Media Matter Blames Beck!

I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079
Gaea damn that First Amendment, huh? :cool:
Omg. the left hates that stuff called FREE SPEECH. unless of course it's being used to accuse a sitting REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT of plotting or letting 9/11 happen. or hating BLACK PEOPLE, or lying about Iraq, etc etc.

they won't be SATISFIED until they have TAKEN AWAY YOUR free speech rights folks.

you all better WAKE THE HELL UP.
•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”

I remember listening to that show. Oooh so dangerous! Call a fascist out early and often. Just think. If Hitler HAD been stopped as batshit insane before he rose to power... THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO HOLOCAUST!!!!!

•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.

Yes? And? He's right.

•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

Funny. Around that time, I remember listening to his show and the phrase I recall being used was that he could neither CORROBORATE OR DEBUNK the statements. He advised caution about believing such things, but do not trust this government.

BTW, what happened to Hillary's little screed that being against the government was patriotic anyway? Not so much when the progressofascists are in power?

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

Yes.... extremism like "Turn to God and pray for your nation." "Pray for Obama that nothing bad happens to him". Advocating non violence at every turn. Bring your children to the 8/28 rally, not signs. Do nothing to cause harm, but stand for truth and equal justice. Remember that God gave us these rights and keep your eyes focused on him to return this nation to sound leadership.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

I listen to him at least 2 hours a day if I can. And you ask 'who are you going to believe? Me or your own lying ears.

Sorry, but your outrage is what's wrong here. Not Beck. I'll believe what I experienced. Not you.
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I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079

Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?
I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079

Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.
I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079

Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.

Speak da troff ta powah!!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama‬‎[/ame]
Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.

Speak da troff ta powah!!]YouTube - ‪GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama

Speak da troff ta powah!!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Terrorism: Ron Paul vs. Giuliani @ SC Debate‬‎[/ame]

Ron Paul is saying the SAME thing Frank. Thanks for showing the shallowness of your knowledge...
I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079

Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.
He be hatin'! I knows it cuz... he be wunna dem raaight wingars! An... an... an... we knows whut's in dey's harts cuz, dey be evil fukkas eben doh dey neva says it... we knows da troof!


Fucking please you malignant sociopath pimple on the ass of society. You're about as tolerant as a Hitler Youth book burning.
If the left wasn't so dangerous to our FREEDOMS, you would have to laugh at what they consider or decide who it is that spouting HATE SPEECH.

the pronounce any and all so called conservative TALK SHOW HOST as "spreading hate". but ignore and excuse the likes of the Black Panthers, the very hateful Rev. Wright, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddcow, etc etc etc.

people better wake up to what they are trying to do. they are trying to SILENCE the opposition in a round about way.

don't just sit back and let it happen.
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You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.

He isn't preaching hate though. That's where your whole analysis falls apart.

This is exactly why no one who knows what Glenn actually says believes you have actually a seen any of his shows.
I think that anybody that doesn't see how dangerous Glenn Beck is, is one of two things. Either dumber than a bag of rocks or as crazy as he is. We have been warned about him over and over through a variety of sources. This article is almost a year old and he is worse than ever:

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.

•On an August 2009 radio program, after claiming that President Obama was lying about his health-care plan, Beck told his audience to read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Beck said that Hitler told Germans what he was going to do but no one listened. Beck then urged his audience not to make the same mistake with Obama: “Please America…take this man for what he says.”
•That same month, David Bellavia, a former army staff sergeant who wrote a book about his experiences as a soldier in Iraq, appeared as a guest on Beck’s TV show. Bellavia discussed the claim that President Obama was trying to create a “civilian national security force” and compared this to the efforts of Hitler and Saddam Hussein to create sinister military forces composed of political loyalists that answered only to them.
•On a July 2009 TV show, Beck said that President Obama is a “dangerous” man.
•In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.

These kinds of claims from Beck create an intersection between the mainstream and the extreme. They play an important role in drawing people further out of the mainstream, making them more receptive to the more extreme notions and conspiracy theories.

This man is just a lying scumbag and will not be happy until something terrible happens.

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies - The Influence of the Mainstream Media

View attachment 11079

Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.

The fact that you have to resort to calling me a "right wing pea brain" tells me that you have no valid argument to make in response and it also tells me you can't find a clip of beck calling on people to be violent.

