Media Montage: Trump delaying the election

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Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Mr. Troll himself talking about trolling. You need to realize you are becoming as pathetic. Good luck trying to spin that crap. It's called irony.
Is that how you expect to explain away how he trolled your triggered little self?

Not working... you people are as predictable as the sunrise, and we all know it.

He PUNKED you people. He wanted more attention to be brought to the election FRAUD you people are working so hard on, and he GOT IT, and you clowns don't even realize YOU HELPED... you fell for his trolling hook, line and sinker, just like he knew you would... :lol:
Please bring more attention to the fact our leader is a whiney little bitch when it comes to election security. He hasn’t done shit about it but complain. Doesn’t make him look good.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
So the Left wants us all to risk getting Covid going to vote, or worse, get a paper cut trying to mail in votes?

Don't think so kiddo. Voting, like sending children back to school, is far too dangerous!
The Left is trying to keep people safe by making mail in an option. The Right is trying to block mail in and make people go to the polls which is the larger health risk.
If we can shop we can vote.....if we can riot we can open schools....if we can have essential cashiers why can't we make essential teachers go back to work and bring in the ballot volunteers....or maybe teachers are not essential in which case they should have their pay and benefits slashed.....if dems won't man the ballot locals let Trump voters do problem.....not every American is a coward.....
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.

Obviously Trump didn’t bring up delaying the election because he thought it was going to actually happen. He was just drawing attention to himself.

Does he really think he’s going to have an effect? States are going to do mail in ballots whether he likes it or not.

What’s the purpose here?
muddying the waters and sowing discord and distrust.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
According to Pew, 65% of the country want people to be able to mail vote without an excuse. 19% are with you and Trump. As always, y’all overestimate the popularity of your opinions.
So the Left wants us all to risk getting Covid going to vote, or worse, get a paper cut trying to mail in votes?

Don't think so kiddo. Voting, like sending children back to school, is far too dangerous!
The Left is trying to keep people safe by making mail in an option. The Right is trying to block mail in and make people go to the polls which is the larger health risk.
If we can shop we can vote.....if we can riot we can open schools....if we can have essential cashiers why can't we make essential teachers go back to work and bring in the ballot volunteers....or maybe teachers are not essential in which case they should have their pay and benefits slashed.....if dems won't man the ballot locals let Trump voters do problem.....not every American is a coward.....
It’s not about being a coward it’s about being safe and respecting others. your points.

we can shop in person and remotely... so same for voting then right?

We can’t riot, it’s illegal.

we can open schools and send teachers back as long as safety measures are in place and countries feel like the risk is manageable. Many businesses are still restricted for these reasons.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
My county has done mail in for years. It’s easy and we’ve had no problems. If other counties can handle it then why should we stop them? You are in SD right? Have you done mail in?
The spokesman for Mr Trump's re-election campaign, Hogan Gidley, said Mr Trump had just been "raising a question".

Trump is throwing stuff out there to see what will stick.

He wants to delay because mail in vote would create a fraudulent election. Yet every looser make the claim of fraud.

yet he want to delay the election which is not his decision. Take about fraud.

Still the repubs in Congress do not seem to agree to such an idea. Yet only Trump would even consider it. To stay in power beyond a 4 year term. if you want to stay then get busy. Instead of floating what if scenarios , let the people have a say by voting.

I mean if you can put a man on the moon, yet you cannot have an election because of fraud. I guess he is already making the claim of fraud. Telling his people to do fraud and he will claim victory.

Donald Trump told Fox News he may not accept the results of the election

Well he can walk out or be dragged out. Personally I want a front row seat to that spectacle. Just don't drag by the hair as you may only get a hand full. Best to just to put boots on the ground and up the ass.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
My county has done mail in for years. It’s easy and we’ve had no problems. If other counties can handle it then why should we stop them? You are in SD right? Have you done mail in?
Your county has done absentee voting not massive mail in only voting like what is being proposed....people will not be able to trust that their vote has made it in and was will cause a mess if we allow this....
What "Trump friendly" media is there? You don't get a "montage" out of one channel that's generally neutral.

You get a montage every fucking day from CBS, NBS, PBS, CNNBS, MSLSD, The NY Slimes, Washington Compost ETC...

The OP doesn't know WTF a montage is apparently, but then agagin that bed wetter rarely has a clue what he's talking about.

Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
My county has done mail in for years. It’s easy and we’ve had no problems. If other counties can handle it then why should we stop them? You are in SD right? Have you done mail in?
Your county has done absentee voting not massive mail in only voting like what is being proposed....people will not be able to trust that their vote has made it in and was will cause a mess if we allow this....
Where is mail in voting only been proposed?
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
He is alerting the people...and its working...Americans do not want massive mail in voting...check the poll numbers on it....
My county has done mail in for years. It’s easy and we’ve had no problems. If other counties can handle it then why should we stop them? You are in SD right? Have you done mail in?
Your county has done absentee voting not massive mail in only voting like what is being proposed....people will not be able to trust that their vote has made it in and was will cause a mess if we allow this....
My county does absentee, mail in and live poll voting. I don’t see why every county with the resources can’t do the same.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
The States control voting rules in their states.
1. Trump prefers "absentee ballots" where real voters request real ballots.
2. Many democrat states send out mass ballots to living/dead/moved/cats/dogs/illegals anyone they find, (except some Republicans)
3. Congress should standardize elections by absentee ballot, so results do not end up being delayed like in NY.
Once again, Trump plays the fake news like a cheap fiddle.

No one was paying attention to the fact that the left has been working over time to set up their election cheating, and the election draws nearer and nearer. So what does Trump do? Well, he does what he does so well, he TROLLS THE MEDIA by making some statement he KNOWS will make all their little heads explode. So without skipping a beat, he made everyone talk about the ELECTIONS.

The man is ALWAYS one step ahead... ALWAYS.
Fascinating. No one was talking about the election before his tweet?

Uh, no.
No one was talking about delaying the election before Trump's tweet.
I think he wants to bring attention to the "mass mail-in" voting problems like they are having in NY.
Other places have way to many voters on their outdated rolls.
Trump prefers requesting "absentee ballots" so they know who the ballot is going to.
Otherwise the democrats cheat.
What has Trump done to improve mail in voting besides complain about it?
The States control voting rules in their states.
1. Trump prefers "absentee ballots" where real voters request real ballots.
2. Many democrat states send out mass ballots to living/dead/moved/cats/dogs/illegals anyone they find, (except some Republicans)
3. Congress should standardize elections by absentee ballot, so results do not end up being delayed like in NY.
Sounds like you took a round about way of saying that Trump has not nothing to address the problem except complain. Is that right?
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