‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study

Economist says Canadian-style, single-payer health plan would reap huge savings from reduced paperwork and from negotiated drug prices, enough to pay for quality coverage for all – at less cost to families and businesses

Upgrading the nation’s Medicare program and expanding it to cover people of all ages would yield more than a half-trillion dollars in efficiency savings in its first year of operation, enough to pay for high-quality, comprehensive health benefits for all residents of the United States at a lower cost to most individuals, families and businesses.

That’s the chief finding of a new fiscal study by Gerald Friedman, a professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. There would even be money left over to help pay down the national debt, he said.

Friedman says his analysis shows that a nonprofit single-payer system based on the principles of the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, H.R. 676, introduced by Rep. John Conyers Jr., D-Mich., and co-sponsored by 45 other lawmakers, would save an estimated $592 billion in 2014. That would be more than enough to cover all 44 million people the government estimates will be uninsured in that year and to upgrade benefits for everyone else.

“No other plan can achieve this magnitude of savings on health care,” Friedman said.

His findings were released this morning [Wednesday, July 31, 11 a.m. EDT] at a congressional briefing in the Cannon House Office Building hosted by Public Citizen and Physicians for a National Health Program, followed by a 1 p.m. news conference with Rep. Conyers and others in observance of Medicare’s 48th anniversary at the House Triangle near the Capitol steps. A copy of Friedman’s full report, with tables and charts, is available here.

Friedman said the savings would come from slashing the administrative waste associated with today’s private health insurance industry ($476 billion) and using the new, public system’s bargaining muscle to negotiate pharmaceutical drug prices down to European levels ($116 billion).

“These savings would be more than enough to fund $343 billion in improvements to our health system, including the achievement of truly universal coverage, improved benefits, and the elimination of premiums, co-payments and deductibles, which are major barriers to people seeking care,” he said.

So why did everyone who was instrumental in passing Obamacare exempt themselves from it?
‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study

Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.
We will have single payer as soon as people decide they don't want any medical care at all.

Go back to witch doctors.
I agree that medicare should cover everyone as it would take the investors out of the picture and eliminate the health insurance companies.
‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.
So you want another unfunded failed social program?

Medicare can't cover the ones already in it, let alone more people being added.
Medicare Faces Unfunded Liability of $38.6T, or $328,404 for Each U.S. Household | CNS News

This is from last year, it has gone up since that report.
Where are each and every American household going to get 328,404.00 and this would become higher if we add millions of more people.
No one has that amount of money, which is why it is called unfunded mandates.

Why would you want Government to have anything to do with Health Care?
Each and every Government run Health Care System, causes rationed care, long waits for appointments, scarce diagnostic equipment and long waits for the procedure.

It's inhumane to have people in pain, to force them have to wait so long for anything to be done for them.
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‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.

I have medicare. I pay $100.00 a month for no care. If I want medical care and to go see a doctor, I have to pay out of pocket just like I did when I had no insurance at all.
‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.

you can't get that through these peoples heads who wants the guberment to take care of them..

we see how they have run the post office, amtrake, etc etc...so lets give our health care over to them..they all have degrees in medicine and will be EXPERTS on making our health care decisions for us..

man this country is going to hell when they want elected idiots with no degrees or expertise in medicine deciding your health care... sad sad say goodby to FREEDOM
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‘Medicare for All’ would cover everyone, save billions in first year: new study
Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.

I can see why countries around the world want to go the private insurance route.
Then they can do this (Chart 1) and they can also be equal with the US as far as the cost of healthcare per capita (Chart 2).
Hey, does anyone have any solid proof that the US has the best healthcare in the world?
I personally do not think Obamacare is the answer, mandating heathcare coverage isn't freedom. I do lean towards Single Payer as I have yet to see a solid and intelligent argument against it. All I ever seen is pro-let's keep it like it is talking points.


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Someday, sooner, we can all hope, rather than later, America will find the sanity and courage to implement a single payer system.

Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.

I can see why countries around the world want to go the private insurance route.
Then they can do this (Chart 1) and they can also be equal with the US as far as the cost of healthcare per capita (Chart 2).
Hey, does anyone have any solid proof that the US has the best healthcare in the world?
I personally do not think Obamacare is the answer, mandating heathcare coverage isn't freedom. I do lean towards Single Payer as I have yet to see a solid and intelligent argument against it. All I ever seen is pro-let's keep it like it is talking points.

Look it up, this isn't the first time some idiot posted tripe like this.
So why did everyone who was instrumental in passing Obamacare exempt themselves from it?

Becaue they already HAD health care?

This is what you guys don't get. For those who have health care already, ObamaCare doesn't change anything, really. Oh, there's a few things your insurance company isn't allowed to do anymore, like call your cancer a pre-existing condition if you had acne.

But for most of us, the 100 million already covered by a government program or the 150 million covered by private insurance, things didn't really change.

it was the 50 million not covered that were the issue that is being addressed.

Incidently, the biggest problem Obama did was negotiating with himself. He gave up on a single payer system, on a public option, and even on a Medicare buy-in in order to try to get a few Republicans to buy into the ACA if it looked more like RomneyCare.

But even Romney wouldn't buy into that.
Yes, that would be the sane course, if we ignore the reality that every single country that has a single payer system is moving away form it because of the ballooning costs and substandard care.

I can see why countries around the world want to go the private insurance route.
Then they can do this (Chart 1) and they can also be equal with the US as far as the cost of healthcare per capita (Chart 2).
Hey, does anyone have any solid proof that the US has the best healthcare in the world?
I personally do not think Obamacare is the answer, mandating heathcare coverage isn't freedom. I do lean towards Single Payer as I have yet to see a solid and intelligent argument against it. All I ever seen is pro-let's keep it like it is talking points.

Look it up, this isn't the first time some idiot posted tripe like this.

Instead of calling me names. why don't you dispute my charts derived from reputable resources?
Name calling,,, you really disappoint me, particularly when I've seen posts by you whining about being called names. :eusa_whistle: Myself, I like to avoid such childish behavior.
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