DO you need an example of inciting violence maybe? here you go

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Black Panthers Say That Blacks Have To "Kill Some Crackers And Their Babies!"‬‎[/ame]
If the left wasn't so dangerous to our FREEDOMS, you would have to laugh at what they consider or decide who it is that spouting HATE SPEECH.

the pronounce any and all so called conservative TALK SHOW HOST as "spreading hate". but ignore and excuse the likes of the Black Panthers, the very hateful Rev. Wright, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddcow, etc etc etc.

people better wake up to what they are trying to do. they are trying to SILENCE the opposition in a round about way.

don't just sit back and let it happen.
Didn't you hear? They're liberals. They're incapable of hate. Only those who do not align themselves with the love and perfection of their progressofascism are haters.
Yeah some of those quotes sound wild but none of them are inciting violence.

Do you have any that are inciting violence?

You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.
He be hatin'! I knows it cuz... he be wunna dem raaight wingars! An... an... an... we knows whut's in dey's harts cuz, dey be evil fukkas eben doh dey neva says it... we knows da troof!


Fucking please you malignant sociopath pimple on the ass of society. You're about as tolerant as a Hitler Youth book burning.

WOW, what a fucking flaming asshole you are... tolerant of Hitler tactics...coming for the right wing sociopath who said:

Killing an innocent human being is murder.

No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime.
You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.
He be hatin'! I knows it cuz... he be wunna dem raaight wingars! An... an... an... we knows whut's in dey's harts cuz, dey be evil fukkas eben doh dey neva says it... we knows da troof!


Fucking please you malignant sociopath pimple on the ass of society. You're about as tolerant as a Hitler Youth book burning.

WOW, what a fucking flaming asshole you are... tolerant of Hitler tactics...coming for the right wing sociopath who said:

Killing an innocent human being is murder.

No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime.
Aaaannnnnd reading comprehension hits the toilet again. Failed remedial metaphors I see.

Oh boy! I see you're attempting to make a point by quoting me! Excellent. Your foolishness on display for all to see by you.

make that a RETARDED malignant sociopathic pimple with poor reading skills on the ass of society.
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He be hatin'! I knows it cuz... he be wunna dem raaight wingars! An... an... an... we knows whut's in dey's harts cuz, dey be evil fukkas eben doh dey neva says it... we knows da troof!


Fucking please you malignant sociopath pimple on the ass of society. You're about as tolerant as a Hitler Youth book burning.

WOW, what a fucking flaming asshole you are... tolerant of Hitler tactics...coming for the right wing sociopath who said:

No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime.
Aaaannnnnd reading comprehension hits the toilet again. Failed remedial metaphors I see.

Oh boy! I see you're attempting to make a point by quoting me! Excellent. Your foolishness on display for all to see by you.

make that a RETARDED malignant sociopathic pimple with poor reading skills on the ass of society.

Hey pea brain, am I now allowed to invoke the 'Godwin Rule'???

Big Fizzzzzzz....Epic Failure...:lol::lol::lol:

Did you or did you not say: 'No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime' ?

So if your beloved police 'State' kills an innocent human being, it is just a wittle boo-boo...

They were guilty of being innocent...

WOW, what a fucking flaming asshole you are... tolerant of Hitler tactics...coming for the right wing sociopath who said:
Aaaannnnnd reading comprehension hits the toilet again. Failed remedial metaphors I see.

Oh boy! I see you're attempting to make a point by quoting me! Excellent. Your foolishness on display for all to see by you.

make that a RETARDED malignant sociopathic pimple with poor reading skills on the ass of society.

Hey pea brain, am I now allowed to invoke the 'Godwin Rule'???

Big Fizzzzzzz....Epic Failure...:lol::lol::lol:

Did you or did you not say: 'No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime' ?

So if your beloved police 'State' kills an innocent human being, it is just a wittle boo-boo...

They were guilty of being innocent...

Hey pea brain, am I now allowed to invoke the 'Godwin Rule'???

oooOOOoooo you Godwin'd a thread! OMG! You used NAZI! Oh noes! Everything you say for the rest of the life is a lie because you Godwined yourself!!!!! [begins epileptic fit of libberish] :rolleyes:

You think that means a damn thing to me? Your type have been chucking the term nazi around incorrectly for 60 years. Like I give a fuck what imaginary 'law' you pulled out of your ass to defend your stupidity thinking it's going to stop legitimate criticism of your intolerance.

Did you or did you not say: 'No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime' ?

So if your beloved police 'State' kills an innocent human being, it is just a wittle boo-boo...

They were guilty of being innocent...

Whine to someone who gives a shit about your obsessive compulsive anti-death penalty fucktardery. Make your own thread of inanity if you want to babble about. I won't be joining you so you can claim victory and jack off contentedly.

