Media Matter Blames Beck!

This thread has become very tiresome. I hope this will convey more clearly what I have been trying to say here. This is my last word on this subject.

"It's not about what Beck says individually or what you believe individually - it's about a culture that is created when you dehumanize your opponent. When you call providers of a legal service "murderers"; when you (not you personally, here) call gays and lesbians "deviants"; when you say the President is "destroying the republic" - you create a culture in which someone sees justification for their violence. It doesn't mean you are "cheering them on" or that you agree with it - but if you use such terminology that dehumanizes people, then you are part of the creation of a culture that supports it.

Beck, you, and everyone else should be allowed to say whatever you'd like - but we have to be aware of the culture that this derogatory, dismissive language creates. Without stepping back and considering the consequences of our words, we are not legally, but morally responsible for the violence."

Glenn Beck Rant on Tides leads to Violence

That is pretty well written, and I agree with the essence of the post...

but I have the sense that selecting Glenn Beck as a representation of the political right, you are unaware of the fact that it is the left that is typically and repeatedly responsible for actual violence in our society?

As you have said, "...culture in which someone sees justification for their violence." it is historically the left wing that encourages and carries out violence.

Based on???
This thread has become very tiresome. I hope this will convey more clearly what I have been trying to say here. This is my last word on this subject.

"It's not about what Beck says individually or what you believe individually - it's about a culture that is created when you dehumanize your opponent. When you call providers of a legal service "murderers"; when you (not you personally, here) call gays and lesbians "deviants"; when you say the President is "destroying the republic" - you create a culture in which someone sees justification for their violence. It doesn't mean you are "cheering them on" or that you agree with it - but if you use such terminology that dehumanizes people, then you are part of the creation of a culture that supports it.

Beck, you, and everyone else should be allowed to say whatever you'd like - but we have to be aware of the culture that this derogatory, dismissive language creates. Without stepping back and considering the consequences of our words, we are not legally, but morally responsible for the violence."

Glenn Beck Rant on Tides leads to Violence

I've considered the consequences of my words very carefully and I can say with clear conscious: FUCK OFF!

Glenn Beck is one of the few people in media even talking about Tides Foundation and their very very to say the least, unusual agenda, which some may even view as standing four square against our founding and may well be anti-American.

Beck just pointed them out. Why is that a crime?

If you had any comprehension skills at all, you wouldn't have to rersort to this kind of comment. You're an idiot and you don't have any idea that people constantly laugh at you. But don't change!!! Just keep being yourself. You have no idea how to be anything else.
This thread has become very tiresome. I hope this will convey more clearly what I have been trying to say here. This is my last word on this subject.

"It's not about what Beck says individually or what you believe individually - it's about a culture that is created when you dehumanize your opponent. When you call providers of a legal service "murderers"; when you (not you personally, here) call gays and lesbians "deviants"; when you say the President is "destroying the republic" - you create a culture in which someone sees justification for their violence. It doesn't mean you are "cheering them on" or that you agree with it - but if you use such terminology that dehumanizes people, then you are part of the creation of a culture that supports it.

Beck, you, and everyone else should be allowed to say whatever you'd like - but we have to be aware of the culture that this derogatory, dismissive language creates. Without stepping back and considering the consequences of our words, we are not legally, but morally responsible for the violence."

Glenn Beck Rant on Tides leads to Violence

What you've been trying to do here is to pin the blame for the actions of a lone loon onto Glenn Beck...And you've failed miserably.

Wrong again. I'm not trying to pin anything on anybody, dear. I was just trying to get people to consider a point of view that makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that I have failed miserably at anything. Don't be such a drama king.

I love it. Glenn supposedly creates a derogatory culture that dehumanizes his "opponents" by doing a news story on who they are what they claim to represent. Therefore, you should be able to call Glenn derogatory names.

With that logic, I suppose we are trying to dehumanize the KKK by making derogatory statements about how they want to discriminate against minorities, call them racists, and report that they often go through with lynching people.

