Media Lie: 'Record-Breaking Heat' Exaggeration; Blatant Agenda

Well, lacking any credible argument to the contrary, this is about what we expect from you.

Yeah...LOL...we all noticed your well reasoned and scientifically supported "credible argument" there.....LOLOLOL...the fact that you take your worthless and extremely ignorant opinions on the matter to be more believable than the testimony of the experts in the field is very hilarious and perfectly demonstrates just how clueless and retarded you are.

There are a great many experts who say it is bullshit...
No there's not. That's one of your idiotic denier cult myths. There's only a small group of actual scientists who dissent from the general consensus and most of them have pretty obvious ties to the fossil fuel industry. Studies and polls show that about 97% of climate scientists, the experts in this matter, agree that the current abrupt warming is primarily being caused by mankind's activities and that this warming and the resultant climate changes pose a major threat to our world, our populations, our civilization and our planetary ecosystems.

not to mention the evidence that much of the data has been fudged.
Another denier cult myth for fossil fuel industry dupes. None of the data was "fudged", soggybrain. The data that climate scientists use is widely available from the original sources and was collected and stored and analyzed by a number of scientific groups and agencies all around the world.

you've yet to prove anything but your astounding level of gullibility.
LOL...nice bit of projection there, soggybrain. You denier cultists are the most gullible idiots around. You fall for the self-serving propaganda and lies put out by the oil and coal interests in their attempts to preserve their trillion dollar a year profit stream and you reject the testimony of the world scientific community and the mountains of evidence supporting their conclusions. They manipulate you through your political prejudices and your general ignorance of science into being their 'useful idiot' foot soldiers in their efforts to avoid restrictions on carbon emissions. You and the other denier cultists are ignorant, bamboozled dupes and tools of greedy people who are willing to gamble our childrens' survival against the oil corp's short term profits.
No, you just are a clueless retard.

Well, lacking any credible argument to the contrary, this is about what we expect from you.

Yeah...LOL...we all noticed your well reasoned and scientifically supported "credible argument" there.....LOLOLOL...the fact that you take your worthless and extremely ignorant opinions on the matter to be more believable than the testimony of the experts in the field is very hilarious and perfectly demonstrates just how clueless and retarded you are.


Were Republicans Smart All Along? They Accept Climate Change But Not Global Warming

+1 for the retard right.............

Where is all the significant climate legislation s0ns???:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

The science doesnt matter............because nobody gives a rats ass FTMFW!!!:D:D:D:D:2up:

Because winning is the greatest feeling in the world...............

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Well, we can always count on the kookster to post meaningless drivel every chance he gets. You have to feel sorry for such a tragic example of severe brain damage though. He truly has no idea of how idiotic he makes himself look with his cartoons and consistently ignorant nonsense.
Mans activities has no effect on the earth? None?
Conceding the point that man does have an effect, such a concession in no way lends any evidence or credence to the claim that such effects are anywhere near as dire as the scaremongers purport them to be.
what i really want to know....

why is there no "heat index" in the winter....?

or no "wind chill factor" in the summer....?


You really that ignorant? There is no "wind Chill Factor" in the Summer... Because the temperatures override the wind. I mean... if you want to measure effective temperatures on a windy summer day? Knock yourself out. Maybe a windy 90 degree day will be an effective 80... wow... alert the presses.

Same way with "Heat Index" in the winter.... there is no heat... per se... so why freakin' bother to measure the humidity in the air to see if it bumps the effective temperature a degree or three?

Seriously... wind affects a cold day much more than it does a hot day. Humidity affects a hot day much more than it does a cold?

Unfortunately, the "LEFT" has never been as good at "exaggerating" their concerns about global warming as the "RIGHT" (the Bush Adminstration) was in convincing Americans that there were WMDs in Iraq!

"Google" is hardly in a position to lecture liberals when it comes to "blatant agendas!"
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Mans activities has no effect on the earth? None?
Conceding the point that man does have an effect, such a concession in no way lends any evidence or credence to the claim that such effects are anywhere near as dire as the scaremongers purport them to be.

I don't get how you come to that conclusion since "as dire" cannot be measured unless you know a way I don't. Either way conceeding that man does effect the earth and it's climate. It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

You can hate Gore or another individual or a particular green program all you want. But that personal hatred has nothing to do with man effecting the earth.
Mans activities has no effect on the earth? None?

Sure does.

But not on the climate.

Heck...we cant even predict the weather correctly at a rate better than 50%...why? Becuase the climate is very complicated...and quite unpredictable...and we have no way to control it or affect it.

It's ok for you to believe that but logic tells us that if man has an effect of the earth. It effect the entire earth. It's impossible to blieve that man has an effect on the earth in every way EXCEPT one.

What proof do you have to come to such a conclusion? Not musings or beliefs..but proof?

Really? Logic tells you that any effect affects the entire Earth? HOW, precisely, does logic tell you that? And how does logic tell you that it's impossible for mankind to only affect one aspect of the Earth without having any impact at all on others? Please explain this "logic" to me.

