Media Matter Blames Beck!

Oh look! Bfgrn's popped it! :popcorn:

Believe what you want, progressofascist.

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text that supposedly proves it is conservative and then the last line debunks the whole effort.

This is the goal pursued by the National Socialist German Workers' Party

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text...yea...copied directly from Adolph Hitler...

Thank you for proving you are a 'word bound' right wing pea brain...gee, it's too bad you weren't around during the civil rights movement to tell Martin Luther King Jr; 'just go out there and tell them you are a white man'...

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


Volume Two - The National Socialist Movement
Chapter VII: The Struggle with the Red Front

Mein Kampf - Volume II, Chapter VII

The fact that we had chosen red as the colour for our posters sufficed to attract them to our meetings. The ordinary bourgeoisie were very shocked to see that, we had also chosen the symbolic red of Bolshevism and they regarded this as something ambiguously significant. The suspicion was whispered in German Nationalist circles that we also were merely another variety of Marxism, perhaps even Marxists suitably disguised, or better still, Socialists. The actual difference between Socialism and Marxism still remains a mystery to these people up to this day. The charge of Marxism was conclusively proved when it was discovered that at our meetings we deliberately substituted the words 'Fellow-countrymen and Women' for 'Ladies and Gentlemen' and addressed each other as 'Party Comrade'. We used to roar with laughter at these silly faint-hearted bourgeoisie and their efforts to puzzle out our origin, our intentions and our aims.

We chose red for our posters after particular and careful deliberation, our intention being to irritate the Left...
Oh look! Bfgrn's popped it! :popcorn:

Believe what you want, progressofascist.

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text that supposedly proves it is conservative and then the last line debunks the whole effort.

This is the goal pursued by the National Socialist German Workers' Party

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text...yea...copied directly from Adolph Hitler...

Thank you for proving you are a 'word bound' right wing pea brain...gee, it's too bad you weren't around during the civil rights movement to tell Martin Luther King Jr; 'just go out there and tell them you are a white man'...

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


Volume Two - The National Socialist Movement
Chapter VII: The Struggle with the Red Front

Mein Kampf - Volume II, Chapter VII

The fact that we had chosen red as the colour for our posters sufficed to attract them to our meetings. The ordinary bourgeoisie were very shocked to see that, we had also chosen the symbolic red of Bolshevism and they regarded this as something ambiguously significant. The suspicion was whispered in German Nationalist circles that we also were merely another variety of Marxism, perhaps even Marxists suitably disguised, or better still, Socialists. The actual difference between Socialism and Marxism still remains a mystery to these people up to this day. The charge of Marxism was conclusively proved when it was discovered that at our meetings we deliberately substituted the words 'Fellow-countrymen and Women' for 'Ladies and Gentlemen' and addressed each other as 'Party Comrade'. We used to roar with laughter at these silly faint-hearted bourgeoisie and their efforts to puzzle out our origin, our intentions and our aims.

We chose red for our posters after particular and careful deliberation, our intention being to irritate the Left...

Yep. not only flunked metaphors, you've been held back 3 times haven't you? I use the term Hitler Youth Book Burning as a metaphor for your lack of tolerance (yes I'm going to spell it out for your dimwitted colleagues and hope they can clue you in) and you scream "GODWIN!" like it means a damn thing. Then you go running down the road thinking you can get milage of a statement I made almost a month ago spanking your OCD ass on an unrelated topic and want me to discuss it? Jesus, man... let it the fuck go.

Go find a padded cell somewhere for a while okay and dry out? Leave the adults a nice place to talk.
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Oh look! Bfgrn's popped it! :popcorn:

Believe what you want, progressofascist.

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text that supposedly proves it is conservative and then the last line debunks the whole effort.

Lots of long paragraphs of copied text...yea...copied directly from Adolph Hitler...

Thank you for proving you are a 'word bound' right wing pea brain...gee, it's too bad you weren't around during the civil rights movement to tell Martin Luther King Jr; 'just go out there and tell them you are a white man'...

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


Volume Two - The National Socialist Movement
Chapter VII: The Struggle with the Red Front

Mein Kampf - Volume II, Chapter VII

The fact that we had chosen red as the colour for our posters sufficed to attract them to our meetings. The ordinary bourgeoisie were very shocked to see that, we had also chosen the symbolic red of Bolshevism and they regarded this as something ambiguously significant. The suspicion was whispered in German Nationalist circles that we also were merely another variety of Marxism, perhaps even Marxists suitably disguised, or better still, Socialists. The actual difference between Socialism and Marxism still remains a mystery to these people up to this day. The charge of Marxism was conclusively proved when it was discovered that at our meetings we deliberately substituted the words 'Fellow-countrymen and Women' for 'Ladies and Gentlemen' and addressed each other as 'Party Comrade'. We used to roar with laughter at these silly faint-hearted bourgeoisie and their efforts to puzzle out our origin, our intentions and our aims.

