Media Matters targeting radio stations


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The tax exempt Media Matters is now buying radio messages targeting individual radio stations by name that carry the Rush Limbaugh show. What's going on?
The only point of view they want disseminated is their own. Silence all opposition.
The tax exempt Media Matters is now buying radio messages targeting individual radio stations by name that carry the Rush Limbaugh show. What's going on?

Why is a righty crying about Free speech?

The airwaves are PUBLICLY OWNED. They are the Commons. We actually own the airwaves. We only allow corporations to broadcast on our airwaves. They used to be regulated. There were reasons for that. Too many to go into, but one of the reasons was so that the rich wouldn't buy up all the media outlets and then brainwash us with their right wing nonsense. But like a lot of other things, Clinton went along, and the rich gobbled up all the media. Whats funny about that is it came back to bite him in the ass. The right wing media didn't stop bashing the Clinton's so much that it actually cost Hillary the nomination in 2008.

Anyways, I don't think we need to go back to the exact Fairness Doctrine that you on the right did away with, but I do think the airwaves and media are important and we can not allow the corporations to own them all. This is why things like NPR are important. If they are going to own 19 of the 20 radio stations, at least don't be crying liberal when stations like NPR don't sound exactly like what Rush is spewing.
Freedom of speech protects the people from the government limiting speech. It doesn't mean people can't get angry over what people have said. It doesn't require people to buy things from a particular vendor.
If Media Matters wants to be the voice and promote their hatred, they should have to relinquish their tax exempt status, government in no way should support groups that make political targets.
Yes, the fact is, Rush Limbaugh has a right to say whatever he wants to say as long as someone wants to hear it. Something the left cannot tolerate.
Lush Rimbaugh doesn't have a right to have a radio show.
They don't have a right to demand his silence either 1st amendment is a bitch, and he's rich enough to pay for his own soapbox and other people will pay to have him speak on their transmitters and millions more choose to listen.

Mediasplatters is adamant in denying all those people their rights because it offends their imagined right of not being offended, AND thwarts their ability to help forward fascism in secret.
Lush Rimbaugh doesn't have a right to have a radio show.
They don't have a right to demand his silence either 1st amendment is a bitch, and he's rich enough to pay for his own soapbox and other people will pay to have him speak on their transmitters and millions more choose to listen.

Mediasplatters is adamant in denying all those people their rights because it offends their imagined right of not being offended, AND thwarts their ability to help forward fascism in secret.

Of course they have the right to demand his silence. They are exercising their freedom of speech.
Lush Rimbaugh doesn't have a right to have a radio show.
They don't have a right to demand his silence either 1st amendment is a bitch, and he's rich enough to pay for his own soapbox and other people will pay to have him speak on their transmitters and millions more choose to listen.

Mediasplatters is adamant in denying all those people their rights because it offends their imagined right of not being offended, AND thwarts their ability to help forward fascism in secret.

Of course they have the right to demand his silence. They are exercising their freedom of speech.
Now that begs the question of do they have the right to succeed if the market disagrees?
They don't have a right to demand his silence either 1st amendment is a bitch, and he's rich enough to pay for his own soapbox and other people will pay to have him speak on their transmitters and millions more choose to listen.

Mediasplatters is adamant in denying all those people their rights because it offends their imagined right of not being offended, AND thwarts their ability to help forward fascism in secret.

Of course they have the right to demand his silence. They are exercising their freedom of speech.
Now that begs the question of do they have the right to succeed if the market disagrees?

They don't have a right to succeed. They have a right to voice their objection. It is up to the market to determine what to do with it, just like the market may decide that Rush's rhetoric is turning off enough listener to eat in to their bottom line.

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