Media Matter Blames Beck!

That would be one aspect of it. You know, the legislation designed so that the energy prices will "naturally skyrocket". Funny how, the poor end up suffering. The elderly and others on fixed incomes end up losing jobs, being unable to afford heating for their homes and of course food prices necessary skyrocket because the cultivation, preservation, and transportation of it "necessarily skyrockets" along with the energy prices.

But supposedly it helps the environment against a problem that doesn't exist. And it just so happens to make all of the President's political buddies rich beyond their wildest dreams. But we can just ignore that. Because someone, despite them getting rich and the poor dying because of the faulty policy. We are going to be more free and more just. We are going to have a more secure Republic by taking away any economic liberty. All in the name of social justice and the environment.

Why is it social justice always results in the death of the little people you claim to be helping?

But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.

Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.

Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
Who determines what "pollution" is?...A bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, that's who.

Pretty hilarious to watch someone who gets all sputtering and apoplectic about crony capitalism support the biggest crony scam to come down the pike.....ever. :lol::lol::lol:
If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.

Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
Who determines what "pollution" is?...A bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, that's who.

Pretty hilarious to watch someone who gets all sputtering and apoplectic about crony capitalism support the biggest crony scam to come down the pike.....ever. :lol::lol::lol:

So, you deny there is a such thing as pollution? WOW DUD, you take the prize as the biggest pea brain on the planet.

Hey DUD, do you have any concept of cost externalization?

Funny, you claimed you were a 'libertarian', and the truth is you are a Beck moron...

Hey Jethro, how is that fools gold Beck is pushing working out for ya?
Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
Who determines what "pollution" is?...A bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, that's who.

Pretty hilarious to watch someone who gets all sputtering and apoplectic about crony capitalism support the biggest crony scam to come down the pike.....ever. :lol::lol::lol:

So, you deny there is a such thing as pollution? WOW DUD, you take the prize as the biggest pea brain on the planet.

Hey DUD, do you have any concept of cost externalization?

Funny, you claimed you were a 'libertarian', and the truth is you are a Beck moron...

Hey Jethro, how is that fools gold Beck is pushing working out for ya?

I'd imagine anyone who believes in Beck is feeling about the same as the people who believe in Obama right now. Betrayed, naive, and stupid. The only difference is that Beck is a commentator. Obama wasn't even qualified to do that.
Such crap. You won't admit what's in front of your damn face. Thank God there are just a small number of you people.

How does preaching non-violence almost every single episode of his show constitute Glenn calling for violence?

If that's what he was doing!!! But he's not. Are you seriously saying that Byron Williams was not influenced by Beck to do what he tried to do??

Williams is an unemployed carpenter, just an ordinary guy. He told the police that he had intended to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU. And he didn't come up with this great idea through Beck's influence?? Is that what you're saying?? Just thought of it all by himself??

Yes. I can honestly tell you that Glenn's constant urging of non-violence did not motivate this guy to get violent.
No sense trying to reason with stupid people. Thank God you are in the minority. You low information voters are just plain worthless and a waste of time.

Low information voters?

You really need to learn humility. But then so do most people.
So the free market isn't a result of us choosing to buy what we need/want. We need the government to mandate what we need/want before we can have a free market.

And I am supposedly the dumb one.
In other news....

Black Panthers call for violence against cops and a cop sniper in LA emerges.

Liberal don't see a connection but do see a connection with Glen Beck and this fruitcake.

Hypocrites on display.
So the free market isn't a result of us choosing to buy what we need/want. We need the government to mandate what we need/want before we can have a free market.

And I am supposedly the dumb one.

WHAT??? No, you're not dumb, if you are 5 years old...otherwise, YES, you are dumb...VERY...

Are you sure it's not when your mommy takes you to the 'market' and the nice man gives you a lolly pop?
In other news....

Black Panthers call for violence against cops and a cop sniper in LA emerges.

Liberal don't see a connection but do see a connection with Glen Beck and this fruitcake.

Hypocrites on display.

What liberal commentator is calling 'cops' communists and a danger to our country?
In other news....

Black Panthers call for violence against cops and a cop sniper in LA emerges.

Liberal don't see a connection but do see a connection with Glen Beck and this fruitcake.

Hypocrites on display.

What liberal commentator is calling 'cops' communists and a danger to our country?

Jeremiah Wright, but not the Communists part, because he believes that's a good thing
Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
Who determines what "pollution" is?...A bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, that's who.

Pretty hilarious to watch someone who gets all sputtering and apoplectic about crony capitalism support the biggest crony scam to come down the pike.....ever. :lol::lol::lol:

So, you deny there is a such thing as pollution? WOW DUD, you take the prize as the biggest pea brain on the planet.