Aaaannnnnd reading comprehension hits the toilet again. Failed remedial metaphors I see.

Oh boy! I see you're attempting to make a point by quoting me! Excellent. Your foolishness on display for all to see by you.

make that a RETARDED malignant sociopathic pimple with poor reading skills on the ass of society.

Hey pea brain, am I now allowed to invoke the 'Godwin Rule'???

Big Fizzzzzzz....Epic Failure...:lol::lol::lol:

Did you or did you not say: 'No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime' ?

So if your beloved police 'State' kills an innocent human being, it is just a wittle boo-boo...

They were guilty of being innocent...

Hey pea brain, am I now allowed to invoke the 'Godwin Rule'???

oooOOOoooo you Godwin'd a thread! OMG! You used NAZI! Oh noes! Everything you say for the rest of the life is a lie because you Godwined yourself!!!!! [begins epileptic fit of libberish] :rolleyes:

You think that means a damn thing to me? Your type have been chucking the term nazi around incorrectly for 60 years. Like I give a fuck what imaginary 'law' you pulled out of your ass to defend your stupidity thinking it's going to stop legitimate criticism of your intolerance.

Did you or did you not say: 'No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime' ?

So if your beloved police 'State' kills an innocent human being, it is just a wittle boo-boo...

They were guilty of being innocent...

Whine to someone who gives a shit about your obsessive compulsive anti-death penalty fucktardery. Make your own thread of inanity if you want to babble about. I won't be joining you so you can claim victory and jack off contentedly.


Yea, 60 years of labeling Nazi's what they ARE...right wing extremists, until we enter the bizzaro world of right wing pea brains like Jonah Golberg.

Why don't you try reading some of Mein Kampf yourself and see how much Hitler hated the left?

Here's a revolutionary concept for you pea brain...EDUCATE yourself before you open your pie hole and let out all your embarrass yourself...

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


Volume Two - The National Socialist Movement
Chapter I: Philosophy and Party

Mein Kampf - Volume II, Chapter I

Democracy is exploited by the Marxists for the purpose of paralyzing their opponents and gaining for themselves a free hand to put their own methods into action. When certain groups of Marxists use all their ingenuity for the time being to make it be believed that they are inseparably attached to the principles of democracy, it may be well to recall the fact that when critical occasions arose these same gentlemen snapped their fingers at the principle of decision by majority vote, as that principle is understood by Western Democracy. Such was the case in those days when the bourgeois parliamentarians, in their monumental shortsightedness, believed that the security of the Reich was guaranteed because it had an overwhelming numerical majority in its favour, and the Marxists did not hesitate suddenly to grasp supreme power in their own hands, backed by a mob of loafers, deserters, political place-hunters and Jewish dilettanti. That was a blow in the face for that democracy in which so many parliamentarians believed. Only those credulous parliamentary wizards who represented bourgeois democracy could have believed that the brutal determination of those whose interest it is to spread the Marxist world-pest, of which they are the carriers, could for a moment, now or in the future, be held in check by the magical formulas of Western Parliamentarianism. Marxism will march shoulder to shoulder with democracy until it succeeds indirectly in securing for its own criminal purposes even the support of those whose minds are nationally orientated and whom Marxism strives to exterminate. But if the Marxists should one day come to believe that there was a danger that from this witch's cauldron of our parliamentary democracy a majority vote might be concocted, which by reason of its numerical majority would be empowered to enact legislation and might use that power seriously to combat Marxism, then the whole parliamentarian hocus-pocus would be at an end. Instead of appealing to the democratic conscience, the standard bearers of the Red International would immediately send forth a furious rallying-cry among the proletarian masses and the ensuing fight would not take place in the sedate atmosphere of Parliament but in the factories and the streets. Then democracy would be annihilated forthwith. And what the intellectual prowess of the apostles who represented the people in Parliament had failed to accomplish would now be successfully carried out by the crow-bar and the sledge-hammer of the exasperated proletarian masses – just as in the autumn of 1918. At a blow they would awaken the bourgeois world to see the madness of thinking that the Jewish drive towards world-conquest can be effectually opposed by means of Western Democracy.


