Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.

Hey, maybe if we stopped putting the screws to Venezuela economically, it wouldn't be this great "go to" as to why Socialism doesn't work.

I mean, you can't use the Eastern Block anymore because they are all capitalist now and still shit holes where the women sell themselves on line to fat Americans.
Proudly Ignorant': Dem Socialist Candidate Ridiculed for Claiming Israel Occupying Palestine
When host Margaret Hoover asked her to clarify what she meant, the 28-year-old political newcomer fumbled over her words and acknowledged that she is "not the expert at geopolitics on this issue."

Why is that a "claim". A bunch of Jews from Europe invaded Palestine and are occupying it.

Not seeing an issue here, other than her apologizing for speaking an unwelcome truth in America (A wholly owned subsidiary of Jews, Inc.)
The embarrassment the American moderate Left should be expressing over the new socialist bloom is instead philosophized away in dirty semantics or context arguments or outright denial in the glaring face of the truth that American socialism is on the rise. It's largely a product of hatred for our President and his removal at any cost, even seemingly if it costs us everything. Many of us have called the Left out on it around the Web, and so far the responses are largely the same, " . . . but, but, socialism is . . . ?"

I think you are mixing two different issues here.

One of them is the justified hate of the racist Russian Agent who stole our presidency when the majority clearly said "No".

The other is the appeal of socialism to younger people who look at having less than their parents had and are looking on to their own children having less still. That's why socialism is on the rise... and it's kind of the fault of capitalists for letting it get this far.
Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.

Hey, maybe if we stopped putting the screws to Venezuela economically, it wouldn't be this great "go to" as to why Socialism doesn't work.

I mean, you can't use the Eastern Block anymore because they are all capitalist now and still shit holes where the women sell themselves on line to fat Americans.
/----/ "Hey, maybe if we stopped putting the screws to Venezuela economically, "
I know this is a crazy question but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Proudly Ignorant': Dem Socialist Candidate Ridiculed for Claiming Israel Occupying Palestine
When host Margaret Hoover asked her to clarify what she meant, the 28-year-old political newcomer fumbled over her words and acknowledged that she is "not the expert at geopolitics on this issue."

Why is that a "claim". A bunch of Jews from Europe invaded Palestine and are occupying it.

Not seeing an issue here, other than her apologizing for speaking an unwelcome truth in America (A wholly owned subsidiary of Jews, Inc.)
/----/ This should warm your socialist cackles: Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump
/----/ This should warm your socialist cackles: Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump

Not really. Not everything is about Trump.

Me, personally, I'm kind of horrified that Commie Bernie is becoming a voice in the Democratic Party.

My idiot brother who voted for Trump in the general election, voted for Bernie in the primaries. And, yeah, he actually said, "Democratic Socialism" like that's a thing that can actually work.

But here's the thing. It's really, really hard to argue against socialism when Capitalism is such a SHIT SANDWICH for most working people.
Screws over her co worker.............sounds like a Hero of the left..........

And a Communist Waitress will lead us.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

All you have to Remember is liberals are all full of Shit…
typical ^^^^^^^

socialist - communist ... soooooooooooooooooooooo confusing to morons.

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.....

After all you're a liberal...

You don't have much to work with in the thinking department.
the following Sanders picked up was from the younger generation - thats the sign of things to come in this countrys political arena.

When the youth movement finally takes over RW idiots will really have something to whine about.

If that were to ever happen....

The whole world would have something to whine about...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

Wow, this was your complaint, that when she was a waitress, she ticked off one co-worker?

Really, bud?

I find it hilarious to watch the Reich Wing go into an absolute panic because this pretty Hispanic girl advocated socialism and won.

She is pretty and I think she has a good heart.....

Problem is she is ignorant of human nature....

What she advocates is contrary to Nature and

It has never worked anywhere it’s ever been tried….
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

Wow, this was your complaint, that when she was a waitress, she ticked off one co-worker?

Really, bud?

I find it hilarious to watch the Reich Wing go into an absolute panic because this pretty Hispanic girl advocated socialism and won.

their time is coming - RW's have been yammering about dem socialism that didnt exist for so long theyre going to get what they love to carp about.

We will kick your liberal asses before that happens.....
She will be the laughing stock of Congress...........Perhaps she will follow like a good little puppy to Bernie...........

They really believe the crap they spew..............when history has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the ending of this type of Gov't.......not to mention the carnage it always brings.............
Fourth thread about her this morning - You people are scared shitless.
Gee, I'll bet they are searching high and low for RW lunatics who have (I am certain :rolleyes-41: ) horror stories to tell about Alexandria.
Did she eat a kitten in the 4th grade?

You don't have a Clue as Usual.

We are glad she has taken the mask off you liberals….

Talk to me after this ass whipping you are in for in November…
/----/ This should warm your socialist cackles: Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump

Not really. Not everything is about Trump.

Me, personally, I'm kind of horrified that Commie Bernie is becoming a voice in the Democratic Party.

My idiot brother who voted for Trump in the general election, voted for Bernie in the primaries. And, yeah, he actually said, "Democratic Socialism" like that's a thing that can actually work.

But here's the thing. It's really, really hard to argue against socialism when Capitalism is such a SHIT SANDWICH for most working people.
/——/ How can you stand to live in this horrible capitalist country? Cuba is looking for workers to harvest the sugar cane crop. Free medical and guaranteed income. What’s not to love?
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.

If we on the Right were simpletons.....

You liberals would be leptons...….
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.


democrat Socialism! It'll be different this time, trust us!

Learn something

Difference between Socialism and Communism | Difference Between

idiots arent capable of learning.. theyre pre programmed at birth to be simpletons.

It's got to be a Bitch to be a liberal.....

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