Media Matter Blames Beck!

There is NO way Glenn can be blamed.

You folks are useful idiots to even try to.

"When bad men combine, The good must associate; Else they will fall, one by one..."

Edmund Burke 1766

When is it ok to ask Beck to be more careful? When more Police officers lose their lives, like in Pittsburgh?

He gets on his show every night, and convinces his audience that:

Obama is out to:
Kill your Grandparents
Take your guns
Turn America into nazi germany
Get the white people

Progressives are:
A "cancer"
Racist against whites
Baby killers
.. Shit, I'm not even gonna continue.. But you get the point.
With this kind of talk, at some point, he has to take responsibility for what happens.

In April 2009, a man allegedly armed with an AK-47, a .22-caliber rifle and a handgun was charged with killing three cops in Pittsburgh. The Anti-Defamation League reported that the accused killer had, as part of a pattern of activities involving far-right conspiracy theories, posted a link on a neo-Nazi Web site to a video of Beck talking about the possibility that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was operating concentration camps in Wyoming. The killings came after Beck told Fox viewers that he "can't debunk" the notion that FEMA was operating such camps -- but before he finally acknowledged that the conspiracy wasn't real.

Glenn Beck and the Oakland shooter
There is NO way Glenn can be blamed.

You folks are useful idiots to even try to.

"When bad men combine, The good must associate; Else they will fall, one by one..."

Edmund Burke 1766

When is it ok to ask Beck to be more careful? When more Police officers lose their lives, like in Pittsburgh?

He gets on his show every night, and convinces his audience that:

Obama is out to:
Kill your Grandparents
Take your guns
Turn America into nazi germany
Get the white people

Progressives are:
A "cancer"
Racist against whites
Baby killers
.. Shit, I'm not even gonna continue.. But you get the point.
With this kind of talk, at some point, he has to take responsibility for what happens.

In April 2009, a man allegedly armed with an AK-47, a .22-caliber rifle and a handgun was charged with killing three cops in Pittsburgh. The Anti-Defamation League reported that the accused killer had, as part of a pattern of activities involving far-right conspiracy theories, posted a link on a neo-Nazi Web site to a video of Beck talking about the possibility that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was operating concentration camps in Wyoming. The killings came after Beck told Fox viewers that he "can't debunk" the notion that FEMA was operating such camps -- but before he finally acknowledged that the conspiracy wasn't real.

Glenn Beck and the Oakland shooter

man i am laughing so hard at you. the biggest moron on this site just keeps posting stupid shit. People like you really need to wise up.
There is NO way Glenn can be blamed.

You folks are useful idiots to even try to.

"When bad men combine, The good must associate; Else they will fall, one by one..."

Edmund Burke 1766

When is it ok to ask Beck to be more careful? When more Police officers lose their lives, like in Pittsburgh?

He gets on his show every night, and convinces his audience that:

Obama is out to:
Kill your Grandparents
Take your guns
Turn America into nazi germany
Get the white people

Progressives are:
A "cancer"
Racist against whites
Baby killers
.. Shit, I'm not even gonna continue.. But you get the point.
With this kind of talk, at some point, he has to take responsibility for what happens.

Hey dumbass.... when are you going to realize that you, I, Glenn, nor FUCKING MICKEY MOUSE can make someone else do something.....


Gawd, that is what is wrong with this generation.... "It not my fault, I have sex addiction... its not my fault, I was tricked.... its not my fault, I was sexually abused as a child.... its not my fault, I was pulled over for being black"

Wow. This is new! I never heard of this before! Wowzers Blaming Glenn Beck!

Bfgrn on the cutting edge of re-re-re-re-re-retreading.


Blame Glenn Beck.

Hey, Bfgrn's a very sensitive delicate flower: R.J. O'Rourke makes him "Shudder," and I understand he's also afraid of the dark...

There is NO way Glenn can be blamed.

You folks are useful idiots to even try to.

"When bad men combine, The good must associate; Else they will fall, one by one..."

Edmund Burke 1766

When is it ok to ask Beck to be more careful? When more Police officers lose their lives, like in Pittsburgh?