Forget the fact that they actually are racists who lynch minorities. Pointing out the fact is dehumanizing them and we should just pretend they don't actually do that, that they are really a charitable organization trying to encourage "Ethnic appreciation".

The truth is the truth. Denial doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Good Lord!!! That was way over your head, wasn't it???

It appears your have modified your very conclusive opinion. Do you plan to respond to everyone or just those that you think you can beat?
Looks like this union guy might have been incited:

Union officials say Omar Thornton had worked as a driver for acouple of years and had been called in for a disciplinary hearing Tuesday and asked to resign. He instead opened fire at a warehouse in Manchester...

... Teamsters Local 1035 official Christopher Roos says Thornton was "a disgruntled employee who shot a bunch of people."

Beer Business Shooter Was 'Disgruntled': Union Official : NPR

Now why would be he disgruntled? Do unions dehumanize people? Do they create a culture of conflict?

By Rinata's logic it seems that this sad tragedy isn't a nutjob gone totally batshit crazy, but an act of violence due to animosity by the perpetrator and a dehumanizing culture in the Teamsters.
He listened to Olbermann raving against the rich.

Obviously, this is all Olbermann's fault.
What you've been trying to do here is to pin the blame for the actions of a lone loon onto Glenn Beck...And you've failed miserably.

Wrong again. I'm not trying to pin anything on anybody, dear. I was just trying to get people to consider a point of view that makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that I have failed miserably at anything. Don't be such a drama king.
It makes zero sense as beck has never ever recommended or promoted violent action against anyone.

You're making crap up and failing miserably at making a connection that doesn't exist.
Good Lord!!! That was way over your head, wasn't it???

Not at all. I'm just very amused by your complete double standard and insistance that we can't take an honest look at reality because it "dehumanizes" others.

Maybe you should actually watch Glenn one of these days and fight out what exactly he talks about. Maybe you would be so derrogatory against him.
This thread has become very tiresome. I hope this will convey more clearly what I have been trying to say here. This is my last word on this subject.

"It's not about what Beck says individually or what you believe individually - it's about a culture that is created when you dehumanize your opponent. When you call providers of a legal service "murderers"; when you (not you personally, here) call gays and lesbians "deviants"; when you say the President is "destroying the republic" - you create a culture in which someone sees justification for their violence. It doesn't mean you are "cheering them on" or that you agree with it - but if you use such terminology that dehumanizes people, then you are part of the creation of a culture that supports it.

Beck, you, and everyone else should be allowed to say whatever you'd like - but we have to be aware of the culture that this derogatory, dismissive language creates. Without stepping back and considering the consequences of our words, we are not legally, but morally responsible for the violence."

Glenn Beck Rant on Tides leads to Violence

That is pretty well written, and I agree with the essence of the post...

but I have the sense that selecting Glenn Beck as a representation of the political right, you are unaware of the fact that it is the left that is typically and repeatedly responsible for actual violence in our society?

As you have said, "...culture in which someone sees justification for their violence." it is historically the left wing that encourages and carries out violence.

Based on???

Since you are not the only one with a misconception about the matter, I'll begin thread to educate you.
This thread has become very tiresome. I hope this will convey more clearly what I have been trying to say here. This is my last word on this subject.

"It's not about what Beck says individually or what you believe individually - it's about a culture that is created when you dehumanize your opponent. When you call providers of a legal service "murderers"; when you (not you personally, here) call gays and lesbians "deviants"; when you say the President is "destroying the republic" - you create a culture in which someone sees justification for their violence. It doesn't mean you are "cheering them on" or that you agree with it - but if you use such terminology that dehumanizes people, then you are part of the creation of a culture that supports it.

Beck, you, and everyone else should be allowed to say whatever you'd like - but we have to be aware of the culture that this derogatory, dismissive language creates. Without stepping back and considering the consequences of our words, we are not legally, but morally responsible for the violence."

