Media Lie: 'Record-Breaking Heat' Exaggeration; Blatant Agenda

It seems so easy when you are ignorant of the subject isnt it?

Instead of saying some one line insult, try saying something insightful. You could be much more educated on the subject, but you certainly haven't demonstrated it. I doubt it very much actually.

No I've just noticed a pattern of over simplifing complicated subjects from a point of having ignorace of that subject.

Ex: It's been hot before dont tell me global warming is real

or another Ex: Why is govt spending money researching (name an animal) it doesnt make sense! It's govt waste!

Simply by not knowing why something is done it seems the norm to instead of finding out why, you simply come to a over simplified conclusion

Don't make this about government spending, you never even touched the subject you started. You have again made an insult while making no actual point on the F-ing subject this is about. You are incorrect on both because you can't justify all of the wasteful government spending and if you can you have a long time to do it:

Washington recently spent $1.8 million to help build a private golf course in Atlanta, Georgia--My home city, thank God there will be football this year go Falcons!!!

Two drafting errors in the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act resulted in a $2 billion taxpayer cost.

Congress recently spent $2.4 billion on 10 new jets that the Pentagon insists it does not need and will not use.

But that isn't the point damn it!!!
My point in case you missed it is that you think that "hotness" is a ploy by the liberal media is dumb and your quote of "it's been hot before" means nothing and shows you are ignorant of the subject.

Got it?
Yall want me to believe that were destroying in a few years what mother nature couldn't in billions of years? Laughable
Gee.....I thought She did it with a big-ass flood, one time?????



You really had to go out of your way to introduce religious bigotry, you are the first unless you believe that I was correct in saying the environmental zealots are indeed religious zealots.

Either way you haven't said anything insightful.

Why are the ice caps of Mars melting? Do you believe that NASA is incorrect? Does that have any implications here?

Just say no if you are just going to say some lame insult.
It seems so easy when you are ignorant of the subject isnt it?

Instead of saying some one line insult, try saying something insightful. You could be much more educated on the subject, but you certainly haven't demonstrated it. I doubt it very much actually.

No I've just noticed a pattern of over simplifing complicated subjects from a point of having ignorace of that subject.

Ex: It's been hot before dont tell me global warming is real

or another Ex: Why is govt spending money researching (name an animal) it doesnt make sense! It's govt waste!

Simply by not knowing why something is done it seems the norm to instead of finding out why, you simply come to a over simplified conclusion

And why should the government use tax payer dollars to research (name an animal).

If it is important and will prove to be beneficial to the people, a private company will do it.

You know...sort of like Microsoft did?
My point in case you missed it is that you think that "hotness" is a ploy by the liberal media is dumb and your quote of "it's been hot before" means nothing and shows you are ignorant of the subject.

Got it?


But the media likes to sensationalize.

For the media to simply say "another heat wave as we have every years for hundreds of years"...

It is much more entertaining to bring talkingheads into the report and have them tell us how mankind is creating a weather disaster.

Most of us logical TV viewers realize this......and then there are those on the left who cherish every point made by the talking heads.
The recent media blitz on our summer heat wave is probably an exaggerated and orchestrated lead-up to help kick off Al Gore's new project...

Per Al Gore...

The climate crisis is a reality, and we are seeing its impacts in extreme weather all around the world. Using the same deceitful playbook as big tobacco used years before to mislead the public about the dangers of smoking, oil and coal companies and their allies are now deceiving the public about climate change. They have nearly unlimited resources to sow doubt, but we have one critical advantage: Reality is on our side.

That's why today I'm launching a new, global campaign to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis. This campaign is called The Climate Reality Project. We will invite people to discover for themselves the truth about climate change for themselves, and reject the mistruths they hear every day.

Climate Reality will start with a global event on September 14-15 called 24 Hours of Reality. Over 24 hours, in multiple languages and in 24 time zones, we will bring the world together to reveal the full truth, scope and impact of the climate crisis.

Al Gore: Meet The Climate Reality Project

I thought even fox was actually reporting the fucking weather like the other stations and even they are saying its record breaking they are part of this as well?


My point in case you missed it is that you think that "hotness" is a ploy by the liberal media is dumb and your quote of "it's been hot before" means nothing and shows you are ignorant of the subject.

Got it?

Alright F-it I'll concede that part of the OP.

Fine, the fact that records are subjective to the time frame that it existed isn't relevant.

I'm ignorant to suggest that, fine.

Do you disagree that this media obsession in historical context, when more severe heat waves gripped the nation there weren't constant cries of global warming.

