Media Lie: 'Record-Breaking Heat' Exaggeration; Blatant Agenda


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
If you Google "record-breaking heat July 2011" you will be given 35 million results. All last week the left was pointing to the heat wave, in the middle of July, as evidence of global warming—proof positive. It was reported that Washington DC would reach 116 F—of course that was the ‘heat index’ not the actual temperature. The heat index broke records, not the actual temperatures.

Of course there were some records set last week, but once you put it in historical perspective it becomes undeniably clear that the media’s reporting on last week’s heat wave and their constant connections between man-made global warming is biased and not based in reality. This how the weather has been reported for the last 8-9 years.

“That's right. There were only 34 new all-time daily temperature records set during last week's "record-breaking heat."

This is out of over 6000 records previously set for each day since such things have been reported.

For instance, the four set Thursday were out of 6,219 historically for that day. This represented only 0.06 percent.

On Friday, 20 records were set out of 6,108, or 0.3 percent.

As you can see, the actual records broken were statistically insignificant.
Yet a Google search of "record-breaking heat July 2011" produced almost 35 million results.

That's more than a million stories per new record set.

Seems the exaggeration at play is even greater than the number of Americans now claiming they attended Woodstock.

Makes you wonder if all these so-called journalists were smoking something last week as if they were still at Max Yasgur's farm.” (Media Myth Debunked: Almost No Temperature Records Broken in Last Week's 'Record-Breaking Heat' |

Everything from drought to rain, blue skies to gray—whenever the weather changes and records are set, something that has been happening constantly from the beginning of Earth’s existence, we are told that it is proof of global warming. And if you believe that the records we are currently recording are actual records in regards to time, you are naïve. It is a record from the beginning of when those records began, and historians know that during such times as the Little Ice Age (Little Ice Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) temperatures were much lower and during such times as the Midevil Warm Period (Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) they were much higher.

I have still never had a liberal, either a personal friend or anyone on this message board, answer for the causes of the little ice age, or the implications of.

Nor have I ever had a liberal explain why the ice caps of Mars are melting. ( NASA has reported several times that the temperature of Mars is increasing—in one moment of sincerity when they were focused solely on science and not what politically correct reported that the reason was because of increased solar activity. What are the implications of that fact on the theory of global warming?
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oh, the horror

get a life

Are you serious? There are politicians trying to restructure economies risking the lives of millions, fundamentally control every aspect of people's lives--and its all based on biased exaggerations of speculations.

Oh think it's a horror, and I think it is worthy of dispelling this dangerous idea of man-made global warming--or climate change now, which is much more honest.

First it was global cooling, then global warming, now climate change when the facts don't support warming and global warming when it does. This environmental religious zealot cult has eugenics-driven intentions and goals.
So, was that agenda behind all the reports of record breaking snowfall last year?
So, does the OP have record breaking ignorance,

or is it just his ignorance index that is record breaking?
oh, the horror

get a life

Are you serious? There are politicians trying to restructure economies risking the lives of millions, fundamentally control every aspect of people's lives--and its all based on biased exaggerations of speculations.

Oh think it's a horror, and I think it is worthy of dispelling this dangerous idea of man-made global warming--or climate change now, which is much more honest.

First it was global cooling, then global warming, now climate change when the facts don't support warming and global warming when it does. This environmental religious zealot cult has eugenics-driven intentions and goals.

i'm in this thread with you bleating on about some conspiracy having to do with weather reports, and you ask me if i'm serious.

The Decline Hiders are working overtime

So what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't have an answer for why the ice caps of Mars are melting or the causes of the Little Ice Age.

Okay, let me ask you something else then: did Climate-Gate give you any pause? Or did you just ignore it because you only watch MSNBC and CNN? I guess I would be misinformed too :lol:
Fuck Yea! It wasnt hot last week like those at the liberal sweat glands tried to make you believe it was
None of you have answered the two questions I asked. I provided links to the information. This is a rarity, most leftists would have begun attacking the credibility of the sources. I guess Wikipedia and NASA will prevent that.
The Decline Hiders are working overtime

So what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't have an answer for why the ice caps of Mars are melting or the causes of the Little Ice Age.

