Medusa Stereo: GI Joe Destiny (Vatican Disaster?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does this modern age of great infrastructure (e.g., NASDAQ) remind you of espionage (e.g., WikiLeaks)?

This 'customs sacraments-yarn' was inspired by the new age civilization-revisionism film Angels & Demons (Tom Hanks).



An Internet-blogger named Ajay was thinking about the quality of the Vatican website, since he was fascinated by the media marketing of religions in the modern world. Ajay wanted to see how Vatican aesthetics/architecture and customs were imprinted onto the design/atmospherics of the Vatican website.


A team of anti-Western terrorists known as Cobra wanted to strike the Vatican on Halloween 2018. Cobra's purpose for such a terrible terrorist-strike was to create panic about rituals/festivity, and since Halloween was a Gaelic-derived festival known as Samhain, Cobra intended to use the scar of a Vatican terrorist-strike to create anxiety about Samhain (and Halloween) in America.


A team of covert paramilitary American democracy-crusaders known as G.I. Joes were commissioned by the Trump Administration to protect the Vatican as Halloween approached. You see, the White House received an anonymous insider-tip phone call, informing the President that Cobra intended to attack the Vatican sometime during Halloween season. The insider was most likely a Cobra-defector. G.I. Joes coordinated to secure Vatican City.


Ajay was so fascinated by the Vatican website, that he decided to purchase a Ouija spirit-incantation board and try to contact the underworld spirit of the demonic female 'siren' known as Medusa, to see what she thought about the Internet and the Vatican website. Ouija boards had become popular in mainstream culture, so Ajay thought that such a 'metaphysical experiment' would more or less be harmless. However, when Ajay invoked Medusa's spirit, he was shocked to discover she was indeed a real 'siren' and wanted to know why there was so much 'intrigue' associated with the Vatican website. Medusa deduced there was much intrigue with Vatican City as Halloween (a ritual of masquerade) approached.


A Vatican employee purchased a surround-sound stereo system for a special presentation about Catholic music, but when Medusa sensed that this stereo was being purchased online, she decided to use the image of the stereo to shoot poisonous arrows about why modern man was indulging in 'tech-toys.' When Cobra received one of these arrows, they realized that there was indeed much 'heat' in the Vatican and were therefore extra-motivated for their Halloween terrorist-strike. The stereo purchased online by the Vatican employee was a nifty system that came with a handy-dandy remote-control.


Americans were meanwhile interested in the news that the Oakland Raiders NFL team were relocating to the casino-city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Why not? After all, U.S. President Donald Trump, the second celebrity-president after Ronald Reagan, was owner of the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. American NFL fans intrigued by this Raiders-Vegas move were evaluating how commerce and media were impacting new age social customs. Medusa noticed all this too and decided to spray a silver-color graffiti message on a Vatican City walkway/sidewalk which read, "The enemy of religion is capitalism."


As the G.I. Joes secured the Vatican during the Halloween season, G.I. Joe commander Duke reflected on the modern scars created by 9/11, when fundamentalist-terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center (a beacon of commerce) in NYC. Duke wondered about new age 'feathers' such as the Vatican website, NASDAQ, IBM, and Intel and wondered why Cobra was so interested in striking Vatican City to create panic on Halloween Eve. After all, how would general social panic create any form of political insight? Was this the age of great infrastructure?


GOD: After 9/11, the world has become anxious about securities.
SATAN: The Vatican website is quite nifty!
GOD: Yes, it is; and Ajay was right to be interested in its aesthetics.
SATAN: It was Ajay who released the demon Medusa.
GOD: Ajay was simply playing and didn't realize Medusa would be intrigued.
SATAN: Medusa has certainly sensed all this new age sociocultural complexity.
GOD: I believe Duke will understand how to deal with Cobra on Halloween.
SATAN: The Vatican has become a global symbol of great ritualism.
GOD: Once upon a time, a Vatican website may have been considered heresy.
SATAN: Technology has been infused into daily life...
GOD: Are you a fan of
SATAN: Well, I like certain network-convenience sites (e.g., Facebook).
GOD: If the Vatican is vulnerable...perhaps so is Mecca!
SATAN: Any location of great social traffic is sensitized in this era of networking.
GOD: Terrorism threatens customs; the Internet-hacker is the new terrorist.
SATAN: Maybe Ajay will be interested in the practicality of anti-virus software.
GOD: Let's just keep faith that Medusa will return to the underworld very soon...
SATAN: She's certainly managed to deliver the message that modernism is strange!
GOD: Let's go watch Angels & Demons (Tom Hanks) on Netflix...
SATAN: I'm a big fan of 'demagoguery access.'



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