Media ignoring Evidence that Omar married her brother.

Dimms, you can’t ignore this.

She married her brother.

No she did not. The evidence is overwhelming. The source of this rumour is an anonymous post on a Somali message board.

Further evidence that conservatives don’t even bother to fact check if they like the story.

Yes she did. Yes it is.

Same name. Plenty of tweets show the evidence.

She did it to expedite his citizenship request.

Maybe we should have a 3 year investigation and spend $40 million in it.

It’s so obvious, the only reason the left is protecting her is because she is a Dimm.

Even Snopes won’t say false, just unproven.

She could take a DNA test and clear it up immediately.

She won’t, because it’s true. If I was a member of Congress and was accused of marrying my sister, I would pay the $60 to prove my accusers wrong.
Newly uncovered photographs of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s family provide even more evidence that she married her brother as part of an immigration scam.

BOMBSHELL: Photographs Provide Additional Evidence Rep. Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

and the dumb fk leftist of AMERICAN assholes voted this bs in when we warned and warned and warned just as we are doing now and still you stupid mother fkrs who failed history now you know why your idiots and always will be.
Lets focus on who got Omar elected. The DFL endorsed her obviously without checking out her illegal activities. The DFL is the powerful Democratic organization in Minnesota that got Omar elected to our government.

But hey, she’s a representative. I’m not sure what she is representative of. Perhaps anti-Semites on the make.

Husband 1 fathered her children.
She married Husband 2, her brother, while married to Husband 1.
She finally divorced Husband 1, though she continued to file taxes with Husband 1, for years after while married to Husband 2, a felony, each and every time.
She divorces Husband 2 and remarries Husband 1.
She engages in an affair with a Campaign consultant, who is another woman's husband, while paying him a good part of a $Million in campaign funds.
Now she is divorcing husband 1 (who is also Husband 3) and blaming anti-antisemitism on the part of the American Public for her marital difficulties.

Brotherly Love Report:

DNA Testing Confirms Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother

Testing Allegedly Included Ilhan’s Dirty Cigarette Butt

14 Aug 2021 ~~ By JIm Hoft
A new report alleges DNA testing confirms Ilhan Omar was married to her biological brother Ahmed Elmi.
The two were allegedly married to bypass immigration laws. Omar has never been indicted on this crime.
The test results were originally posted on GOP strategist Anton Lazzaro‘s Facebook page. He was arrested hours later by the feds on sex trafficking charges.


Ilhan and her father Nur Said.

Evidence emerged earlier that Rep. Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her brother, and that her real name may actually be Ilhan Nur Said.​

A resurfaced tweet from 2013 links to a now-deleted Instagram post in which she refers to her father by the name Nur Said.
The tweet was later deleted after the news broke!

In 2009, Rep. Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who was the son of Nur Said.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, in 2017, Rep. Omar swore under penalty of perjury while divorcing her husband (brother?) that she hadn’t seen Ahmed N. Elmi since 2011 and didn’t know anyone who could help her contact him.


Then on Friday a new report was released alleging a DNA test confirmed the two were brother and sister lovers.
The Daily Mail reported:

Persistent claims that leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her own brother to get around US immigration laws may be legitimized by what appears to be a conclusive DNA test.
The results of the test assert that there is a 99.999998% chance that Omar and her second husband Ahmed Elmi are siblings.
The report, drawn up by Endeavor DNA Laboratories does not name either Omar or Elmi, instead referring to them as ‘Sibling 1’ and ‘Sibling 2.’ understands that Omar is Sibling 1.
It says that Sibling 1’s sample was garnered from a cigarette butt and Sibling 2’s from a drinking straw.
Omar has never before been known publicly to be a smoker, although her third husband Tim Mynett is. However, a grainy picture of her with a cigarette in her mouth, said to have been taken outside her home in Washington, D.C. appears as part of the evidence gathered in an intensive investigation by a shadowy conservative group.
The test was posted online by Anton Lazzaro, a Republican strategist in Minneapolis on Wednesday. Around 12 hours later Lazzaro was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.
He is now in custody awaiting a hearing on Monday.
Lazarro’s lawyer Zachary Newland could not immediately be reached as he was on a flight. However he confirmed by email that the website was put up by his client. Omar’s spokesman Jeremy Slevin threw shade on the report. ‘This is a fraudulent website created by a man charged this week with child sex trafficking and lying to federal investigators to cover it up,’ he said in a statement.
For starters, Ilhan Nur Said Elmi did NOT immigrate legally. Her immigration was ILLEGAL. Her father, is wanted for war crimes in Syria himself, threatened a family to take two of his children under their family's name. This is illegal immigration and a violation of the law. Her LEGAL name is Nur Said Elmi yet she immigrated under the family name of Omar. Theft of immigration status. Just ANOTHER one of her crimes.
The marriage of a brother to sister within the state of Minnesota is illegal and both can be prosecuted and sent to jail for up to ten years. Additionally, this type of behavior results in progeny with mental illness and other diseases.

Grotesque but libbies can break most laws that they want and if you disagree you are a racist
A little late now. Hater Omar has already turned Minneapolis into Mogadishu. There would be riots if the defunded police tried to arrest her.

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