Medvedev Names Sole Condition to Prevent World War.

Yeah, so the World need to let Russia take the Ukraine and if not then Russia will Nuke the World,
No, Bonzo. Russia has no right "to take the Ukraine" but the situation in Donbas has become critical and Russia seems to be the most qualified to rectify the problem. Russia has at least four choices to solve it but the US (oh sorry, I mean Ukraine) has/is making two of those choices unattainable. All of the information that I have, some of it personal (that is to say second hand) points to Putin doing exactly what he has been doing, step by step. Make no mistake, this is about double standards and if "fairness" is to have any influence then there can now be only two remaining possibilities:
* 1). Free the Republics of Donbas
* 2). Incorporate Donbas into the Russian Federation.
* A third or fourth possibility would have been the best alternative but the United Snakes is bent on expanding NATO and the devil may care.

and you applaud this nonsense as usual!
The nonsense in your statmement about "Russia taking Ukraine". I don't know any one serioulsy advocating it but you love the absurd drama so you're running with it full tilt. Come back and see me when you are willing to be more earnest.
A lot.

I am not American but I did live 20 years in the US and I am a Vietnam Veteran. I've circumnavigated the globe ‘overland’ on my own and I have lived in several countries on five different continents. So, I’ve experienced a lot and have observed a lot of BS that I only began to understand later. You know what I mean? You know something is wrong but you don’t know what it is until it hits you between the eyes and then it all makes sense. Anyway, I'm not so smart but I've seen so much that I guess it must have sunk in? :eusa_think:
The US can't hide its track record on wars and aggression with any propaganda blitz or pretending that they haven't started this war with Russia.
That's what 'smart' means to me.
The US can't hide its track record on wars and aggression with any propaganda blitz or pretending that they haven't started this war with Russia.
That's what 'smart' means to me.
The reason that businesses continue paying “protection money” to the mafia is fairly obvious and once you’ve begun you can never get out again. America’s got the bomb, right? But if that scenario doesn’t make sense to you or it seems too far-fetched then you’ll have to pitch me a more plausible explanation as to why the US got away with ILLEGALLY invading Irak on a lie of non-existent WMDs. There’s a list of other things Washington did during (and leading up to) that invasion but we can talk about that another time if you’re interested. It’s not as though the UN is unaware of the war crimes the US perpetrated because Hans Blix and the UN council actually said so. So why has neither Bush Baby Junior, Donald Rumsfeld nor Dick Cheney ever spent a single day behind bars or even been indicted?

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?

So, when you say, “The US can't hide its track record on wars and aggression with any propaganda blitz“ then I wonder how you can be so optimistic. :eusa_think:
The pussy should get the party started then. It's just bluff after bluff after bluff.
"Bluff"? Russia has the most chess masters in the world for good reason. I know that's a childish thing to say but the point is all about executing maneuvres. A staged bluff is not the same as a real bluff and you and I are not smart enough to see which one is which in the high-stakes game of international matters.
"Bluff"? Russia has the most chess masters in the world for good reason. I know that's a childish thing to say but the point is all about executing maneuvres. A staged bluff is not the same as a real bluff and you and I are not smart enough to see which one is which in the high-stakes game of international matters.
Yes the chess master constantly threatening to flip the board and destroy all the pieces must be a very good player
Yes the chess master constantly threatening to flip the board and destroy all the pieces must be a very good player
No. You're talking about Robert Fischer, an American chess master. How appropriate that you fall straight into the pit of an inadvertent confession! :auiqs.jpg:
The reason that businesses continue paying “protection money” to the mafia is fairly obvious and once you’ve begun you can never get out again.
Yes, I understand that.
America’s got the bomb, right? But if that scenario doesn’t make sense to you or it seems too far-fetched then you’ll have to pitch me a more plausible explanation as to why the US got away with ILLEGALLY invading Irak on a lie of non-existent WMDs.
You've raised an interesting point on America having the bomb, and the fact that no country could stop the US from invading Iraq. And twice for the same very obvious reason of controlling ME oil resources. And fwiw, my country was convinced to play a part in the first US war on Iraq. Was Canada convinced to take part in the Gulf War or were are politicians too afraid to refuse, for a number of reasons. As to the second war on Iraq by Bush2, I've always been convinced that Colin Powell knew he was playing a part in the lies when he presented his little bottle at the UN.
There’s a list of other things Washington did during (and leading up to) that invasion but we can talk about that another time if you’re interested.
I'm always interested. I'm not unaware of the phony buildup of Iraq's thousands of tanks and soldiers on the Saudi border. I'm not unaware of April Glaspie being caught conning Saddam. I'm not unaware of the US creating the largest mass grave in history as they buried thousands of Iraqis under the sands. And much, much more. But maybe you have something different and even more concdmnable?
It’s not as though the UN is unaware of the war crimes the US perpetrated because Hans Blix and the UN council actually said so. So why has neither Bush Baby Junior, Donald Rumsfeld nor Dick Cheney ever spent a single day behind bars or even been indicted?
The victor is never punished for war crimes. The US set the bar higher than any country can ever reach in Vietnam and Iraq, and likely some of their other wars.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?
And the US war against Russia can be said to be the culmination of all those wars. I think probably America's last war which they start.
So, when you say, “The US can't hide its track record on wars and aggression with any propaganda blitz“ then I wonder how you can be so optimistic. :eusa_think:
Truth hidden only from the masses has always been easy with Americans. You're probably as aware as I am on knowing of scholars and military experts who aren't buying into the bullshit of coming to the rescue of the Ukraine.

