Media Matter Blames Beck!

OH dear god...I wont click it, but does it say wow.

The website is

It's not glen beck's website you moron.

and even if it was, are you doubting the stats?

what is your view of the typical glenn beck viewer?

very revealing though. you won't click the link (because that's somehow beneath you) but it doesn't stop you from insulting it.
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NY Times: Publishes covert operations endangering US agent

WikiLeaks: Published 90,000 pages of material on US war planning and operations

Glenn Beck: talked about the Tides Foundation

Any questions?
Have your mommy read the Bible to you pea brain...Jesus Christ's life on earth was ALL ABOUT social justice.

This nutbag Beck is telling people to run away from any Church that preachers social justice...

Looking for Nazi's...tune in the Beck Reich Show...

You are a FUCKING NAZI!!!!

You want to stifle dissent, not Beck, you FUCKING NAZI

Dissent is the highest form of patrio......SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT

You fucking Nazi scumbag

He who angers you conquers you.
E. Kenny

Frank is pwned :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I changed it before I read this because you're not a fucking Nazi, you're a fucking retard.

Yeah, you pwned me, sure, keep telling yourself that
You mean like 'cap & trade'?

That would be one aspect of it. You know, the legislation designed so that the energy prices will "naturally skyrocket". Funny how, the poor end up suffering. The elderly and others on fixed incomes end up losing jobs, being unable to afford heating for their homes and of course food prices necessary skyrocket because the cultivation, preservation, and transportation of it "necessarily skyrockets" along with the energy prices.

But supposedly it helps the environment against a problem that doesn't exist. And it just so happens to make all of the President's political buddies rich beyond their wildest dreams. But we can just ignore that. Because someone, despite them getting rich and the poor dying because of the faulty policy. We are going to be more free and more just. We are going to have a more secure Republic by taking away any economic liberty. All in the name of social justice and the environment.

Why is it social justice always results in the death of the little people you claim to be helping?

But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.
Wow.. Beck spoke about the Tides Foundation. Obviously He wanted people to go out and, you know kill them.

I mean how can anyone not reach the obvious conclusion that talking about an organization means you want them dead.

I talk about Democrats. I talk about Republicans. I talk about my Church. I talk about these things all the time. According to your logic, I want someone to go out and kill them all.

Fabulous critical analysis there. And you wonder why we think you are a dishonest partisan hack.

I am not accusing Beck of wanting them dead. BUT, Glenn Beck DID constantly and consistently portray the Tides Foundation as a dangerous and dire enemy of America.

What you or I say on this tiny little piece of cyberspace has little or no exposure. Glenn Beck's lies and propaganda about the Tides Foundation was broadcast across the world nightly, and that adds credibility and justification to a sick, twisted mind like Byron Williams.

They are dangerous. They are a propaganda organization.
and yes you did accuse Beck of wanting them dead. You posted all of that in the specific response to my request to show where Beck advocated killing anyone. Stop trying to backtrack now that you've been shown to be talking out of your rear.

You know, it's not as much the accusation that annoys me as much as it is with you trying to blatantly claim you didn't make it. We aren't freakin stupid. We can read the conversation.

Are you stupid or just plain crazy like Beck?? On what do you base this statement?? It's just not true.
That would be one aspect of it. You know, the legislation designed so that the energy prices will "naturally skyrocket". Funny how, the poor end up suffering. The elderly and others on fixed incomes end up losing jobs, being unable to afford heating for their homes and of course food prices necessary skyrocket because the cultivation, preservation, and transportation of it "necessarily skyrockets" along with the energy prices.

But supposedly it helps the environment against a problem that doesn't exist. And it just so happens to make all of the President's political buddies rich beyond their wildest dreams. But we can just ignore that. Because someone, despite them getting rich and the poor dying because of the faulty policy. We are going to be more free and more just. We are going to have a more secure Republic by taking away any economic liberty. All in the name of social justice and the environment.

Why is it social justice always results in the death of the little people you claim to be helping?

But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

If it was free market the government wouldnt have to pass it. It would evolve on it's own.

You don't have a free market if the government is forcing you to engage in it.

The "cap" part is the absolute antithesis of a free market model.
First, you link to any information where Beck encouraged violent action against Tides, hackasaurus rex.

Please!!! I am not Dive Con or Stephanie!!!! And I hope you read this in its entirety.

Beck called Tides a "shady organization" and accused it of "indoctrination," "warp[ing] your children's brains." In his coverage of Tides, Beck has repeatedly implicated the organization in his conspiracy theories, linking it to George Soros, the Apollo Alliance, the Joyce Foundation, and the Weather Underground. Beck has referred to the group as a "shady organization" [May 11] and claimed it is "a major source of revenue for some of the most extreme groups on the left" [May 21, 2009]. Beck frequently airs a video produced by Tides, which he refers to as an "indoctrination video...shown in schools all across America to warp you children's brains and make sure they know how evil capitalism is" [June 21].