If we try to penetrate to the inner meaning of the word völkisch we arrive at the following conclusions:
The current political conception of the world is that the State, though it possesses a creative force which can build up civilizations, has nothing in common with the concept of race as the foundation of the State. The State is considered rather as something which has resulted from economic necessity, or, at best, the natural outcome of the play of political forces and impulses. Such a conception of the foundations of the State, together with all its logical consequences, not only ignores the primordial racial forces that underlie the State, but it also leads to a policy in which the importance of the individual is minimized. If it be denied that races differ from one another in their powers of cultural creativeness, then this same erroneous notion must necessarily influence our estimation of the value of the individual. The assumption that all races are alike leads to the assumption that nations and individuals are equal to one another. And international Marxism is nothing but the application – effected by the Jew, Karl Marx – of a general conception of life to a definite profession of political faith; but in reality that general concept had existed long before the time of Karl Marx. If it had not already existed as a widely diffused infection the amazing political progress of the Marxist teaching would never have been possible. In reality what distinguished Karl Marx from the millions who were affected in the same way was that, in a world already in a state of gradual decomposition, he used his keen powers of prognosis to detect the essential poisons, so as to extract them and concentrate them, with the art of a necromancer, in a solution which would bring about the rapid destruction of the independent nations on the globe. But all this was done in the service of his race.

Thus the Marxist doctrine is the concentrated extract of the mentality which underlies the general concept of life today. For this reason alone it is out of the question and even ridiculous to think that what is called our bourgeois world can put up any effective fight against Marxism. For this bourgeois world is permeated with all those same poisons and its conception of life in general differs from Marxism only in degree and in the character of the persons who hold it. The bourgeois world is Marxist but believes in the possibility of a certain group of people – that is to say, the bourgeoisie – being able to dominate the world, while Marxism itself systematically aims at delivering the world into the hands of the Jews.

Over against all this, the völkisch concept of the world recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind. In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind. Therefore on the völkisch principle we cannot admit that one race is equal to another. By recognizing that they are different, the völkisch concept separates mankind into races of superior and inferior quality. On the basis of this recognition it feels bound in conformity with the eternal Will that dominates the universe, to postulate the victory of the better and stronger and the subordination of the inferior and weaker. And so it pays homage to the truth that the principle underlying all Nature's operations is the aristocratic principle and it believes that this law holds good even down to the last individual organism. It selects individual values from the mass and thus operates as an organizing principle, whereas Marxism acts as a disintegrating solvent.

The völkisch belief holds that humanity must have its ideals, because ideals are a necessary condition of human existence itself. But, on the other hand, it denies that an ethical ideal has the right to prevail if it endangers the existence of a race that is the standard-bearer of a higher ethical ideal. For in a world which would be composed of mongrels and negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealized future for our humanity would be lost forever.

On this planet of ours human culture and civilization are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he should be exterminated or subjugated, then the dark shroud of a new barbarian era would enfold the earth.

To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its founders and custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who believe that the folk-idea lies at the basis of human existence. Whoever would dare to raise a profane hand against that highest image of God among His creatures would sin against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and would collaborate in the expulsion from Paradise.
Hence the folk concept of the world is in profound accord with Nature's will; because it restores the free play of the forces which will lead the race through stages of sustained reciprocal education towards a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in every domain all over the world and even reach spheres that lie outside the earth.

We all feel that in the distant future many may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, a race destined to become master of all the other peoples and which will have at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.


It is self-evident that so general a statement of the meaningful content of a folkish philosophy can be easily interpreted in a thousand different ways. As a matter of fact there is scarcely one of our recent political movements that does not refer at some point to this conception of the world. But the fact that this conception of the world still maintains its independent existence in face of all the others proves that their ways of looking at life are quite difierent from this. Thus the Marxist conception, directed by a central organization endowed with supreme authority, is opposed by a motley crew of opinions which is not very impressive in face of the solid phalanx presented by the enemy. Victory cannot be achieved with such weak weapons. Only when the international idea, politically organized by Marxism, is confronted by the folk idea, equally well organized in a systematic way and equally well led – only then will the fighting energy in the one camp be able to meet that of the other on an equal footing; and victory will be found on the side of eternal truth.

But a general conception of life can never be given an organic embodiment until it is precisely and definitely formulated. The function which dogma fulfils in religious belief is parallel to the function which party principles fulfil for a political party which is in the process of being built up.

Therefore, for the conception of life that is based on the folk idea it is necessary that an instrument be forged which can be used in fighting for this ideal, similar to the Marxist party organization which clears the way for internationalism.

This is the goal pursued by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.
Translation: Let's not let the facts get in the way of peddling our abject hatred, for anyone and everyone who dares to have an opinion that strongly and unabashedly differs from our far left kookery.
Oh look! Bfgrn's popped it! :popcorn:

Believe what you want, progressofascist.

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text that supposedly proves it is conservative and then the last line debunks the whole effort.

This is the goal pursued by the National Socialist German Workers' Party
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