Media needs to own it's credibility issues


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
It isn't somebody else's fault that nobody believes them anymore. It isn't somebody else's fault that they keep making idiots of themselves, and it isn't anybody else's fault that the admin is refusing to cater to their ridiculous false and forced narrative.

They spread lies and then they wonder why they get called assholes in press conferences. They accept information from SPIES and then they spread it before they can confirm it's true...what do they expect?

They aren't engaging in journalism. And no it isn't discriminatory to say that. They are engaging in propaganda, and they're throwing fits because people are holding them accountable for their appalling and egregious boners.

"It’s the job of the media to report on government and public policy, including when public officials offer incorrect or misleading information. (The 80% reversal rate on the Ninth Circuit is one example from yesterday.) Press conferences are opportunities to get officials to correct the record, or at least to challenge the official version of events. We need government to be responsible and operating on a truthful basis.

"However, today’s media environment has gotten so poisonous that its customers no longer give their coverage much credibility. That poisonous atmosphere began long before Trump got elected president, but few can doubt that it’s reaching its nadir now — in large part because of that “hysterical coverage about every last little thing” Dickerson mentions. Trump may have demonstrated a historical level of antagonism for a president to the media in yesterday’s presser, but the media has provided a historical level of antagonistic coverage of this presidency, too. "

Face the Nation host: Media has to take ownership for its own credibility issues - Hot Air
"HH: But my frustration, John, is that for eight years, I wanted the press to press President Obama on things like the jayvees, the red line, leading from behind, Aleppo, and they didn’t. And in the first month, they’re pressing Trump, and they’re upset that he’s not saying, you just said, I wish he would say this. He doesn’t say things that Manhattan-Beltway media elites want him to say. Instead, he says this. Let me play for you, I think, the key line in the 77 minute press conference yesterday, is this one, cut number four:

"DT: Look, I want to see an honest press. When I started off today by saying that it’s so important to the public to get an honest press, the public doesn’t believe you people anymore."

Face the Nation host: Media has to take ownership for its own credibility issues - Hot Air

Nope, because we have caught these pigs in lie, after lie, after lie, after lie.

“Hysterical coverage” pretty well describes the Associated Press fiasco about a National Guard deportation force."Fake news? White House says AP report on 100K Nat’l Guard deportation force “100% not true” - Hot Air
No one owns anything in america, it's all guilt, sin, and blame in this culture, which is designed to distance oneself from accountability or responsibility.
Mostly what the media is outraged by is the fact that their false narrative is no longer being accepted. Not by the president, not by the public.

People are disgusted when they see that pig Acosta stand up and talk shit. He isn't asking questions anybody is interested in hearing the answers to...he's just presenting the president with false narrative and then demanding that the prez respond to it.

He's been told over, and over, and over again that it isn't going to happen. The president isn't going to respond on lies those pigs generate and waste time crafting a response to it that isn't going to offend someone. Why should he respond to lies, and to information leaked by traitors to *journalists* who then, mind you, can do whatever they want with it and just claim "high ranking official" sourcing. Nobody is going to challenge them except the people they're lying about.

So if people like to hear garbage from our president, they should keep allowing garbage people to spew garbage at him. Because they are being given access and given the opportunity to actually engage in journalism. Instead they're spewing lies, and then attacking the president when he tells them that they're lying.

So tiresome.
my take on DA MEDIA-----is ----take it with a grain of salt and read between the lines
They learned from the best Hillary, Bill, Obama, Reid, Pelosi...the list goes on.
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In the end it's always this..the left will frivolously accuse decent people of the things they do themselves.

Conservatives want the media to all be like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. ie: Instead of reporting "Flynn Fired for Communications with Russia," they should report "Trump Brilliant for Communicating with Russia."
I remember Howard Cosell and Cronkite and Rather. Things weren't nearly as bad as they are with today's media.

I think a step to fixing it would be to figure out what changed.

I know the AP is a big part of it and pretty much has a monopoly on what news goes out.

All the networks get their news "marching orders" from the AP then put their spin on it.

They should be fined when they lie on the airwaves like that.
And the traitors here post it non stop minute by minute, lie after lie.

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