My only optimism is in the fact that Russia is not ever going to be willing to lose. They've faced much bigger hardships with the Nazis!
You've raised an interesting point on America having the bomb, and the fact that no country could stop the US from invading Iraq.
Not even the UN of which the US is a founding member could stop them.
And twice for the same very obvious reason of controlling ME oil resources.
As well as stopping the dominoes from falling with regard to Saddam’s plan to replace the Petro-dollar as international payment.
And fwiw, my country was convinced to play a part in the first US war on Iraq. Was Canada convinced to take part in the Gulf War or were are politicians too afraid to refuse, for a number of reasons.
One may wonder.
As to the second war on Iraq by Bush2, I've always been convinced that Colin Powell knew he was playing a part in the lies when he presented his little bottle at the UN.
I agree with you 100%.
I'm always interested. I'm not unaware of the phony buildup of Iraq's thousands of tanks and soldiers on the Saudi border. I'm not unaware of April Glaspie being caught conning Saddam. I'm not unaware of the US creating the largest mass grave in history as they buried thousands of Iraqis under the sands. And much, much more. But maybe you have something different and even more concdmnable?
Not different but in addition to.

* The spliced and false recorded telephone conversation (supposedly intercepted) “admitting” Saddam had WMDs.

* The US claimed to have absolute proof of WMDs and even gave the UN a list of 12 sites where those weapons were stored … and that a search of those twelve sites would reveal that one or more of them indeed housed either WMDs or whatever was necessary to produce them.

* A UN inspection team was organized to search all 12 of those sites but Saddam refused them on the grounds of having information that the team was saturated with CIA spies bent on planting evidence.

The UN looked into the matter and discovered that Saddam was right so a new international team was drawn up with Hans Blix as its leader.

* Without the aid of CIA spies planting false evidence the new team set to work. One by one they did their job and by the time they had searched 11 [of the 12] they found nothing in the way of WMDs. Whew! Great! So far so good!

* But as the team was poised to search the twelfth and final site the US ordered them out because their invasion of Iraq was seconds, minutes, hours away? The inspection team had to pull out and so the US had illegally invaded Irak and by doing so proved there were no WMDs in the country by sheer default. Of course, we know now that it’s true that there were no WMDs in Irak.
The victor is never punished for war crimes.
Maybe that is the best and only explanation there is.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?