He gets on his show every night, and convinces his audience that:

Obama is out to:
Kill your Grandparents
Take your guns
Turn America into nazi germany
Get the white people

Progressives are:
A "cancer"
Racist against whites
Baby killers
.. Shit, I'm not even gonna continue.. But you get the point.
With this kind of talk, at some point, he has to take responsibility for what happens.

Hey dumbass.... when are you going to realize that you, I, Glenn, nor FUCKING MICKEY MOUSE can make someone else do something.....


Gawd, that is what is wrong with this generation.... "It not my fault, I have sex addiction... its not my fault, I was tricked.... its not my fault, I was sexually abused as a child.... its not my fault, I was pulled over for being black"


Yep, everyone is a victim now, no one knows what responsibility means anymore.
holy shit Bfgrn is definately the biggest moron on USMB. conservative means RIGHT of the political spectrum, and the modern liberal is LEFT of th spectrum. classical liberalism is not the same as it is today. Conservative and liberal is based on the alignment of the TOTAL POWER OF GOVERNMENT political spectrum.

the spectrum is:

TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL -----------------------------------------------------NO GOVERNMENT

the USA was foundied at about here ------------------------------------------X----

now we are about here ---------------------------------------X---------------------

Nazi germany: X------------------------------------------------------------

N. Korea: X------------------------------------------------------------

What liberals really want: X-------------------------------------------------------------

More detailed Spectrum: (Totalitarian) (far left)-------(Oligarchy)--------(Democracy)-------(Republic *the USA*)------(Anarachy)(Far Right)

Do the idiots get it now?
Conservative as it comes to economics mean ANYONE CAN SET ANY PRICE ON ANY GOOD OR SERVICE THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE!!!!!

I will take the former ANY DAY.

If not, this will explain it better: YouTube - ‪The American Form of Government‬‎

Please provide an author for your bullshit video.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

These ideas are not new. Indeed they were common sense until recently. Nowadays, though, most of the people who call themselves "conservatives" have little notion of what conservatism even is. They have been deceived by one of the great public relations campaigns of human history. Only by analyzing this deception will it become possible to revive democracy in the United States.

1 The Main Arguments of Conservatism

From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the self-regarding thugs of ancient Rome to the glorified warlords of medieval and absolutist Europe, in nearly every urbanized society throughout human history, there have been people who have tried to constitute themselves as an aristocracy. These people and their allies are the conservatives.

The tactics of conservatism vary widely by place and time. But the most central feature of conservatism is deference: a psychologically internalized attitude on the part of the common people that the aristocracy are better people than they are. Modern-day liberals often theorize that conservatives use "social issues" as a way to mask economic objectives, but this is almost backward: the true goal of conservatism is to establish an aristocracy, which is a social and psychological condition of inequality. Economic inequality and regressive taxation, while certainly welcomed by the aristocracy, are best understood as a means to their actual goal, which is simply to be aristocrats. More generally, it is crucial to conservatism that the people must literally love the order that dominates them. Of course this notion sounds bizarre to modern ears, but it is perfectly overt in the writings of leading conservative theorists such as Burke. Democracy, for them, is not about the mechanisms of voting and office-holding. In fact conservatives hold a wide variety of opinions about such secondary formal matters. For conservatives, rather, democracy is a psychological condition. People who believe that the aristocracy rightfully dominates society because of its intrinsic superiority are conservatives; democrats, by contrast, believe that they are of equal social worth. Conservatism is the antithesis of democracy. This has been true for thousands of years.

The defenders of aristocracy represent aristocracy as a natural phenomenon, but in reality it is the most artificial thing on earth. Although one of the goals of every aristocracy is to make its preferred social order seem permanent and timeless, in reality conservatism must be reinvented in every generation. This is true for many reasons, including internal conflicts among the aristocrats; institutional shifts due to climate, markets, or warfare; and ideological gains and losses in the perpetual struggle against democracy. In some societies the aristocracy is rigid, closed, and stratified, while in others it is more of an aspiration among various fluid and factionalized groups. The situation in the United States right now is toward the latter end of the spectrum. A main goal in life of all aristocrats, however, is to pass on their positions of privilege to their children, and many of the aspiring aristocrats of the United States are appointing their children to positions in government and in the archipelago of think tanks that promote conservative theories.