Hey DUD, do you have any concept of cost externalization?

Funny, you claimed you were a 'libertarian', and the truth is you are a Beck moron...

Hey Jethro, how is that fools gold Beck is pushing working out for ya?
I didn't deny that there's pollution, Mr. Bodine...I pointed out that when politicians and bureaucrats control the meaning of the word, it could, in the fine tradition of Orwell, mean just about anything under the sun.

Speaking of externalities, I also notice that goobers like you always ignore the externalities of your authoritarian do-goodery...Probably because you care more about your image and claimed intentions, rather than any positive results in actual reality.

None of which addresses the fact that cap-n-tax will be the biggest crony capitalist tool of all time, while nitwits like you who wouldn't know a truly free market if it fell on you claim that it's a "free market" solution to a non-existent problem.
But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.

Do you even know what a free market is? Do you believe corporations being allowed to do whatever the want is a free market?

Please answer this there a cost to pollution? And WHO pays it?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus

Free market can be a bit of a puzzle to dimwits like Bfgrn.

Yes, there is a cost to pollution. It can make our water quality deteriorate. So, too, with air quality. And in a true free market, it is not a contradiction to have the government exercise some control over industry in terms of appropriate legislation to prevent, limit, control and otherwise deal with pollution.

Who pays is simple. No corporation in the final analysis ever pays for anything. Its customers do. The cost of cleaning up pollution is thus borne by the consumers. And that's often a good thing.

But it becomes less "good" when assholes in government "regulate" improperly and call all CO2 a form of "pollution." Fucking imbeciles.
Media Matter is trying to shut down any dissent from the Obama Ministry of Truth by holding, wait for it, Glenn Beck responsible for the actions of an individual who tried to attack the Tides Foundation.

Beck's crime? He did...a story!!! on the Tides Foundation!!! Is that even legal?!

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America

Then Media Matters sent this out this afternoon:

"Dear Friend,

On Sunday, July 18, unhinged ex-convict Byron Williams loaded his truck with guns and headed up a California highway with the intention of starting a revolution. If he hadn't been stopped by brave officers -- two of whom were wounded in the confrontation -- he could have carried out a plan to kill staff at progressive organizations, including the Tides Foundation.

What is the Tides Foundation? It's the nonprofit that Glenn Beck brags about "turning the light of day" on by constantly attacking it as part of a socialist conspiracy to destroy our government. The Tides Foundation isn't the shadowy political influence of Beck's fantasies -- it's a transparent organization known in the philanthropic community for doing good public service. Make no mistake: Beck's intention was to paint the Tides Foundation as a dangerous, increasingly powerful threat to freedom that must be stopped. And Williams set out to stop them. ..."


Were the Beatles responsible for Charles Manson?

Dude don't you know that Charles Manson would have never done all that stuff if it wasn't for the beatles? gosh :lol:
I keep thinking that Alec Baldwin character in "Team:America" was a joke. And then I come here and listen to Libs ragae against corporation and their corporate corporatness
Media Matter is trying to shut down any dissent from the Obama Ministry of Truth by holding, wait for it, Glenn Beck responsible for the actions of an individual who tried to attack the Tides Foundation.

Beck's crime? He did...a story!!! on the Tides Foundation!!! Is that even legal?!

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America

Then Media Matters sent this out this afternoon:

"Dear Friend,

On Sunday, July 18, unhinged ex-convict Byron Williams loaded his truck with guns and headed up a California highway with the intention of starting a revolution. If he hadn't been stopped by brave officers -- two of whom were wounded in the confrontation -- he could have carried out a plan to kill staff at progressive organizations, including the Tides Foundation.

What is the Tides Foundation? It's the nonprofit that Glenn Beck brags about "turning the light of day" on by constantly attacking it as part of a socialist conspiracy to destroy our government. The Tides Foundation isn't the shadowy political influence of Beck's fantasies -- it's a transparent organization known in the philanthropic community for doing good public service. Make no mistake: Beck's intention was to paint the Tides Foundation as a dangerous, increasingly powerful threat to freedom that must be stopped. And Williams set out to stop them. ..."


Were the Beatles responsible for Charles Manson?

Dude don't you know that Charles Manson would have never done all that stuff if it wasn't for the beatles? gosh :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - The Beatles - Helter Skelter At Studio[/ame]
Who determines what "pollution" is?...A bunch of politicians and bureaucrats, that's who.