Hurricane? Global Warming

Drought? Global Warming

Cold? Global Warming

No matter the weather it's global warming, or climate change which I believe is now the excepted dogma.

Why world temperatures did not rise from 1998 to 2008, while manmade emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel grew by nearly a third, various data show?

You are really dense.
It seems so easy when you are ignorant of the subject isnt it?

Instead of saying some one line insult, try saying something insightful. You could be much more educated on the subject, but you certainly haven't demonstrated it. I doubt it very much actually.

No I've just noticed a pattern of over simplifing complicated subjects from a point of having ignorace of that subject.

Ex: It's been hot before dont tell me global warming is real

or another Ex: Why is govt spending money researching (name an animal) it doesnt make sense! It's govt waste!

Simply by not knowing why something is done it seems the norm to instead of finding out why, you simply come to a over simplified conclusion

You obviously didn't get the memo... anthropogenic global warming is a lie.
We've been industrialized for what? 100 years give or take.

The earth is billions of years old. The earth releases toxins naturally though volcanic activity. Activity that in the earths history was continually active. Hell we have methane vents underwater that never stop releasing gas.

Yall want me to believe that were destroying in a few years what mother nature couldn't in billions of years? Laughable

It seems so easy when you are ignorant of the subject isnt it?

Quite the contrary. Unlike most I've studied this issue beyond listening to political talking heads.


My point in case you missed it is that you think that "hotness" is a ploy by the liberal media is dumb and your quote of "it's been hot before" means nothing and shows you are ignorant of the subject.

Got it?

Alright F-it I'll concede that part of the OP.

Fine, the fact that records are subjective to the time frame that it existed isn't relevant.

I'm ignorant to suggest that, fine.

Do you disagree that this media obsession in historical context, when more severe heat waves gripped the nation there weren't constant cries of global warming.

Hurricane? Global Warming

Drought? Global Warming

Cold? Global Warming

No matter the weather it's global warming, or climate change which I believe is now the excepted dogma.

Why world temperatures did not rise from 1998 to 2008, while manmade emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel grew by nearly a third, various data show?

You are really dense.

I've been listening to this nonsense since the 70's. These fuckwits predict some kind of global calamity if we don't do ______________ like immediately.

Guess what? They've never been right... about ANYTHING.
The recent media blitz on our summer heat wave is probably an exaggerated and orchestrated lead-up to help kick off Al Gore's new project...

Per Al Gore...

I thought even fox was actually reporting the fucking weather like the other stations and even they are saying its record breaking they are part of this as well?



contrary to liberal belief Fox News is not perfect....unlike Michelle Bachmann....:cool:
My point in case you missed it is that you think that "hotness" is a ploy by the liberal media is dumb and your quote of "it's been hot before" means nothing and shows you are ignorant of the subject.

Got it?

Alright F-it I'll concede that part of the OP.

Fine, the fact that records are subjective to the time frame that it existed isn't relevant.

I'm ignorant to suggest that, fine.

Do you disagree that this media obsession in historical context, when more severe heat waves gripped the nation there weren't constant cries of global warming.

Hurricane? Global Warming

Drought? Global Warming

Cold? Global Warming

No matter the weather it's global warming, or climate change which I believe is now the excepted dogma.

Why world temperatures did not rise from 1998 to 2008, while manmade emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel grew by nearly a third, various data show?

You are really dense.

I've been listening to this nonsense since the 70's. These fuckwits predict some kind of global calamity if we don't do ______________ like immediately.

Guess what? They've never been right... about ANYTHING.

If there is anything the environmental left has prove definatively is that they are wrong constantly. From the 60's to the 70's they have been screaming the sky is falling, and with little difference they are saying the same damn thing today. But now they've wrapped it all into one package: climate change.
what i really want to know....

why is there no "heat index" in the winter....?

or no "wind chill factor" in the summer....?

Alright F-it I'll concede that part of the OP.

Fine, the fact that records are subjective to the time frame that it existed isn't relevant.

I'm ignorant to suggest that, fine.

Do you disagree that this media obsession in historical context, when more severe heat waves gripped the nation there weren't constant cries of global warming.

Hurricane? Global Warming

Drought? Global Warming

Cold? Global Warming

No matter the weather it's global warming, or climate change which I believe is now the excepted dogma.

Why world temperatures did not rise from 1998 to 2008, while manmade emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel grew by nearly a third, various data show?

You are really dense.