Okay, let me ask you something else then: did Climate-Gate give you any pause? Or did you just ignore it because you only watch MSNBC and CNN? I guess I would be misinformed too :lol:

frank's on your team.


The Decline Hiders are working overtime

So what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't have an answer for why the ice caps of Mars are melting or the causes of the Little Ice Age.

Okay, let me ask you something else then: did Climate-Gate give you any pause? Or did you just ignore it because you only watch MSNBC and CNN? I guess I would be misinformed too :lol:

I'm saying that since facts keep beating the crap out of the AGW "Scientists", they have resorted to fraud, data manipulation and now this, a new phony metric.
None of you have answered the two questions I asked. I provided links to the information. This is a rarity, most leftists would have begun attacking the credibility of the sources. I guess Wikipedia and NASA will prevent that.

oooh, yeah, wikipedia stopped me dead in my leftist tracks.


well played
The Decline Hiders are working overtime

So what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't have an answer for why the ice caps of Mars are melting or the causes of the Little Ice Age.

Okay, let me ask you something else then: did Climate-Gate give you any pause? Or did you just ignore it because you only watch MSNBC and CNN? I guess I would be misinformed too :lol:

frank's on your team.



You are like most liberals, faced with facts you disagree with you resort to immaturity like this.

Is it not an exaggeration--if you can find me a summer when similar records were set that garnered that same media obsession, or say something insightful or meaningful.

All you have said is insults while never addressing any of the points or questions I asked. If that is all you are then let me know...
So what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you don't have an answer for why the ice caps of Mars are melting or the causes of the Little Ice Age.

Okay, let me ask you something else then: did Climate-Gate give you any pause? Or did you just ignore it because you only watch MSNBC and CNN? I guess I would be misinformed too :lol:

frank's on your team.



You are like most liberals, faced with facts you disagree with you resort to immaturity like this.

Is it not an exaggeration--if you can find me a summer when similar records were set that garnered that same media obsession, or say something insightful or meaningful.

All you have said is insults while never addressing any of the points or questions I asked. If that is all you are then let me know...

can't fool you for long, huh?
We've been industrialized for what? 100 years give or take.

The earth is billions of years old. The earth releases toxins naturally though volcanic activity. Activity that in the earths history was continually active. Hell we have methane vents underwater that never stop releasing gas.

Yall want me to believe that were destroying in a few years what mother nature couldn't in billions of years? Laughable
So there wasn't record breaking temperatures all over North America last week?

How many thousands of local meteorologists all over America are in on this conspiracy, anyway?

Who coordinates this conspiracy and what are the meteorologists getting out of this enormous hoax?
The recent media blitz on our summer heat wave is probably an exaggerated and orchestrated lead-up to help kick off Al Gore's new project...

Per Al Gore...

The climate crisis is a reality, and we are seeing its impacts in extreme weather all around the world. Using the same deceitful playbook as big tobacco used years before to mislead the public about the dangers of smoking, oil and coal companies and their allies are now deceiving the public about climate change. They have nearly unlimited resources to sow doubt, but we have one critical advantage: Reality is on our side.

That's why today I'm launching a new, global campaign to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis. This campaign is called The Climate Reality Project. We will invite people to discover for themselves the truth about climate change for themselves, and reject the mistruths they hear every day.

Climate Reality will start with a global event on September 14-15 called 24 Hours of Reality. Over 24 hours, in multiple languages and in 24 time zones, we will bring the world together to reveal the full truth, scope and impact of the climate crisis.

Al Gore: Meet The Climate Reality Project
So there wasn't record breaking temperatures all over North America last week?

How many thousands of local meteorologists all over America are in on this conspiracy, anyway?

Who coordinates this conspiracy and what are the meteorologists getting out of this enormous hoax?

Jesus, are you that dense? Show me where more than 34 record breaking temperatures last week. Can you do that?

Here I'll even help you out List of weather records - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia take that in its historical context that is a little number and there have been heat waves much more severe going back to the beginning of the last century.

I am saying it was exaggerated, if you disagree say why.

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