Conservatism in every place and time is founded on deception. The deceptions of conservatism today are especially sophisticated, simply because culture today is sufficiently democratic that the myths of earlier times will no longer suffice.

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
Progressivism (aka: Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Obamaism, Totalitarianism, Socialism) is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of multi-trillion annual budget deficits, inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception that is the foundation of the Democrat Party ie. they care about the "little people"
so the tea party, a far right movement is advocating for government control, BFGRN (or whatever your stupid name is) ? Really? People like you are the reason there is suffering, seriously.

modern american conservative (classical liberal) = less government control, property rights, individual freedom, equality "out the gate"
modern american liberal (progressive socialist) = more government control, nanny state, entitlements, , high taxes, equality through slavery, collectivism

Those are the modern definitions, if you want to stick to the archaic and pointless definitions, go for it, but youre a moron for doing so.

" American conservatism involves an alliance of interests, most notably a belief in free-market capitalism often extending to protection of Big Business (or "Wall Street") and local business ("Main Street") from regulation, labor unions and taxation, a belief in Judeo-Christian morality, support for the traditional family, and opposition to Communism and socialism."

"Core conservative issues in the 21st century include reduced government regulation of business, resistance to world government and to environmentalism, opposition to abortion and homosexuality, support for Christian education in the public schools[12], support for the right to bear arms, securing the U.S borders, and strict enforcement of the law[13]. Conservatives emphasize their patriotism and devotion to the political values of the Founding Fathers. Many say that America is a Christian nation."

Where does it say anything about what you describe?

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WOW...I couldn't have scripted the replies any better...vile and filled with aggressiveness in the defense of Glenn Beck's vile and filled with aggressiveness...

I don't call you pea brains for nothing...

When is it ok to ask Beck to be more careful? When more Police officers lose their lives, like in Pittsburgh?

He gets on his show every night, and convinces his audience that:

Obama is out to:
Kill your Grandparents
Take your guns
Turn America into nazi germany
Get the white people

Progressives are:
A "cancer"
Racist against whites
Baby killers
.. Shit, I'm not even gonna continue.. But you get the point.
With this kind of talk, at some point, he has to take responsibility for what happens.

In April 2009, a man allegedly armed with an AK-47, a .22-caliber rifle and a handgun was charged with killing three cops in Pittsburgh. The Anti-Defamation League reported that the accused killer had, as part of a pattern of activities involving far-right conspiracy theories, posted a link on a neo-Nazi Web site to a video of Beck talking about the possibility that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was operating concentration camps in Wyoming. The killings came after Beck told Fox viewers that he "can't debunk" the notion that FEMA was operating such camps -- but before he finally acknowledged that the conspiracy wasn't real.

Glenn Beck and the Oakland shooter

man i am laughing so hard at you. the biggest moron on this site just keeps posting stupid shit. People like you really need to wise up.

It's really hilarious that a man killed 3 Police officers because he was scared of the government, isn't it? What a twisted mother fucker.
in april 2009, a man allegedly armed with an ak-47, a .22-caliber rifle and a handgun was charged with killing three cops in pittsburgh. The anti-defamation league reported that the accused killer had, as part of a pattern of activities involving far-right conspiracy theories, posted a link on a neo-nazi web site to a video of beck talking about the possibility that the federal emergency management agency was operating concentration camps in wyoming. The killings came after beck told fox viewers that he "can't debunk" the notion that fema was operating such camps -- but before he finally acknowledged that the conspiracy wasn't real.

glenn beck and the oakland shooter

man i am laughing so hard at you. The biggest moron on this site just keeps posting stupid shit. People like you really need to wise up.

it's really hilarious that a man killed 3 police officers because he was scared of the government, isn't it? What a twisted mother fucker.

yay you can do a red herring!!! Derka derka derka!

Seriously though it is a tragedy. But what is even more sickening are the liberal whackos, like you, who use cases like this as political ammo to further your agenda. That is what is the truly sickening, but amusing, aspect that I was laughing at. You use tragedies like this to further your own twisted beliefs, and further your goal of extreme government power. People like you, are the enemies of all free people. That is how it goes. You are the bad guy, thats just how it goes.
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