She's got a lot of company. All these women have won their primary.


But how many of them can actually win the general? I read an article about a month ago that said while there is a record number of women running for Congress, most of them have little chance of flipping the seats they are running for.
The more Trump shits the bed, the better chance they have, especially with Republican women.

Sure, but my point is that many of these women were either running in primaries against incumbents who none of them defeated (except Ocasio-Cortez) or in very Republican districts they have no chance of winning in November even in a Republican bloodletting. It's also telling you think so little of a women's intellects that you think they would vote for a candidate for no other reason than her being female.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.
Can't argue with all the threads being created about her. All by Republicans.

If Republicans weren't worried about her energy, and her inclusiveness, and her ability to unite and motivate people, they would ignore her.

It's fear. Maybe not so much fear of her, but what she represents: regular, charismatic people running and winning.

It's more like for the comic relief, but I will concede it's concerning that we have a swath of the population stupid enough to be hoodwinked by someone as ignorant as her.
Pretty disingenuous comment coming from someone whose Party includes Joe Barton, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Yoho.
Both parties have them, so you throw out names and someone else those out names.
Yes, but having one who is a Democrat is "concerning" to Don't Taz Me Bro.
And the other trumpkins
The voices in his head make him post BS.

All while he supports a fascist bigot insane orange treasonous loon

It's striking to me a how a Jew throws the word fascist around so easily. One would think you'd have more respect for your people considering what the fascists did to them, but I guess to each his own.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers
And Trump is notorious fer screwing over people that do jobs for him thus creating thousands of lawsuits against him, one of note for 25 million over fraud at Trump University.
“It says so much about her character,”..
But how many of them can actually win the general? I read an article about a month ago that said while there is a record number of women running for Congress, most of them have little chance of flipping the seats they are running for.
The more Trump shits the bed, the better chance they have, especially with Republican women.

Sure, but my point is that many of these women were either running in primaries against incumbents who none of them defeated (except Ocasio-Cortez) or in very Republican districts they have no chance of winning in November even in a Republican bloodletting. It's also telling you think so little of a women's intellects that you think they would vote for a candidate for no other reason than her being female.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.

And you specifically noted that those candidates might be attractive to Republican..... what for it...... WOMEN.

You could have just said Republicans in general, but didn't. You made a point to say women. Why?

Try to keep up.
Can't argue with all the threads being created about her. All by Republicans.

If Republicans weren't worried about her energy, and her inclusiveness, and her ability to unite and motivate people, they would ignore her.

It's fear. Maybe not so much fear of her, but what she represents: regular, charismatic people running and winning.

It's more like for the comic relief, but I will concede it's concerning that we have a swath of the population stupid enough to be hoodwinked by someone as ignorant as her.
Pretty disingenuous comment coming from someone whose Party includes Joe Barton, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Yoho.

You'd have a point if I were a member of the Republican Party. I realize that for someone like you who is so heavily partisan and incapable of critical thought you just assume that everybody is like you, either on one extreme or the other, but believe it or not, there are those of us who exist who actually can think for ourselves and we're smarter than you.
You Damn yourself with faint praise for what reason?
Ahh, William The Weird, who didn't count the available username characters first, who also doesn't know that it's 'Weird', not 'Wierd'.

Yes. You're a fucking brain surgeon.
Can't argue with all the threads being created about her. All by Republicans.

If Republicans weren't worried about her energy, and her inclusiveness, and her ability to unite and motivate people, they would ignore her.

It's fear. Maybe not so much fear of her, but what she represents: regular, charismatic people running and winning.

It's more like for the comic relief, but I will concede it's concerning that we have a swath of the population stupid enough to be hoodwinked by someone as ignorant as her.
Pretty disingenuous comment coming from someone whose Party includes Joe Barton, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Yoho.

You'd have a point if I were a member of the Republican Party. I realize that for someone like you who is so heavily partisan and incapable of critical thought you just assume that everybody is like you, either on one extreme or the other, but believe it or not, there are those of us who exist who actually can think for ourselves and we're smarter than you.
Oh, you're not a member of the Republican Party - you just come here every day and argue in favor of them because you don't identify with them.

