Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act
The Largest Corporate Media Have Profoundly Betrayed the Public Trust & Greatly Harmed the American People

Mainstream Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (
10 Nov 2020 ~~
The entire Mainstream Media (MSM) has distinguished itself throughout the 2020 election cycle as a central co-conspirator in the ongoing attempt to overthrow the President of the United States of America.
The extremely prominent role played by the MSM in this globalist war being waged against the American Republic was thrown into sharp relief this past weekend.
As if on cue, virtually every major MSM organ of propaganda and prevarication unlawfully declared candidate Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 POTUS election.
This single unconstitutional and illegal act of formally declaring a victor of a highly contested POTUS ballot is grounds for the Trump administration to shut down the corporate media—FOREVER!
Let’s be clear — CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, AP, UPI — as well as numerous other major news outlets, conspired to falsely proclaim Joe Biden the winner of an election that has yet to be determined by the Electoral College.
The statutory power of deciding the victor of every POTUS election resides solely with the Electoral College. Should that electoral body fail to arrive at a final decision, there are other prescribed procedures which also must be followed according to federal law.
According to the Federal Communications Commission, knowingly and willfully “Broadcasting False Information” is a serious transgression of the FCC rules and regulations. The immediate suspension of their required licenses to operate in their respective media spaces would give the nation a much-needed reprieve from so much fake news, unrelenting misrepresentation of the facts, institutionalized mendacity and ceaseless misleading reporting.
As far as the ongoing election theft and voter fraud is concerned, the MSM is working assiduously to cover up the epic crime wave that actually began when the first votes were cast across the country. Because each of these criminal media co-conspirators is heavily invested in the election outcome, they must be closed down post-haste.
Apparently, those powerful foreign and rich domestic powers which secretly control the largest media companies in America today have failed to realize that Joe Biden has already lost this election due to the massive fraud. President Trump has, therefore, won it by default. See: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
The Mainstream Media colluded considerably in this unparalleled fraud, from the very beginning of the crime spree right up until today, as they attempt to cover up any and every Democrat wrongdoing. It could even be said that, without the MSM’s zealous participation in this conspiratorial plot, this unrivaled election crime wave could never have washed over the USA as it has.

It requires the American People to know this. It is important for the people to know the truth about what we are living.
The Qusiling MSM is part of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist psychological warfare machine to convince American taxpayers and voters that is necesary to intervene and take action.
Fascists have gotten so desperate.

Fascists have gotten so desperate. have to be stupid to not know the MSM is total crap and the OP is correct
..BLM/Dems act just like nazis --I've linked this many times
Fascists have gotten so desperate. have to be stupid to not know the MSM is total crap and the OP is correct
..BLM/Dems act just like nazis --I've linked this many times

Whether you approve of how the media does their job or not, anyone who attacks the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press is a completely worthless traitor.
Fascists have gotten so desperate. have to be stupid to not know the MSM is total crap and the OP is correct
..BLM/Dems act just like nazis --I've linked this many times
Both are total crap that is the fact of the matter.
The FCC uses the "eminent lawless actions" standard ... you know ... what SCOTUS decided many many years ago ...

Funny how "law and order" conservatives don't know much about law and order ...

They want order. But always seek means that are antithetical to Law.
The only fraud committed is the Trump team , their lawyers and the media outlets that support their coup.
Trump lost because he blew the response to the virus. Not from some media conspiracy or massive voter fraud.
However, a lot of people on the right hand side of the aisle have been dancing too closely with the textbook
definition of sedition since election night.

But, it's easier to blame the media than it is to place the blame where it lies. Right at Trump's feet.
It requires the American People to know this. It is important for the people to know the truth about what we are living.
The Qusiling MSM is part of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist psychological warfare machine to convince American taxpayers and voters that is necesary to intervene and take action.

Guy, the media has declared elections before all the votes were counted and the EC selected LONG before this one.
Fascists have gotten so desperate.

Yes, you did. You got so desperate you exposed yourselves. Had you been patient Trump would have set you back 20 years or so. But, you got greedy. Now it is either going to be a peaceful revolution against the political class......or not.
Trump lost because he blew the response to the virus. Not from some media conspiracy or massive voter fraud.
The media is partially to blame. Had they not reported how many cases, how many hospitalizations, and how many deaths happened from the "democratic hoax" Trump would have been easily re-elected. If the media never reported that we lost 300,000 Americans, Trump would have been re-elected.

If the media had just repeated Trump saying the coronavirus would magically disappear on it's own, and not reported the pandemics continuation, and escalation, Trump would have been re-elected.

It's clear. If the media has promoted Trump propaganda instead o fthe truth, he would have gotten re-elected.
Guy, the media has declared elections before all the votes were counted and the EC selected LONG before this one.

They reported Dewey defeated Truman.

They declared Florida for Gore

The media has learned from their mistakes, and hence won't declare a victor until enough votes have been counted to be sure of the outcome.
Fascists have gotten so desperate.

Yes, you did. You got so desperate you exposed yourselves. Had you been patient Trump would have set you back 20 years or so. But, you got greedy. Now it is either going to be a peaceful revolution against the political class......or not.

Turn them off and leave them off go to Newsmax instead...spread the word break their financial backs....
Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act
The Largest Corporate Media Have Profoundly Betrayed the Public Trust & Greatly Harmed the American People

Mainstream Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (
10 Nov 2020 ~~
The entire Mainstream Media (MSM) has distinguished itself throughout the 2020 election cycle as a central co-conspirator in the ongoing attempt to overthrow the President of the United States of America.
The extremely prominent role played by the MSM in this globalist war being waged against the American Republic was thrown into sharp relief this past weekend.
As if on cue, virtually every major MSM organ of propaganda and prevarication unlawfully declared candidate Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 POTUS election.
This single unconstitutional and illegal act of formally declaring a victor of a highly contested POTUS ballot is grounds for the Trump administration to shut down the corporate media—FOREVER!
Let’s be clear — CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, AP, UPI — as well as numerous other major news outlets, conspired to falsely proclaim Joe Biden the winner of an election that has yet to be determined by the Electoral College.
The statutory power of deciding the victor of every POTUS election resides solely with the Electoral College. Should that electoral body fail to arrive at a final decision, there are other prescribed procedures which also must be followed according to federal law.
According to the Federal Communications Commission, knowingly and willfully “Broadcasting False Information” is a serious transgression of the FCC rules and regulations. The immediate suspension of their required licenses to operate in their respective media spaces would give the nation a much-needed reprieve from so much fake news, unrelenting misrepresentation of the facts, institutionalized mendacity and ceaseless misleading reporting.
As far as the ongoing election theft and voter fraud is concerned, the MSM is working assiduously to cover up the epic crime wave that actually began when the first votes were cast across the country. Because each of these criminal media co-conspirators is heavily invested in the election outcome, they must be closed down post-haste.
Apparently, those powerful foreign and rich domestic powers which secretly control the largest media companies in America today have failed to realize that Joe Biden has already lost this election due to the massive fraud. President Trump has, therefore, won it by default. See: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
The Mainstream Media colluded considerably in this unparalleled fraud, from the very beginning of the crime spree right up until today, as they attempt to cover up any and every Democrat wrongdoing. It could even be said that, without the MSM’s zealous participation in this conspiratorial plot, this unrivaled election crime wave could never have washed over the USA as it has.

It requires the American People to know this. It is important for the people to know the truth about what we are living.
The Qusiling MSM is part of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist psychological warfare machine to convince American taxpayers and voters that is necesary to intervene and take action.
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