We chose red for our posters after particular and careful deliberation, our intention being to irritate the Left...

Yep. not only flunked metaphors, you've been held back 3 times haven't you?

You're a fucking lunatic. Go find a padded cell somewhere for a while okay? Leave the adults a nice place to talk.

Well Big Fizzzz, you are either a disingenuous piece of shit or just THAT stupid...

Which is it?
You right wing pea brains and your 'literal' bullshit... Beck can preach all the non-violence he wants, but when you couple that with his constant preaching of hate, it is meaningless.

Speak da troff ta powah!!]YouTube - ‪GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama

Speak da troff ta powah!!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Terrorism: Ron Paul vs. Giuliani @ SC Debate‬‎[/ame]

Ron Paul is saying the SAME thing Frank. Thanks for showing the shallowness of your knowledge...

I missed the part where Ron Paul says, "Hillary ain't never been called a ******!"

Where is that?
"Democracy is exploited by the Marxists for the purpose of paralyzing their opponents and gaining for themselves a free hand to put their own methods into action." -- Adolf Hitler, Famous Leftist

Sounds like ObamaCare and the Financial "Reform", no?
I see my point that Glenn doesnt preach hate wasnt even disputed.

How can someone preach hate and reconcilation? you can't.
BFGRN. You can post your nazi documents all you want but it doesn't change the basic facts, and the facts make your "comeback" fail.

Germany was a Fascist Socialist State
Russia was a communist Socialist State
Progressives want a Democratic Socialist state.

yes they are all different types of socialism but they all share the same governmental structure and ideals, socialism. That is the problem.

Socialism has been shown time and again throughout history to fail.
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BFGRN. You can post your nazi documents all you want but it doesn't change the basic facts, and the facts make your "comeback" fail.

Germany was a Fascist Socialist State
Russia was a communist Socialist State
Progressives want a Democratic Socialist state.

yes they are all different types of socialism but they all share the same governmental structure and ideals, socialism. That is the problem.

Socialism has been shown time and again throughout history to fail.

There was nothing 'socialist' about Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

Do you even know what socialism IS? It has never really been tried on a large scale in any major country.

What Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had in common is power in the hands of one, or the few, and a disregard for human beings. THAT is what the right in America has in common with those totalitarian regimes...

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.

A common mistake is to confuse Socialism, the economic system, with Communism, the political system. Communists are "socialist" in the same way that Republicans are "compassionate conservatives". That is, they give lip service to ideals they have no intention of practicing.
There was nothing 'socialist' about Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

Riddle me this.

If you shove your head up your own ass so far it should come out your mouth... what happens next?

Seriously man. You need to find a new hobby. Thinking just isn't working out for you.
There was nothing 'socialist' about Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

Riddle me this.

If you shove your head up your own ass so far it should come out your mouth... what happens next?

Seriously man. You need to find a new hobby. Thinking just isn't working out for you.

Hey Big Fizzzzz...what would a Soviet conservative look like? Any idea, or does your tiny little pea brain operate on something congruent to the northern/southern hemisphere clockwise/counterclockwise drain swirl theory?

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.
Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

huh... I'm sure you'll agree with this sentiment then.

"In the end, treason is a matter of dates" Clarion "The Count of Monte Christo"

Moral relativist claptrap and failed attempts at equivalency. But your irrelevancy bin is fully, commie.
Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

huh... I'm sure you'll agree with this sentiment then.

"In the end, treason is a matter of dates" Clarion "The Count of Monte Christo"

Moral relativist claptrap and failed attempts at equivalency. But your irrelevancy bin is fully, commie.

Let's hear some more of 'as the world turns' in the tiny context of your parochial indoctrination.

You are are so far out of your league son, it is an embarrassment for you... but keep trying pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:
Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

huh... I'm sure you'll agree with this sentiment then.

"In the end, treason is a matter of dates" Clarion "The Count of Monte Christo"

Moral relativist claptrap and failed attempts at equivalency. But your irrelevancy bin is fully, commie.

Let's hear some more of 'as the world turns' in the tiny context of your parochial indoctrination.

You are are so far out of your league son, it is an embarrassment for you... but keep trying pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:

In other words, the limp and futile Bfgrn has spoken. :lol:

Finding himself to be in sole possession of all truth, he made his pronouncement and that's that. :lol:

In his silly little head, he reigns triumphant. He's throwing himself a parade. :lol: When Bfgrn and assholes like him unilaterally declare victory, the truth is almost always found elsewhere.
* * * *

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

Wow is that stupid. Quoting it is retarded enough. But quoting it because YOU are the one who (you think) first "said" it is even dumber. It's akin to taking "credit" for the stench in a gas station men's room.