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America
I see nothing in there where he makes any call to violent action, Whopper Woman.
Are you stupid or just plain crazy like Beck?? On what do you base this statement?? It's just not true.

Let's see, they are trying to "Educate" people to give the government more power to create "Social justice" and the "Redistribution of Wealth" AKA Socialism.

It founded and is run by Marxists and actively works with terrorists such as Jeff Jones.

But no. They aren't trying to create propaganda. No sir. We can just ignore their very clear message of socialism. The actions and words of its members which contain revolutionaries.

No. It's perfectly alright if they are the ones who help write the Stimulus bill with the Apollo Alliance rather than Congress. The fact that they and their little friends are getting the money from it is just a coincidence.

I can't imagine why anyone might have a problem with anything this organization does.
First, you link to any information where Beck encouraged violent action against Tides, hackasaurus rex.

Please!!! I am not Dive Con or Stephanie!!!! And I hope you read this in its entirety.

Beck called Tides a "shady organization" and accused it of "indoctrination," "warp[ing] your children's brains." In his coverage of Tides, Beck has repeatedly implicated the organization in his conspiracy theories, linking it to George Soros, the Apollo Alliance, the Joyce Foundation, and the Weather Underground. Beck has referred to the group as a "shady organization" [May 11] and claimed it is "a major source of revenue for some of the most extreme groups on the left" [May 21, 2009]. Beck frequently airs a video produced by Tides, which he refers to as an "indoctrination video...shown in schools all across America to warp you children's brains and make sure they know how evil capitalism is" [June 21].

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America
I see nothing in there where he makes any call to violent action, Whopper Woman.

Don't you understand. Just being opposed to them is a call for violent action. Anyone who opposes their ideas is evil and clearly is involve in a conspiracy to murder them in their sleep. That's why Beck and others need to be shut down. So good little socialists can sleep at night without fear.
When did Beck encourage violence against Tides?

C'mon....Bring it.

When did Beck encourage violence against Tides?

C'mon....Bring it.

That of course will never happen since it is easy for a lying lib to make a dishonest claim, but it is obviously impossible for those weasels to prove a lie.

Prove their lie? Wait, prove anything? Why would they do that?

Maybe they get tired of always being exposed as outright cheap-ass liars.

If they could "prove" even one actual claim, they could begin the arduous process of establishing some hint of credibility.
You mean like 'cap & trade'?

That would be one aspect of it. You know, the legislation designed so that the energy prices will "naturally skyrocket". Funny how, the poor end up suffering. The elderly and others on fixed incomes end up losing jobs, being unable to afford heating for their homes and of course food prices necessary skyrocket because the cultivation, preservation, and transportation of it "necessarily skyrockets" along with the energy prices.

But supposedly it helps the environment against a problem that doesn't exist. And it just so happens to make all of the President's political buddies rich beyond their wildest dreams. But we can just ignore that. Because someone, despite them getting rich and the poor dying because of the faulty policy. We are going to be more free and more just. We are going to have a more secure Republic by taking away any economic liberty. All in the name of social justice and the environment.

Why is it social justice always results in the death of the little people you claim to be helping?

But said the Tides Foundation is advocating the overthrow of the free market.

There is nothing MORE free market than 'cap & trade'...

So, you need to either educate yourself, or come back with a different conspiracy theory.

Nothing more free market than cap & trade?

Well for starters there is the government imposed "cap" part. You think that's free market?
Notice how then leave as soon as they're exposed in thread after thread? That's why threads like these drop off. We destroy the Progressives usually with a single quip or fact, then they immediately lose interest in "debating" and the thread drops.

It's a shame we can't go up against their A Team, the Liberal Intellectual Elite, we just get the mooseshit dingbats Moonbats and morons.

Maybe one day one of the Liberal Intellectual Elite will turn up here and really give us a vigorous debate!

One Day!
Wow.. Beck spoke about the Tides Foundation. Obviously He wanted people to go out and, you know kill them.

I mean how can anyone not reach the obvious conclusion that talking about an organization means you want them dead.

I talk about Democrats. I talk about Republicans. I talk about my Church. I talk about these things all the time. According to your logic, I want someone to go out and kill them all.

Fabulous critical analysis there. And you wonder why we think you are a dishonest partisan hack.

I am not accusing Beck of wanting them dead. BUT, Glenn Beck DID constantly and consistently portray the Tides Foundation as a dangerous and dire enemy of America.

What you or I say on this tiny little piece of cyberspace has little or no exposure. Glenn Beck's lies and propaganda about the Tides Foundation was broadcast across the world nightly, and that adds credibility and justification to a sick, twisted mind like Byron Williams.

Actually it doesn't. Williams did what he did for his own reasons, and unless you can show where Beck incited people to commit violence against the Tides Foundation, all you have is a conspiracy theory.

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