetoric of a political campaign. It’s the cause of my life. And you can be sure that it will be the cause of my presidency from the very first day I take office.”

Obama lied about Janesville GM auto plant, not Ryan | Twitchy

The plant closed a whole month before Obama took office. Why didn't Obama save it later? Was it too far gone? Did his statement there some how not apply anymore because it was closed down for a whole entire month before he took office? How is anything that Ryan said in his speech about this untrue again? Hmmmm.
The left has got NOTHING left. Their god and king obama has been a complete FAILURE from DAY ONE, and he and the entire progressive, liberal, leftist, socialist democrat party have NOTHING GOOD to crow about. So what do they do, why attempt to demonize the conservatives, because that's what Saul Alinsky and obama have taught them to do, so they LIE...

Fact-Checkers Wrong on Ryan GM Claim

Literally from Day One:
In a first-day flurry of activity, President Barack Obama on Wednesday set up shop in the Oval Office, summoned advisers to begin dealing with war and recession and ordered new lobbying rules for "a clean break from business as usual."

He also froze salaries for top White House staff members, placed phone calls to Mideast leaders and had aides circulate a draft executive order that would close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay within a year.

Devoting swift attention to the Mideast turmoil, Obama prepared to give George Mitchell, the former Senate Democratic leader, a top diplomatic post for the region.

Unveiling ethics rules that he portrayed as the fulfillment of a major campaign promise, Obama said that "the way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable." The rules are needed, he added, "to help restore faith in government, without which we cannot deliver the changes that we were sent here to make."
How did all fo that work out?
Apparently the government under President George Bush was not there to support them huh? In reality it was because they made gas guzzling SUV at that plant. GM management is to blame. Not Bush, not Obama. But fact of the matter is the plant closed before he took office.

Actually people like SUVs alot more than volts...and if you drill for gas, while you come up with a new energy source, it's a non issue, but liberals are unbelievably stupid and lie and distort.

There are plenty of SUV's that are not gas-guzzlers. We will never drill our way to lower gas prices or energy independence.

So more supply will not result in lower prices?
Have you ever taken Econ or read a basic economics work?

Really? Mine was. I sell stainless steel cloth that is a heat buffer used in the making of windshields. I also sell seatbelt weaving material. You know who I sell this to? American & Canadian car parts makers. I wonder how many people those factories employ... I sell to at least 20. Know how many went bankrupt after the banksters wrecked the economy? It looked like most of them would... then came the bail-out and cash for clunkers. OK, so guess how many of my customers actually did go bankrupt? Only one... in Canada.
Last edited:
Obama said this in 2008.

“(But) I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this (General Motors) plant will be here for another hundred years,” said Barack Obama in February, 2008, promising UAW workers at GM’s giant, troubled plant in Janesville, Wisc., that he would watch over them if elected president. “When I talk about real change that will make a real difference in the lives of working families, it’s not just the poll-tested rhetoric of a political campaign. It’s the cause of my life. And you can be sure that it will be the cause of my presidency from the very first day I take office.”

Obama lied about Janesville GM auto plant, not Ryan | Twitchy

The plant closed a whole month before Obama took office. Why didn't Obama save it later? Was it too far gone? Did his statement there some how not apply anymore because it was closed down for a whole entire month before he took office? How is anything that Ryan said in his speech about this untrue again? Hmmmm.

We're all thinking it, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it. It's people EXACTLY like you that are the reason our country is in such a bad place. You and people like you are the issue with this country. Be proud of yourself.

People who can recognize the truth?
No. You are the reason things are bad. Your knee jerks every time someone uses the words "multi-national corporation" like a 14 year old at a vampire movie. Unaware of how the economy works, you are ripe pickings for any pol that tells you things that confirm your misinformation.
So rich people only got rich by screwing poor people. One person can have more money only if another person has less money. "Powerful interests" are conspiring to steal from you and only government stands in their way.
It is bullshit. It is false. And you fall for it like a teenybopper at a Beatles concert.

Shall we make another bet that you'll ignore? Everytime you make claims that you get called on, you disappear. Want to try again?

Really? Mine was. I sell stainless steel cloth that is a heat buffer used in the making of windshields. I also make seatbelt weaving material. You know who I sell this to? American & Canadian car parts makers. I wonder how many people those factories employ... I sell to at least 20. Know how many went bankrupt after the banksters wrecked the economy? It looked like most of them would... then came the bail-out and cash for clunkers. OK, so guess how many of my customers actually did go bankrupt? Only one... in Canada.