I've been listening to this nonsense since the 70's. These fuckwits predict some kind of global calamity if we don't do ______________ like immediately.

Guess what? They've never been right... about ANYTHING.

If there is anything the environmental left has prove definatively is that they are wrong constantly. From the 60's to the 70's they have been screaming the sky is falling, and with little difference they are saying the same damn thing today. But now they've wrapped it all into one package: climate change.

Well it's kinda easy to say "nothing has happened" considering that most people consider life span to be a significant amount of time. For example you've heard this since the 60's..50 years ago..Jeez sounds like a long time for "nothing has happened" Except the earth is hundreds of millions years old. So 50 years isnt a long time

Second, things have "happened" except whenever those things happen people like you say "that's normal, show me what happened!"

It's like saying "show me something weird" and I show you my second set of balls and you say "that's nothing. You call that, weird?"
If you Google "record-breaking heat July 2011" you will be given 35 million results. All last week the left was pointing to the heat wave, in the middle of July, as evidence of global warming—proof positive. It was reported that Washington DC would reach 116 F—of course that was the ‘heat index’ not the actual temperature. The heat index broke records, not the actual temperatures.

Of course there were some records set last week, but once you put it in historical perspective it becomes undeniably clear that the media’s reporting on last week’s heat wave and their constant connections between man-made global warming is biased and not based in reality. This how the weather has been reported for the last 8-9 years.

“That's right. There were only 34 new all-time daily temperature records set during last week's "record-breaking heat."

This is out of over 6000 records previously set for each day since such things have been reported.

For instance, the four set Thursday were out of 6,219 historically for that day. This represented only 0.06 percent.

On Friday, 20 records were set out of 6,108, or 0.3 percent.

As you can see, the actual records broken were statistically insignificant.
Yet a Google search of "record-breaking heat July 2011" produced almost 35 million results.

That's more than a million stories per new record set.

Seems the exaggeration at play is even greater than the number of Americans now claiming they attended Woodstock.

Makes you wonder if all these so-called journalists were smoking something last week as if they were still at Max Yasgur's farm.” (Media Myth Debunked: Almost No Temperature Records Broken in Last Week's 'Record-Breaking Heat' |

Everything from drought to rain, blue skies to gray—whenever the weather changes and records are set, something that has been happening constantly from the beginning of Earth’s existence, we are told that it is proof of global warming. And if you believe that the records we are currently recording are actual records in regards to time, you are naïve. It is a record from the beginning of when those records began, and historians know that during such times as the Little Ice Age (Little Ice Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) temperatures were much lower and during such times as the Midevil Warm Period (Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) they were much higher.

I have still never had a liberal, either a personal friend or anyone on this message board, answer for the causes of the little ice age, or the implications of.

Nor have I ever had a liberal explain why the ice caps of Mars are melting. (Mars is Melting - NASA Science) NASA has reported several times that the temperature of Mars is increasing—in one moment of sincerity when they were focused solely on science and not what politically correct reported that the reason was because of increased solar activity. What are the implications of that fact on the theory of global warming?

You were saying?

Record-setting heat wave blasts New York City for second-straight day
I've been listening to this nonsense since the 70's. These fuckwits predict some kind of global calamity if we don't do ______________ like immediately.

Guess what? They've never been right... about ANYTHING.

If there is anything the environmental left has prove definatively is that they are wrong constantly. From the 60's to the 70's they have been screaming the sky is falling, and with little difference they are saying the same damn thing today. But now they've wrapped it all into one package: climate change.

Well it's kinda easy to say "nothing has happened" considering that most people consider life span to be a significant amount of time. For example you've heard this since the 60's..50 years ago..Jeez sounds like a long time for "nothing has happened" Except the earth is hundreds of millions years old. So 50 years isnt a long time

Second, things have "happened" except whenever those things happen people like you say "that's normal, show me what happened!"

It's like saying "show me something weird" and I show you my second set of balls and you say "that's nothing. You call that, weird?"

In the late 1700's, summers were met with near freezing temperatures parts of the country. The decades following showed gradual warming...each year with a mean temperature greater than the year before.

What technology was around back then that caused the "global warming"?

Truth is, we can attribute any act of nature to anything we want...we can attribute it to emissions...we can attribute it to moon landings.....we can attribute it to a black hole that is inching closer and closer to our solar system.

But we all know that there has been dramatic climate change since the beginning of time...we know Mars used to be more than clay dust....

I refuse to fall for the climate change crap. The forces of nature are much stronger than anything man can do.......

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