You are truly a moron and a douche bag.

Your quote is beyond stupid and meaningless. It is so fucking retarded, it shouts out that only an unthinking, plodding liberal piss-boi could possibly have said anything so absurdly lame. It makes no sense on any level.

Hey look. Bfgrn left a pile of shit on the floor. Again.
* * * *

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

Wow is that stupid. Quoting it is retarded enough. But quoting it because YOU are the one who (you think) first "said" it is even dumber. It's akin to taking "credit" for the stench in a gas station men's room.

You are truly a moron and a douche bag.

Your quote is beyond stupid and meaningless. It is so fucking retarded, it shouts out that only an unthinking, plodding liberal piss-boi could possibly have said anything so absurdly lame. It makes no sense on any level.

Hey look. Bfgrn left a pile of shit on the floor. Again.

OK Einstein, then you can answer the question. What would a Soviet conservative look like?

What values, tenets, orthodoxy and beliefs would a conservative in Russia want to 'conserve'?

I'll be waiting...
* * * *

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

Wow is that stupid. Quoting it is retarded enough. But quoting it because YOU are the one who (you think) first "said" it is even dumber. It's akin to taking "credit" for the stench in a gas station men's room.

You are truly a moron and a douche bag.

Your quote is beyond stupid and meaningless. It is so fucking retarded, it shouts out that only an unthinking, plodding liberal piss-boi could possibly have said anything so absurdly lame. It makes no sense on any level.

Hey look. Bfgrn left a pile of shit on the floor. Again.

OK Einstein, then you can answer the question. What would a Soviet conservative look like?

What values, tenets, orthodoxy and beliefs would a conservative in Russia want to 'conserve'?

I'll be waiting...

He'd want to send his kid to a private school, want to give the government the bare minimum because the government should be reduced to a bare minimum and he'd want to pray to whatever God he wanted to.
Wow is that stupid. Quoting it is retarded enough. But quoting it because YOU are the one who (you think) first "said" it is even dumber. It's akin to taking "credit" for the stench in a gas station men's room.

You are truly a moron and a douche bag.

Your quote is beyond stupid and meaningless. It is so fucking retarded, it shouts out that only an unthinking, plodding liberal piss-boi could possibly have said anything so absurdly lame. It makes no sense on any level.

Hey look. Bfgrn left a pile of shit on the floor. Again.

OK Einstein, then you can answer the question. What would a Soviet conservative look like?

What values, tenets, orthodoxy and beliefs would a conservative in Russia want to 'conserve'?

I'll be waiting...

He'd want to send his kid to a private school, want to give the government the bare minimum because the government should be reduced to a bare minimum and he'd want to pray to whatever God he wanted to.

Gee Frank, it just so happens that the Soviet Union had it's own version of the teabaggers when Mikhail Gorbachev tried to westernize Russia's government...

When the ‘tea partiers’ say “we want our country back”, what do they mean by ‘our’?

What polls show us about the ‘tea party’ is that they are a fringe group diametrically opposed to mainstream America. Among all Americans, George W. Bush has a 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among the ‘tea party’ he's viewed favorably, 57/27. An almost perfect diametrical difference.

Is there any precedent in history of today’s the ‘tea party’?

The answer is YES…a parallel to the 'Tea Party" occurred in Russia in the late 1980's. Russian conservatives, the Stalinists, wanted 'their' country back. It was an alliance including xenophobic fringe groups and nationalists who yearned for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

And like today’s ‘tea partiers’, they wanted their authoritarian government back.

February 27, 1989

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

MOSCOW, Feb. 26— Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

While many candidates and voters say they view the elections to the new Congress of Deputies as a way to further the candor and freedoms allowed by the Soviet leader, conservatives in this city and around the country were boasting last week that they had already succeeded in blocking the nomination of several prominent people regarded as liberals.

A Disparate Alliance

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

Conservatives already claim credit for helping defeat certain candidates, most notably Mr. Korotich, editor of the liberal and popular magazine ''Ogonyok,'' and Andrei D. Sakharov, the physicist and Nobel Peace Prize winning dissident.

Nikita F. Zherbin, head of the Leningrad chapter of Pamyat, delighted in the fact that Mr. Korotich had been forced off the ballot in Moscow's Sverdlovsk region, and described this as the first successful step in the conservative campaign to use the elections as a vehicle for its political ideas.

'I Am a Stalinist' ''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

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