Do you WORK for obamamotors? (GM)

Really? Mine was. I sell stainless steel cloth that is a heat buffer used in the making of windshields. I also make seatbelt weaving material. You know who I sell this to? American & Canadian car parts makers. I wonder how many people those factories employ... I sell to at least 20. Know how many went bankrupt after the banksters wrecked the economy? It looked like most of them would... then came the bail-out and cash for clunkers. OK, so guess how many of my customers actually did go bankrupt? Only one... in Canada.

Do you WORK for obamamotors? (GM)

Why do you hate American workers comrade?
Obama said this in 2008.

“(But) I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this (General Motors) plant will be here for another hundred years,” said Barack Obama in February, 2008, promising UAW workers at GM’s giant, troubled plant in Janesville, Wisc., that he would watch over them if elected president. “When I talk about real change that will make a real difference in the lives of working families, it’s not just the poll-tested rhetoric of a political campaign. It’s the cause of my life. And you can be sure that it will be the cause of my presidency from the very first day I take office.”

Obama lied about Janesville GM auto plant, not Ryan | Twitchy

The plant closed a whole month before Obama took office. Why didn't Obama save it later? Was it too far gone? Did his statement there some how not apply anymore because it was closed down for a whole entire month before he took office? How is anything that Ryan said in his speech about this untrue again? Hmmmm.

We're all thinking it, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it. It's people EXACTLY like you that are the reason our country is in such a bad place. You and people like you are the issue with this country. Be proud of yourself.

People who can recognize the truth?
No. You are the reason things are bad. Your knee jerks every time someone uses the words "multi-national corporation" like a 14 year old at a vampire movie. Unaware of how the economy works, you are ripe pickings for any pol that tells you things that confirm your misinformation.
So rich people only got rich by screwing poor people. One person can have more money only if another person has less money. "Powerful interests" are conspiring to steal from you and only government stands in their way.
It is bullshit. It is false. And you fall for it like a teenybopper at a Beatles concert.

God you are support trickle down which is a failure.the last thing is us needing you or the op telling anyone how anything works.
Why do you hate American workers comrade?

Know why they do? Those uppity peasants still have a little of the wealth. They're trying to get us to into a race to the bottom enjoying third world status, though...
So you pointing out the accuracy of what I said is me lying. Wow ... just wow. Anything to defend your boy Obama. You just admit it wasn't even shut down yet when Obama took office. Even if it had been shut down before then what does that have to do with Obama giving up on them? He couldn't get it back up and running after it being shut down four months after he took office? Why did he go back on his beliefs which he stated to those workers in 2008? Ryan told the truth.

Piss off, you know damn well if the Prez actually had bailed it out Ryan would either not acknowledge it or find some kind of spin to bash him over it. It was closed down in all but name by the time the Prez took office; that's a fact, too. One which Ryan didn't seem to think important to mention.

He didn't bail it out though .... soooooooooooooooooooooooo ya know. It's called politics. Obama did the same thing to Ryan on medicare and they pushed back by pointing out Obama's own cuts to medicare which led to everyone on Obama's side defending those cuts and pointing back at Ryan's cuts. It's one long back and forth until someone gets elected.

Well, you're at least right about the politics part. Thing is, at the moment, at least, Lyin' Ryan doesn't look to be be getting the better of this exchange:

The worst omission of all is that Mr. Ryan didn’t defend the Medicare restructuring proposal for which he is best known, which has also been embraced by Mr. Romney. Does Mr. Ryan still believe that Medicare should be turned into a voucher system? He hasn’t said otherwise, yet in the biggest speech of his life, the one the world was watching, he said nothing about what he wants to do. (Unless you count the vague assurance that he would “protect and strengthen” the program). Instead he accused Mr. Obama of taking money from Medicare, while neglecting to mention that he proposed the same cuts in his own budget, or that his voucher plan would reduce the program’s scope.

With a few tweaks and a little more courage, Mr. Ryan could have made a speech that wouldn’t set off truth-meters and might have explained the foundations of the party’s thinking. The only conclusion to draw is that he really doesn’t want the public to know what he’s thinking.

Paul Ryan's Speech, Factually and Intellectually Dishonest -
We're all thinking it, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it. It's people EXACTLY like you that are the reason our country is in such a bad place. You and people like you are the issue with this country. Be proud of yourself.

People who can recognize the truth?
No. You are the reason things are bad. Your knee jerks every time someone uses the words "multi-national corporation" like a 14 year old at a vampire movie. Unaware of how the economy works, you are ripe pickings for any pol that tells you things that confirm your misinformation.
So rich people only got rich by screwing poor people. One person can have more money only if another person has less money. "Powerful interests" are conspiring to steal from you and only government stands in their way.
It is bullshit. It is false. And you fall for it like a teenybopper at a Beatles concert.

Shall we make another bet that you'll ignore? Everytime you make claims that you get called on, you disappear. Want to try again?

Translation: BINGO!

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