And the US war against Russia can be said to be the culmination of all those wars. I think probably America's last war which they start.
I am NOT an optimist at all. Unless Europe en masse (including NATO member states) prevents the US from orchestrating a full-out invasion or coup of Ukraine or Russia then I do not believe that US treachery will be thwarted for even the nearest future. To really stop them it will take both an international routing out of US corruption as well as (and this is very important) a sort of revolution (peacefully preferably) inside the US itself. It only takes a tiny minority of corrupt individuals to create a Fascist government but it takes the majority of any population to implement a Democracy as well as their vigilance to uphold it.
You're probably as aware as I am on knowing of scholars and military experts who aren't buying into the bullshit of coming to the rescue of the Ukraine.
And except for the real fear of deadly retribution they might be more public about it. Do you hear me, Julian? The sphincter calling itself "Zelensky" said yesterday that it is all of Europe's responsibility to side with him, the b'stard! I never liked him but now I am beginning to loathe him.
My only optimism is in the fact that Russia is not ever going to be willing to lose.
Yes, that is my optimistic hope too
They've faced much bigger hardships with the Nazis!
Well, the fact that Russians are some of the toughest humans on earth certainly supports your view. Just look at how their professional fighters disregard their own pain. They don’t even know how to give up! Have you ever watched Sergey Bychkov (the fighter, not the sprinter) or the Emelianenko brothers (Fedor and Alexander) inside the ring? Holy shit!!! :eek-52:

Posted here because most Americans will be interested in what Medvedev has to say.

Really, Russia can't defeat or even hold their own in the Ukraine. A population of 40 million. If they went to "World War" they'd not last ten minutes
Really, Russia can't defeat or even hold their own in the Ukraine. A population of 40 million. If they went to "World War" they'd not last ten minutes
Not only 'if' we go to world war, Russia 'will' last a little longer than ten minutes, and America, due to it's distance away from the rest 'will' last slightly longer.

Russia may find it necessary to use nuclear weapons in order to protect their country from the combined forces of the US and Nato countries, but world war will still be prohibitive for obvious reasons.

Try your childish behaviour on one of the other children.
Not even the UN of which the US is a founding member could stop them.

As well as stopping the dominoes from falling with regard to Saddam’s plan to replace the Petro-dollar as international payment.

One may wonder.

I agree with you 100%.

Not different but in addition to.

* The spliced and false recorded telephone conversation (supposedly intercepted) “admitting” Saddam had WMDs.

* The US claimed to have absolute proof of WMDs and even gave the UN a list of 12 sites where those weapons were stored … and that a search of those twelve sites would reveal that one or more of them indeed housed either WMDs or whatever was necessary to produce them.

* A UN inspection team was organized to search all 12 of those sites but Saddam refused them on the grounds of having information that the team was saturated with CIA spies bent on planting evidence.

The UN looked into the matter and discovered that Saddam was right so a new international team was drawn up with Hans Blix as its leader.

* Without the aid of CIA spies planting false evidence the new team set to work. One by one they did their job and by the time they had searched 11 [of the 12] they found nothing in the way of WMDs. Whew! Great! So far so good!

* But as the team was poised to search the twelfth and final site the US ordered them out because their invasion of Iraq was seconds, minutes, hours away? The inspection team had to pull out and so the US had illegally invaded Irak and by doing so proved there were no WMDs in the country by sheer default. Of course, we know now that it’s true that there were no WMDs in Irak.

Maybe that is the best and only explanation there is.

I am NOT an optimist at all. Unless Europe en masse (including NATO member states) prevents the US from orchestrating a full-out invasion or coup of Ukraine or Russia then I do not believe that US treachery will be thwarted for even the nearest future. To really stop them it will take both an international routing out of US corruption as well as (and this is very important) a sort of revolution (peacefully preferably) inside the US itself. It only takes a tiny minority of corrupt individuals to create a Fascist government but it takes the majority of any population to implement a Democracy as well as their vigilance to uphold it.

And except for the real fear of deadly retribution they might be more public about it. Do you hear me, Julian? The sphincter calling itself "Zelensky" said yesterday that it is all of Europe's responsibility to side with him, the b'stard! I never liked him but now I am beginning to loathe him.

Yes, that is my optimistic hope too

Well, the fact that Russians are some of the toughest humans on earth certainly supports your view. Just look at how their professional fighters disregard their own pain. They don’t even know how to give up! Have you ever watched Sergey Bychkov (the fighter, not the sprinter) or the Emelianenko brothers (Fedor and Alexander) inside the ring? Holy shit!!! :eek-52:
Goof rundown of the facts, some of which I had heard on how the US hijacked the Bliz inspection team when the truth was about to be completely exposed.

One other reason for optimism could be with the political domestic divide in the US. Even though it would take nearly a miracle for the political right to take an antiwar stance in opposition to Biden. That because of the fear of nuclear war combined is reason for a slight bit of optimism.