No, that's just your perception of what I do.
Oh, then please link to your posts where you were concerned over Republicans electing abjectly stupid people like Louis Gohmert. I'll check back for that one.
It's more like for the comic relief, but I will concede it's concerning that we have a swath of the population stupid enough to be hoodwinked by someone as ignorant as her.
Pretty disingenuous comment coming from someone whose Party includes Joe Barton, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Yoho.

You'd have a point if I were a member of the Republican Party. I realize that for someone like you who is so heavily partisan and incapable of critical thought you just assume that everybody is like you, either on one extreme or the other, but believe it or not, there are those of us who exist who actually can think for ourselves and we're smarter than you.
Oh, you're not a member of the Republican Party - you just come here every day and argue in favor of them because you don't identify with them.

No, that's just your perception of what I do.
Oh, then please link to your posts where you were concerned over Republicans electing abjectly stupid people like Louis Gohmert. I'll check back for that one.

I don't know that I've ever commented on Louis Gohmert, but I have about two years worth of posts running up to the 2016 election stating my belief that Trump was the worst candidate the Republicans could have nominated, that he would bring long term damage to the GOP, and that Hillary would steamroll him in the election.
The voices in his head make him post BS.

All while he supports a fascist bigot insane orange treasonous loon

It's striking to me a how a Jew throws the word fascist around so easily. One would think you'd have more respect for your people considering what the fascists did to them, but I guess to each his own.
Wow, jillian. You must be devastated by that concern from Don't Taz Me Bro.

I can tell he's very worried about you!
The more Trump shits the bed, the better chance they have, especially with Republican women.

Sure, but my point is that many of these women were either running in primaries against incumbents who none of them defeated (except Ocasio-Cortez) or in very Republican districts they have no chance of winning in November even in a Republican bloodletting. It's also telling you think so little of a women's intellects that you think they would vote for a candidate for no other reason than her being female.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.

And you specifically noted that those candidates might be attractive to Republican..... what for it...... WOMEN.

You could have just said Republicans in general, but didn't. You made a point to say women. Why?

Try to keep up.
Yes, because Republican women are more inclined to be disgusted by revelations that Trump was fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant, and fucking a playboy model for a year while his wife was nursing his son.

Among many other things. OTOH, Republican men are dumbasses who only care about money and power.
Sure, but my point is that many of these women were either running in primaries against incumbents who none of them defeated (except Ocasio-Cortez) or in very Republican districts they have no chance of winning in November even in a Republican bloodletting. It's also telling you think so little of a women's intellects that you think they would vote for a candidate for no other reason than her being female.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.

And you specifically noted that those candidates might be attractive to Republican..... what for it...... WOMEN.

You could have just said Republicans in general, but didn't. You made a point to say women. Why?

Try to keep up.
Yes, because Republican women are more inclined to be disgusted by revelations that Trump was fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant, and fucking a playboy model for a year while his wife was nursing his son.

Among many other things. OTOH, Republican men are dumbasses who only care about money and power.
Not sure it will rise to the level of cutting their own throats while the economy is humming on all cylinders, along with low
unemployment, lower taxes, no war for their children to fight.
Sure, but my point is that many of these women were either running in primaries against incumbents who none of them defeated (except Ocasio-Cortez) or in very Republican districts they have no chance of winning in November even in a Republican bloodletting. It's also telling you think so little of a women's intellects that you think they would vote for a candidate for no other reason than her being female.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.

And you specifically noted that those candidates might be attractive to Republican..... what for it...... WOMEN.

You could have just said Republicans in general, but didn't. You made a point to say women. Why?

Try to keep up.
Yes, because Republican women are more inclined to be disgusted by revelations that Trump was fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant, and fucking a playboy model for a year while his wife was nursing his son.

Among many other things. OTOH, Republican men are dumbasses who only care about money and power.

Everyone knew Trump was a pig when they elected him. The "grab her by the pussy" tape didn't sway millions of women so why would they care about him sleeping with a porn star over a decade ago? Did all of Clinton's affairs harm him with women? He got reelected.

And yes, only Republican men care about money and power. Democrat men hate those things. Guess that's why all the Dems in Washington are powerful millionaires. :abgg2q.jpg:
typical ^^^^^^^

socialist - communist ... soooooooooooooooooooooo confusing to morons.
Typical...a left-wing minion is forced to come face-to-face with the left-wing lie and instead attempts to hijack and redirect the thread.

