Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Capitalism Will ‘Not Always Exist’

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new darling of the Democratic party. In a recent interview, however, the upstart politico running in a hyper-liberal district in New York did not show command of the issues. Ocasio-Cortez was being interviewed by Margaret Hoover on the PBS show ‘Firing Line.’

Hoover asked very basic, softball questions of the young congressional candidate. In explaining her positions on the economy, Hoover asked Ocasio-Cortez “Do you think that capitalism has failed to deliver for working class Americans?” Hoover cited a currently booming US economy and low unemployment.

“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs,” Ocasio-Cortez explained, lamenting that people are employed but having to work long hours, “Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world,” she continued.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez confronted with booming economy & low unemployment numbers.
She says “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs” and “Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world.”

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2018

Later in the interview, Ocasio-Cortez was asked if she thinks capitalism would survive as an economic system. Ocasio-Cortez shrugged and said that was a “good question” and believes our economy will “evolve.”

The 27-year old also called Israel occupiers of Palestinian land. When pushed on the comment, she mumbled and demurred ultimately admitting that she does not know anything on the issue.

Can anyone imagine what the Left and the press would do to this woman if she were running as a Republican?

Luckily for her, she will probably be the next Dim candidate for President.

Idiots who chose to run for politics do well when they chose the democrat party.

After all, they fit right in with the likes of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
And I quote:
"Socialists often criticize interventionism"

Economic interventionism - Wikipedia
not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
nothing but fake news. tax cut economic merely favors the rich. and, it does Nothing for Infrastructure.

Not true, cutting taxes to corporations (rich) causes more revenue, more jobs and more tax revenue. Raising taxes never did anything for the economy. Only socialists think taking hard-earned money an redistributing it will cause an economic boom.
I gather that her district is pretty far Left and were also getting tired of the same ol', same ol' from the Democratic Party as it is or was. You have to wonder how long that "Progressive" money is going to last if the Dems do not do well in 2018 or 2020. What if they're still the minority party in the House, Senate, and WH? What then?

Now I know it could go the other way and the Dems have a resurgence with socialist policies and take back any or all of those 3 entities, maybe we're in for another sharp turn to the Left. I'd be surprised though, and I could see a fiscal disaster looming if that happens, but well, you get the gov't you deserve.

As for Ms OC and other young people clamoring for free everything, one hopes some of them will grow up enough to realize you eventually gotta pay for what you get and we're running out of road for can-kicking. I feel bad for them cuz they're the ones who will get stuck with the bill and the bad economic times that will come with it. And they don't even know it yet.
As the quote often attributed to Margaret Thatcher goes the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money.

Yes and it makes everyone equally miserable.
our social contract and form of socialism expresses the pursuit of Happiness, as a natural right.

A 'social contract' is not socialism.
yes, it is.

not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
nothing but fake news. tax cut economic merely favors the rich. and, it does Nothing for Infrastructure.

Not true, cutting taxes to corporations (rich) causes more revenue, more jobs and more tax revenue. Raising taxes never did anything for the economy. Only socialists think taking hard-earned money an redistributing it will cause an economic boom.
why are we going deeper into debt? not enough tax feedback.
As the quote often attributed to Margaret Thatcher goes the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money.

Yes and it makes everyone equally miserable.
our social contract and form of socialism expresses the pursuit of Happiness, as a natural right.

A 'social contract' is not socialism.
yes, it is.

Socialism must start with some form of social Contract.
Just a show of hands, how many socialists/Dims think that unemployment numbers go down when people work more than one job?
That's the difference between you and I. I think it's awesome to have informed, intelligent politicians who don't comment about an issue if they aren't well versed on it.
Except that you haven't really proven she isn't well-versed on it
I didn’t have to “prove” it. She admitted it. And you pretending like you don’t know that she admitted it is simply verification that you are the worst partisan tool here on USMB.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.
Second thread on her today, she certainly worries the Republicans probably cause she's a woman.
She's got a lot of company. All these women have won their primary.

not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
nothing but fake news. tax cut economic merely favors the rich. and, it does Nothing for Infrastructure.

Not true, cutting taxes to corporations (rich) causes more revenue, more jobs and more tax revenue. Raising taxes never did anything for the economy. Only socialists think taking hard-earned money an redistributing it will cause an economic boom.
Failed Reaganomics from a failed ideology.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.
I don't think she rides the crazy train like Maxi..
The Blaze is run by a crazy Mormon who was so crazy Fox News fired his ass...
A. Your bigotry is ugly

B. Glenn Beck wasn’t fired from Fox News. In fact, they begged him to stay. He left to start his own media empire.

C. The Blaze isn’t “run” by Glenn Beck. It is owned by Glenn Beck. He doesn’t run their newsroom any more than Steve Easterbook “runs” your local McDonalds. :laugh:
Second thread on her today, she certainly worries the Republicans probably cause she's a woman.
She's got a lot of company. All these women have won their primary.


But how many of them can actually win the general? I read an article about a month ago that said while there is a record number of women running for Congress, most of them have little chance of flipping the seats they are running for.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.
I don't think she occupies the crazy train like Maxi..

Give her time and keep her talking. She's well on her way.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.
I don't think she occupies the crazy train like Maxi..

Give her time and keep her talking. She's well on her way.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.
Can't argue with all the threads being created about her. All by Republicans.

If Republicans weren't worried about her energy, and her inclusiveness, and her ability to unite and motivate people, they would ignore her.

It's fear. Maybe not so much fear of her, but what she represents: regular, charismatic people running and winning.
Smell the Republican fear!

You don't actually believe that, do you? This woman is as clueless as they come. She's been fact checked left and right and a good amount of what she said has been debunked. Not only has she already demonstrated she has no idea how the unemployment rate is calculated, she has just admitted she knows nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite criticizing the relationship a few days earlier.

The best thing for the Republicans, given Trump's constant buffoonery, would be for the Democrats to trot this chick out front and center. She's Maxine Waters with a taco.

I dunno man, she's young and sorta attractive; she definitely ain't Maxine. Used to be a waitress in the Bronx, right? I'd take Maxine and Nancy all day and every day until November.

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