Media ignoring Evidence that Omar married her brother.

Brotherly Love Report:

DNA Testing Confirms Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother

Testing Allegedly Included Ilhan’s Dirty Cigarette Butt

14 Aug 2021 ~~ By JIm Hoft
A new report alleges DNA testing confirms Ilhan Omar was married to her biological brother Ahmed Elmi.
The two were allegedly married to bypass immigration laws. Omar has never been indicted on this crime.
The test results were originally posted on GOP strategist Anton Lazzaro‘s Facebook page. He was arrested hours later by the feds on sex trafficking charges.


Ilhan and her father Nur Said.

Evidence emerged earlier that Rep. Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her brother, and that her real name may actually be Ilhan Nur Said.​

A resurfaced tweet from 2013 links to a now-deleted Instagram post in which she refers to her father by the name Nur Said.
The tweet was later deleted after the news broke!

In 2009, Rep. Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who was the son of Nur Said.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, in 2017, Rep. Omar swore under penalty of perjury while divorcing her husband (brother?) that she hadn’t seen Ahmed N. Elmi since 2011 and didn’t know anyone who could help her contact him.


Then on Friday a new report was released alleging a DNA test confirmed the two were brother and sister lovers.
The Daily Mail reported:

Persistent claims that leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her own brother to get around US immigration laws may be legitimized by what appears to be a conclusive DNA test.
The results of the test assert that there is a 99.999998% chance that Omar and her second husband Ahmed Elmi are siblings.
The report, drawn up by Endeavor DNA Laboratories does not name either Omar or Elmi, instead referring to them as ‘Sibling 1’ and ‘Sibling 2.’ understands that Omar is Sibling 1.
It says that Sibling 1’s sample was garnered from a cigarette butt and Sibling 2’s from a drinking straw.
Omar has never before been known publicly to be a smoker, although her third husband Tim Mynett is. However, a grainy picture of her with a cigarette in her mouth, said to have been taken outside her home in Washington, D.C. appears as part of the evidence gathered in an intensive investigation by a shadowy conservative group.
The test was posted online by Anton Lazzaro, a Republican strategist in Minneapolis on Wednesday. Around 12 hours later Lazzaro was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.
He is now in custody awaiting a hearing on Monday.
Lazarro’s lawyer Zachary Newland could not immediately be reached as he was on a flight. However he confirmed by email that the website was put up by his client. Omar’s spokesman Jeremy Slevin threw shade on the report. ‘This is a fraudulent website created by a man charged this week with child sex trafficking and lying to federal investigators to cover it up,’ he said in a statement.
For starters, Ilhan Nur Said Elmi did NOT immigrate legally. Her immigration was ILLEGAL. Her father, is wanted for war crimes in Syria himself, threatened a family to take two of his children under their family's name. This is illegal immigration and a violation of the law. Her LEGAL name is Nur Said Elmi yet she immigrated under the family name of Omar. Theft of immigration status. Just ANOTHER one of her crimes.
The marriage of a brother to sister within the state of Minnesota is illegal and both can be prosecuted and sent to jail for up to ten years. Additionally, this type of behavior results in progeny with mental illness and other diseases.

Gateway Pundit is just a tabloid rag,
I supposed incest is now a Dim alternate lifestyle but DNA evidence now proves Ilhan Omar in fact did marry her brother. In doing so she committed immigration fraud and incest which is also still a felony. The FBI was provided with the evidence of both felonies but....and I know this will shock you....declined to prosecute.

Go figure, right?

Here's the story.

I supposed incest is now a Dim alternate lifestyle but DNA evidence now proves Ilhan Omar in fact did marry her brother. In doing so she committed immigration fraud and incest which is also still a felony. The FBI was provided with the evidence of both felonies but....and I know this will shock you....declined to prosecute.

Go figure, right?

Here's the story.

This is from February of 2020 and it went nowhere
This is from February of 2020 and it went nowhere

Nope. You are wrong. This is all new within the last 24 hours. Before you nuke a thread do some research and do not assume you know something without checking. I did not post in Breaking News for no reason, A New York Post reporter is breaking the story as we speak Try google news search last 24 hours Ilhan Omar marries her brother. Google can be your friend.

Examples. all within the last 24 hours.

Last edited:
Nope. This is all new within the last 24 hours. Before you nuke a thread do some research,. Try google news search last 24 hours. Google can be your friend.


A. Try posting an article from the last 24 hours in your OP instead of one from 18 months ago.

B. You're not the first one to post that
It went nowhere because the asshole criminals that you support want it to go nowhere.

A. Try posting an article from the last 24 hours in your OP instead of one from 18 months ago.

B. You're not the first one to post that

I did post a link that was not even 3 hours old. Note the video caption said New Evidence. Look again. All the links I have posted are within the last 24 hours. You assumed incorrectly and assumed I was wrong before checking out the facts, I understand, people make mistakes. But maybe take a breath first. before you jump the gun and assume.
If Pelosi and Schumer were smart they would take this opportunity to get rid of her, ending the Leftist Extremist upstart threat against her and chucky in the House and Senate.
It is a shame that she is a radical and perhaps a real terrorist because we could use distinctiveness from others who come parts of the world but fit it into assimilation of the unique American culture.
If she was a white republican the media would be calling her a brother fucking whore, immigration cheat, and demand she be perp walked out of the House chamber. That Hater Omar is all those things and worse and there isn't even a Congressional investigation tells us all we need to know about Democrat 'leadership'.

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