And by the way, learn the difference between "effect" and "affect".
This thread is dead as a doornail. The OP was thoroughly debunked in post #85. This heat wave over the last two months has produced thousands of new record high temperatures across the midwest and east. To reiterate:

U.S. Records
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center

Records Look-Up - Archived Monthly/All-Time Records

U.S. Daily Highest Max Temperature Records set in June 2011
2,731 (Broken) + 1,409 (Tied)

U.S. Daily Highest Max Temperature Records set in July 2011
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied)

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This thread is dead as a doornail. The OP was thoroughly debunked in post #85. This heat wave over the last two months has produced thousands of new record high temperatures across the midwest and east. To reiterate:

U.S. Records
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center

Records Look-Up - Archived Monthly/All-Time Records

U.S. Daily Highest Max Temperature Records set in June 2011
2,731 (Broken) + 1,409 (Tied)

U.S. Daily Highest Max Temperature Records set in July 2011
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied)


but still...........losing.:2up:
Mans activities has no effect on the earth? None?
Conceding the point that man does have an effect, such a concession in no way lends any evidence or credence to the claim that such effects are anywhere near as dire as the scaremongers purport them to be.

I don't get how you come to that conclusion since "as dire" cannot be measured unless you know a way I don't. Either way conceeding that man does effect the earth and it's climate. It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

You can hate Gore or another individual or a particular green program all you want. But that personal hatred has nothing to do with man effecting the earth.

It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

And it's silly to claim he does without any evidence to back it up, other than some group selling carbon credits to rubes.
Conceding the point that man does have an effect, such a concession in no way lends any evidence or credence to the claim that such effects are anywhere near as dire as the scaremongers purport them to be.

I don't get how you come to that conclusion since "as dire" cannot be measured unless you know a way I don't. Either way conceeding that man does effect the earth and it's climate. It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

You can hate Gore or another individual or a particular green program all you want. But that personal hatred has nothing to do with man effecting the earth.

It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

And it's silly to claim he does without any evidence to back it up, other than some group selling carbon credits to rubes.

Soggy bro.........this nut Rolling Thunder truly believes the k00ks are winning on this crap!!
My question is Soggy............when you're winning, why would one go into these mental meltdown tirades of "you retard clueless moron........" all the fcukking time??:lol:
It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

And it's silly to claim he does without any evidence to back it up, other than some group selling carbon credits to rubes.'re a hoot, soggybrain.

There is actually lots and lots of sound scientific evidence supporting the climate scientists' conclusions that mankind is causing the current abrupt global warming/climate changes, which we're doing primarily through our burning of so much of the various fossil fuels that we're pumping about 30 billion tons of extra excess CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Mankind's deforestation practices have also contributed to the problem by removing some of the natural carbon sinks that remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The evidence and the testimony of the world scientific community are easily available to anyone who looks so the only reasons you could have for claiming ignorance of them is either that you're so deep in denial for whatever political/religious/psychological reasons that you just refuse to look or else you're so brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda that you don't know up from down and just parrot the lies you've been sold.

Have you ever actually looked at the testimony of the world scientific community, soggy? Perhaps you grew up in some kind of fundamentalist wacko Jesus-cult household and were taught to distrust science and scientists because of the whole 'evolution' issue. If so, there's probably no reasoning with you, but if you're not that irrational and confused and you accept the enormous success of modern science in understanding the world, then try reading what all of the scientific organizations, academies and societies of the world have to say.

Scientific opinion on climate change
If you Google "record-breaking heat July 2011" you will be given 35 million results. All last week the left was pointing to the heat wave, in the middle of July, as evidence of global warming—proof positive. It was reported that Washington DC would reach 116 F—of course that was the ‘heat index’ not the actual temperature. The heat index broke records, not the actual temperatures.

Of course there were some records set last week, but once you put it in historical perspective it becomes undeniably clear that the media’s reporting on last week’s heat wave and their constant connections between man-made global warming is biased and not based in reality. This how the weather has been reported for the last 8-9 years.

“That's right. There were only 34 new all-time daily temperature records set during last week's "record-breaking heat."

This is out of over 6000 records previously set for each day since such things have been reported.

For instance, the four set Thursday were out of 6,219 historically for that day. This represented only 0.06 percent.

On Friday, 20 records were set out of 6,108, or 0.3 percent.

As you can see, the actual records broken were statistically insignificant.
Yet a Google search of "record-breaking heat July 2011" produced almost 35 million results.

That's more than a million stories per new record set.

Seems the exaggeration at play is even greater than the number of Americans now claiming they attended Woodstock.

Makes you wonder if all these so-called journalists were smoking something last week as if they were still at Max Yasgur's farm.” (Media Myth Debunked: Almost No Temperature Records Broken in Last Week's 'Record-Breaking Heat' |

Everything from drought to rain, blue skies to gray—whenever the weather changes and records are set, something that has been happening constantly from the beginning of Earth’s existence, we are told that it is proof of global warming. And if you believe that the records we are currently recording are actual records in regards to time, you are naïve. It is a record from the beginning of when those records began, and historians know that during such times as the Little Ice Age (Little Ice Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) temperatures were much lower and during such times as the Midevil Warm Period (Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) they were much higher.