Glenn Beck Rant on Tides leads to Violence

Wrong again. I'm not trying to pin anything on anybody, dear. I was just trying to get people to consider a point of view that makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that I have failed miserably at anything. Don't be such a drama king.

I love it. Glenn supposedly creates a derogatory culture that dehumanizes his "opponents" by doing a news story on who they are what they claim to represent. Therefore, you should be able to call Glenn derogatory names.

With that logic, I suppose we are trying to dehumanize the KKK by making derogatory statements about how they want to discriminate against minorities, call them racists, and report that they often go through with lynching people.

Forget the fact that they actually are racists who lynch minorities. Pointing out the fact is dehumanizing them and we should just pretend they don't actually do that, that they are really a charitable organization trying to encourage "Ethnic appreciation".

The truth is the truth. Denial doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Good Lord!!! That was way over your head, wasn't it???

It appears your have modified your very conclusive opinion. Do you plan to respond to everyone or just those that you think you can beat?

You always have to come to each others rescue, don't you?? I've noticed that you do it a lot.
What you've been trying to do here is to pin the blame for the actions of a lone loon onto Glenn Beck...And you've failed miserably.

Wrong again. I'm not trying to pin anything on anybody, dear. I was just trying to get people to consider a point of view that makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that I have failed miserably at anything. Don't be such a drama king.
It makes zero sense as beck has never ever recommended or promoted violent action against anyone.

You're making crap up and failing miserably at making a connection that doesn't exist.

I don't think so. You and your pals are just in total denial about Beck and it's pathetic.
Good Lord!!! That was way over your head, wasn't it???

Not at all. I'm just very amused by your complete double standard and insistance that we can't take an honest look at reality because it "dehumanizes" others.

Maybe you should actually watch Glenn one of these days and fight out what exactly he talks about. Maybe you would be so derrogatory against him.

I have watched him more than once, believe me. How else could I be so amazed at people that take him seriously??
That is pretty well written, and I agree with the essence of the post...

but I have the sense that selecting Glenn Beck as a representation of the political right, you are unaware of the fact that it is the left that is typically and repeatedly responsible for actual violence in our society?

As you have said, "...culture in which someone sees justification for their violence." it is historically the left wing that encourages and carries out violence.

Based on???

Since you are not the only one with a misconception about the matter, I'll begin thread to educate you.

:lol: Yeah, you do that.
You always have to come to each others rescue, don't you?? I've noticed that you do it a lot.


Define "a lot" and please provide links for the times I "always come to each others rescue." Seeing as how I've only been on this board for a few days I doubt anything I've done can be considered "a lot."
I have watched him more than once, believe me. How else could I be so amazed at people that take him seriously??

Yeah it's funny how looking at facts and what actually occured in history can be so convincing.
Wrong again. I'm not trying to pin anything on anybody, dear. I was just trying to get people to consider a point of view that makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that I have failed miserably at anything. Don't be such a drama king.
It makes zero sense as beck has never ever recommended or promoted violent action against anyone.

You're making crap up and failing miserably at making a connection that doesn't exist.

I don't think so. You and your pals are just in total denial about Beck and it's pathetic.
What's pathetic is that you haven't provided one single quote from Beck, where he's calling directly for violence.

And you won't because there aren't any...All you have are your goofy paranoid rantings and some blabbering from an equally goofy blogger an Moonbats Matter.

Pathetic indeed.
Dude you are correct.

Beck has actually called for people to be peaceful and follow the guidelines of protest that Martin Luther King put forth for people in the civil rights struggle.
Dude you are correct.

Beck has actually called for people to be peaceful and follow the guidelines of protest that Martin Luther King put forth for people in the civil rights struggle.

You think that rancid lying twats like Truthdoesn'tmattertoheratall is going to let something like facts, evidence, proof, integrity, honesty or honor get in the way of one of her typically dishonest petty partisan rants?
I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media


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