Pretty hilarious to watch someone who gets all sputtering and apoplectic about crony capitalism support the biggest crony scam to come down the pike.....ever. :lol::lol::lol:

So, you deny there is a such thing as pollution? WOW DUD, you take the prize as the biggest pea brain on the planet.

Hey DUD, do you have any concept of cost externalization?

Funny, you claimed you were a 'libertarian', and the truth is you are a Beck moron...

Hey Jethro, how is that fools gold Beck is pushing working out for ya?
I didn't deny that there's pollution, Mr. Bodine...I pointed out that when politicians and bureaucrats control the meaning of the word, it could, in the fine tradition of Orwell, mean just about anything under the sun.

Speaking of externalities, I also notice that goobers like you always ignore the externalities of your authoritarian do-goodery...Probably because you care more about your image and claimed intentions, rather than any positive results in actual reality.

None of which addresses the fact that cap-n-tax will be the biggest crony capitalist tool of all time, while nitwits like you who wouldn't know a truly free market if it fell on you claim that it's a "free market" solution to a non-existent problem.

Ah, DUD, the 'free market' entrepreneurial wizard...

Reminds me of the 1967 movie The Graduate...

Mr. McQuire: Come with me for a minute. I want to talk to you.

I just want to say on word to you, just one word.

Ben: Yes, sir.

Mr. McQuire: Are you listening?

Ben: Yes I am.

Mr. McQuire: Plastics.

Ben: Exactly how do you mean?

Mr. McQuire: There is a great future in plastics.

Think about it. Will you think about it?

Ben: Yes, I will.

Mr. McQuire: Enough said. That's a deal.

The global race is on, and, just as the tech boom of the 1990s did for the United States, clean energy will create good jobs and huge economic growth for the winner. The question is who that will be.

Right now, it's not us. China, South Korea, Germany, Spain and France are already transitioning to clean energy, investing billions in research and creating robust domestic markets. On the very day that the Senate bill was declared dead, China announced that it is making $740 billion in new clean-energy investments, according to China Daily, the state-run English-language newspaper. China also announced that it is imposing a domestic price on carbon -- essentially adding a fee to fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that produce carbon pollution.

Such moves are not motivated solely by environmental altruism. The market for clean-energy technology is expected to double to $2.7 trillion by 2020, and it is estimated that the clean-energy sector will employ 20 million people by 2030. If we don't act now, we're going to be buying clean-energy products from China rather than building them here and selling them to the rest of the world. In fact, we already are. America has a trade deficit in clean-energy technology.

For the United States to get back in the lead in this energy race, we must put a price on carbon, though with a mechanism that is less complex than what cap-and-trade has become. This price will encourage industries to move to cleaner energy and will generate the revenue that the United States needs to invest in innovation in this field. With the right incentives, we can develop clean-energy technologies that are as affordable as coal and oil, creating jobs and new industries.

Reform advocates long ago began to understand the power of this message. Prominent activists -- including Al Gore -- started talking less about saving the planet and more about spurring economic growth, improving national security and ending pollution disasters such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

And there sits DUD, the 'free market' entrepreneurial wizard...

With DUD's 'vision' and free marketeering skills, he invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man, the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."
I keep thinking that Alec Baldwin character in "Team:America" was a joke. And then I come here and listen to Libs ragae against corporation and their corporate corporatness

Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money.
So, you deny there is a such thing as pollution? WOW DUD, you take the prize as the biggest pea brain on the planet.

Hey DUD, do you have any concept of cost externalization?

Funny, you claimed you were a 'libertarian', and the truth is you are a Beck moron...

Hey Jethro, how is that fools gold Beck is pushing working out for ya?
I didn't deny that there's pollution, Mr. Bodine...I pointed out that when politicians and bureaucrats control the meaning of the word, it could, in the fine tradition of Orwell, mean just about anything under the sun.

Speaking of externalities, I also notice that goobers like you always ignore the externalities of your authoritarian do-goodery...Probably because you care more about your image and claimed intentions, rather than any positive results in actual reality.

None of which addresses the fact that cap-n-tax will be the biggest crony capitalist tool of all time, while nitwits like you who wouldn't know a truly free market if it fell on you claim that it's a "free market" solution to a non-existent problem.

Ah, DUD, the 'free market' entrepreneurial wizard...

Reminds me of the 1967 movie The Graduate...

None of which shows that you'd know a true free market if it ran you over. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh what happened to sticking up for freedom of speech you disgusting Liberal Piece of shit.

Classy. Take your meds now, angry con.

Of course, that sentiment above was entirely negotiable when the Boy King was in office, and butt raping the Bill of Rights weekly. Different when your heroes do it, we understand.

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