I have still never had a liberal, either a personal friend or anyone on this message board, answer for the causes of the little ice age, or the implications of.

Nor have I ever had a liberal explain why the ice caps of Mars are melting. (Mars is Melting - NASA Science) NASA has reported several times that the temperature of Mars is increasing—in one moment of sincerity when they were focused solely on science and not what politically correct reported that the reason was because of increased solar activity. What are the implications of that fact on the theory of global warming?

You are a fucking liar.

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Record Events for Tue Jul 19, 2011 through Mon Jul 25, 2011
Total Records: 4417
Rainfall: 446
High Temperatures: 1146
Low Temperatures: 99
Lowest Max Temperatures: 122
Highest Min Temperatures: 2604

Little Ice Age

Maunder Minimum - Activity, Solar, Cycle, Cycles, Sun, and Period

Martian Ice Caps

Global warming on Mars, ice caps melting

The skeptic argument...
Mars is warming
"Scientists are telling us Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming. NASA says the Martian South Pole's ice cap has been shrinking for three summers in a row. Maybe Mars got its fever from earth. If so, I guess Jupiter's caught the same cold, because it's warming up too, like Pluto. I wonder what all those planets, dwarf planets and moons in our SOLAR system have in common. Hmmmm. Solar?" (Fred Thompson).

What the science says...
Select a level... Basic Intermediate
Mars is not warming globally.

It is hard to understand how anyone could claim global warming is happening on Mars when we can’t even agree what’s happening on the planet we live on. Yet they do, and the alleged reasoning is this; if other planets are warming up, then there is some solar system-wide phenomena at work – and therefore that it isn’t human activity causing climate change here on Earth.

The broadest counter argument depends on a simple premise: we know so little about Mars that it's impossible to say what trends in climate the planet is experiencing, or why changes occur. We do have information from various orbiting missions and the few lander explorations to date, yet even this small amount of data has been misunderstood, in terms of causal complexity and significance.

There are a few basic points about the climate on Mars that are worth reviewing:

Planets do not orbit the sun in perfect circles, sometimes they are slightly closer to the sun, sometimes further away. This is called orbital eccentricity and it contributes far greater changes to Martian climate than to that of the Earth because variations in Mars' orbit are five times greater than the Earth.
Mars has no oceans and only a very thin atmosphere, which means there is very little thermal inertia – the climate is much more susceptible to change caused by external influences.
The whole planet is subject to massive dust storms, and these have many causal effects on the planet’s climate, very little of which we understand yet.
We have virtually no historical data about the climate of Mars prior to the 1970s, except for drawings (and latterly, photographs) that reveal changes in gross surface features (i.e. features that can be seen from Earth through telescopes). It is not possible to tell if current observations reveal frequent or infrequent events, trends or outliers.

Now would you care to display your ignorance in other areas:lol:
It's a lie to claim that man has no effect on the climate.

And it's silly to claim he does without any evidence to back it up, other than some group selling carbon credits to rubes.'re a hoot, soggybrain.

There is actually lots and lots of sound scientific evidence supporting the climate scientists' conclusions that mankind is causing the current abrupt global warming/climate changes, which we're doing primarily through our burning of so much of the various fossil fuels that we're pumping about 30 billion tons of extra excess CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Mankind's deforestation practices have also contributed to the problem by removing some of the natural carbon sinks that remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The evidence and the testimony of the world scientific community are easily available to anyone who looks so the only reasons you could have for claiming ignorance of them is either that you're so deep in denial for whatever political/religious/psychological reasons that you just refuse to look or else you're so brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda that you don't know up from down and just parrot the lies you've been sold.

Have you ever actually looked at the testimony of the world scientific community, soggy? Perhaps you grew up in some kind of fundamentalist wacko Jesus-cult household and were taught to distrust science and scientists because of the whole 'evolution' issue. If so, there's probably no reasoning with you, but if you're not that irrational and confused and you accept the enormous success of modern science in understanding the world, then try reading what all of the scientific organizations, academies and societies of the world have to say.

Scientific opinion on climate change

funny that the "brainwashed" are..............ummm..............winning!!!:2up:
Unfortunately, the "LEFT" has never been as good at "exaggerating" their concerns about global warming as the "RIGHT" (the Bush Adminstration) was in convincing Americans that there were WMDs in Iraq!

"Google" is hardly in a position to lecture liberals when it comes to "blatant agendas!"

I'm sorry, but if nothing I've ever posted--and please feel free to check--has ever been supportive of the Bush administration. I have posted several posts condemning the wars and using the debt ceiling as a means to end the wars and reduce the size of government. I volunteered for Ron Paul in 2008 and have already signed up to do so again.

I understand where the insinuation comes from, but it doesn't add up.

"jgarden" is hardly in a position to lecture me about who and what I support.
So let me get this straight. There is evidence that man has an effect on climate but repubs Suspect them of lying and because of that suspicion the conclusion is that they ARE lying without any proof. Is that the sum of it?

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