Communism is socialism, you uneducated little dimwit. Two sides of the exact same coin. Now about the hypocrisy of the people you bow down to and worship?

As an ideology, communism is generally regarded as hard-left, making fewer concessions to market capitalism and electoral democracy than do most forms of socialism. As a system of government, communism tends to center on a one-party state that bans most forms of political dissent. These two usages of the term "communism" – one referring to theory, the other to politics as they are practiced – need not overlap: China's ruling Communist Party has an explicitly pro-market capitalist orientation and pays only lip service to the Maoist ideology whose purist adherents (Peru's Shining Path in its heyday, for example) regard Chinese authorities as bourgeois counterrevolutionaries.

Socialism can refer to a vast swath of the political spectrum, in theory and in practice. Its intellectual history is more varied than that of communism: the Communist Manifesto devotes a chapter to criticizing the half-dozen forms of socialism already in existence at the time, and proponents have taken just about every left-of-center stance on the ideal (or best achievable) structure of economic and political systems.

bite me, moron

Over taxation and excessive spending are two of the current consequences of European socialism.

Socialism even in moderate 'pick and choose' forms requires a massive government infrastructure to control centers of national manufacturing, healthcare, education, and internal security forces. Not to mention spending to subsidize a large percentage of its population for guaranteed housing, food programs, etc. I don't know about you but surrendering means of manufacturing to the government seems like big risk.

And even if an American socialism was to follow the European model of state regulation of industry versus outright ownership, you're still throwing your economic fate solely in the hands of bureaucrats vulnerable to whim and fancy, only their greed now expands across all means of production.

The step to communism from socialism can be a very small one. Once government has become a monolithic owner of economic and industrial bases, citizens become very vulnerable to becoming market hostages of the State. Any form of mass resistance or take back of economical control by the people could result in suspension and then removal of individual rights and freedoms. Collectivism and group politics is a set of matches we Americans do not want to play with.
That is communism ignoramus. Socialism is what every rich country has except us. Fair with a good safety net capitalism. We had socialism until ACA was sabotaged by the GOP. Socialism is always democratic, communism only put in by violent revolution. Huge difference, super dupes.
Socialism is what every rich country has except us.

As has already been pointed out to you, dumbass, none of those countries are Socialist. There are no rich Socialist countries and there never have been.

Fair with a good safety net capitalism.

Which by the very definition, dumbass, isn't Socialism.
Socialism is what every rich country has except us.

As has already been pointed out to you, dumbass, none of those countries are Socialist. There are no rich Socialist countries and there never have been.

Fair with a good safety net capitalism.

Which by the very definition, dumbass, isn't Socialism.
You are talking about communism, super duper. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA was passed. Socialism is communism only in GOP dupe world, Dupe.
Not what I said, but if you're incapable of arguing what I actually said, whatchagonnado?

It wouldn't be because they are female. It would be because they are the Democrat running against the Republican who is going to blindly support #AgentOrange.

Then why did you specifically cite women as the ones they would resonate with? They won't do the same with men?
Because I was responding to a post that said Republicans are afraid of Ocasio because she's a woman. I said she's going to have a lot of company.

Try to keep up.

And you specifically noted that those candidates might be attractive to Republican..... what for it...... WOMEN.

You could have just said Republicans in general, but didn't. You made a point to say women. Why?

Try to keep up.
Yes, because Republican women are more inclined to be disgusted by revelations that Trump was fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant, and fucking a playboy model for a year while his wife was nursing his son.

Among many other things. OTOH, Republican men are dumbasses who only care about money and power.

Everyone knew Trump was a pig when they elected him. The "grab her by the pussy" tape didn't sway millions of women so why would they care about him sleeping with a porn star over a decade ago? Did all of Clinton's affairs harm him with women? He got reelected.

And yes, only Republican men care about money and power. Democrat men hate those things. Guess that's why all the Dems in Washington are powerful millionaires. :abgg2q.jpg:
So are all the Republicans, but the Democrat millionaires want to raise taxes on themselves to help the the country. GOP billionaires only spend money on propaganda for you.

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