Thanks for the replay of the details on Blix's UN inspections. Most on this forum will have never heard of it or understood how criminally intent on war their country really was.

And the US makes claims of war crimes against Russia??

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?

It's worthy of being posted repeatedly!
.... Russia may find it necessary to use nuclear weapons in order to protect their country from the combined forces of the US and Nato countries, .....
And those are the ones to blame if conventional push comes to nuclear shove. The US was too timed to poke the bear "one last time" in Cuba, presumably because of its proximity, so the US kissed Krushev's ass and backed off ... but the b'stards in Washington are less worried about the aftermath of a nuclear war in Europe. I'm getting a Charles Manson déjà-vu feeling here. He wanted to provoke a racial war in the US and once the country would be reduced to ashes Charlie would pop out of hiding with his merry band of fools and take over the country lock, stock, and barrel.

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?

It's worthy of being posted repeatedly!
Do you mean this?

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?
And those are the ones to blame if conventional push comes to nuclear shove. The US was too timed to poke the bear "one last time" in Cuba, presumably because of its proximity, so the US kissed Krushev's ass and backed off ... but the b'stards in Washington are less worried about the aftermath of a nuclear war in Europe. I'm getting a Charles Manson déjà-vu feeling here. He wanted to provoke a racial war in the US and once the country would be reduced to ashes Charlie would pop out of hiding with his merry band of fools and take over the country lock, stock, and barrel.
Most Americans have a completely wrong idea of what really happened with the Cuba blockade. In actual fact, Kruschev was successful with his demands on the US.

Or, for those who do know the painful facts, perhaps they've shut it out of their minds.

When all is considered, stopping short of full scale nuclear war in which there isn't a winner, it's a usuful exercise to consider which side has the end advantage when their complete hands are laid on the table.

As long as Russia is winning the war, the discussion can be avoided.
Do you mean this?

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Grenada, on and on and on, all of them illegal invasions or political-military coups perpetrated by the US. And how many American presidents/politicians have gone to prison? None?
Yes of course. There's really no debate possible when the facts are known on US aggression throughout the world since the end of WW2. Every war can be connected to US intent on that, spelt out in the PNAC and in defeating Russia or any and all nations that are capable of interference.
Not only 'if' we go to world war, Russia 'will' last a little longer than ten minutes, and America, due to it's distance away from the rest 'will' last slightly longer.

Russia may find it necessary to use nuclear weapons in order to protect their country from the combined forces of the US and Nato countries, but world war will still be prohibitive for obvious reasons.

Try your childish behaviour on one of the other children.

Bye bye
Most Americans have a completely wrong idea of what really happened with the Cuba blockade.
I honestly do not believe the Americans are aware of the facts prior to - during - and ending the so-called Cuba Missile Crisis.
In actual fact, Kruschev was successful with his demands on the US.
That's right, but American propaganda, censorship, and sublime "everybody knows" has the population completely in the dark over the matter. FIRST: Russia had a legitimate gripe. SECOND: Whether by design (or not) Russia's message struck home. THIRD: It was Kruschev who got his demands met, not the U.S. Kennedy had to eat crow ... but tell the average American that, and he'll lose his mind and claim otherwise. Let's face it, the US is superior in the world when it comes to propaganda.
When all is considered, stopping short of full scale nuclear war in which there isn't a winner, it's a usuful exercise to consider which side has the end advantage when their complete hands are laid on the table.

As long as Russia is winning the war, the discussion can be avoided.
Do you mean that a new (equal) world balance has already been achieved?
There's really no debate possible when the facts are known on US aggression throughout the world .....
I agree.
... since the end of WW2. Every war can be connected to US intent on that, spelt out in the PNAC and in defeating Russia or any and all nations that are capable of interference.
I've felt that way for a very long time. I don't know if it's true but I can say that "nearly" every war can be attributed to US aggression. I actually lived in Rhodesia during the bush wars but I didn't see any obvious US involvement there although I know that Robin Moore was a CIA agent spying on Americans there while he was residing in Salisbury. One of his men tried to get me to sign his guest book (name address, etc.) but I side-stepped his request. If there's smoke there's fire, they say, so maybe if I had dug deeply enough I'd have found something?

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