She is pretty and I think she has a good heart.....

Problem is she is ignorant of human nature....

What she advocates is contrary to Nature and

It has never worked anywhere it’s ever been tried….

Depends how you define as "working", doesn't it? China has a socialist government, and they've gone from being a backward society to the world's economic superpower. True, the human cost for their to get there was horrible.

Here's the problem with your argument. Socialism in a pure form has never been tried, and neither had capitalism. We end up somewhere in-between with free markets and government collectivism.

If human nature is "Let's screw over our fellow man to make a profit", it doesn't speak well of homo sapiens as a species, does it?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers
Maybe, we'll see. But unlike Palin, she isn't DUMB

Palin has pimples on her ass smarter than ocasio-cortez…….
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is the quintessential Democrat. Makes comments about subjects that she is completely and totally uninformed about...

Ocasio-Cortez confronted over anti-Israel tweet, admits she has no idea what she’s talking about

The Blaze? Really, Poodle?

Actually, I think it's awesome that we finally have politicians that question why we do the bidding of the Zionist Entity.

You look like the poodle with that avatar of yours......

Shut up you uneducated little twat

Trump trolls should really know how to read

Maybe then you wouldn’t be trump trolls

don't encourage the little trump trolls, wackadoodle.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is the quintessential Democrat. Makes comments about subjects that she is completely and totally uninformed about...

Ocasio-Cortez confronted over anti-Israel tweet, admits she has no idea what she’s talking about

The Blaze? Really, Poodle?

Actually, I think it's awesome that we finally have politicians that question why we do the bidding of the Zionist Entity.

You look like the poodle with that avatar of yours......

Shut up you uneducated little twat

Trump trolls should really know how to read

Maybe then you wouldn’t be trump trolls

don't encourage the little trump trolls, wackadoodle.
The mountain of debt these kids face out of college is another result of liberalism...…

liberalism fucks up everything it touches....

Really, how is that? Or do you just blame liberalism for every failure in your life?

Let's look at why college costs so much. Because at some point, it became a business selling a product. A product that everyone has to have to be successful in life. And because they are selling their service, they had to make it fancier and with more amenities.

Meanwhile, various Republican governors have cut funding to state universities, so rich people can have their tax cuts, so costs of tuition went up.

When I went to UIC in the 1980, tuition was less than 1500 a year. Now it's close to 14,000, ten times that much.

What changed?
Let's look at why college costs so much. Because at some point, it became a business selling a product. A product that everyone has to have to be successful in life. And because they are selling their service, they had to make it fancier and with more amenities.

What changed?

The availability of government funding creates an artificial market not subject to market forces.

If the government provided money for toasters the price of toasters would rise.
She is pretty and I think she has a good heart.....

Problem is she is ignorant of human nature....

What she advocates is contrary to Nature and

It has never worked anywhere it’s ever been tried….

Depends how you define as "working", doesn't it? China has a socialist government, and they've gone from being a backward society to the world's economic superpower. True, the human cost for their to get there was horrible.

Here's the problem with your argument. Socialism in a pure form has never been tried, and neither had capitalism. We end up somewhere in-between with free markets and government collectivism.

If human nature is "Let's screw over our fellow man to make a profit", it doesn't speak well of homo sapiens as a species, does it?

The problem with your argument is it's bull shit.....

Without capitalism we wouldn’t have many of our

modern marvels in medicine or technology.

As Ugly as “The not so bright” and “The not inclined to work hard crowd” might find it…

The benefits of a person wanting to better their selves is indisputable.

Socialism can’t even keep you in toilet paper.
The Blaze? Really, Poodle?
What does one do when they absolutely cannot dispute the message? The attack the messenger in hopes of preventing anyone from hearing the message.

Yep. The Blaze. The single most reliable news source in the world today. Unprecedented in accurate, unbiased reporting.

Just like RUSH, 99.6% accurate......
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?

This is the problem with insane trumptards, no ability to tell truth from insane made up garbage

And why is any medication a banned word? That seems to be irrational

Unless someone gets their feelings hurt when we tell the truth about the oxycontin junkie’s meds

You liberals are just full of SHIT...….

Rush is Right 99.6% of the time......
The voices in his head make him post BS.

All while he supports a fascist bigot insane orange treasonous loon

It's striking to me a how a Jew throws the word fascist around so easily. One would think you'd have more respect for your people considering what the fascists did to them, but I guess to each his own.
Wow, jillian. You must be devastated by that concern from Don't Taz Me Bro.

I can tell he's very worried about you!
Yes. It breaks my heart. And it’s always amusing when people play the Jew card. He also seems to confuse “fascist” with Nazi — a term I didn’t use at all. That seems to confuse trumpkins.

All nazis are fascists

Not all fascists are nazis.

And maybe because I’m a Jew I do fascism when I see it.

Trump flakes are funny

"You do fascism when you see it"....

You said the above....

You are one confused idiot...
Poor little moron. Seem to be confused by a typo

No wonder you’re trumpscum

You libtard scum are one mistake after another...

We all know you are full of SHIT...
The Blaze? Really, Poodle?
What does one do when they absolutely cannot dispute the message? The attack the messenger in hopes of preventing anyone from hearing the message.

Yep. The Blaze. The single most reliable news source in the world today. Unprecedented in accurate, unbiased reporting.

Just like RUSH, 99.6% accurate......
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?

This is the problem with insane trumptards, no ability to tell truth from insane made up garbage

And why is any medication a banned word? That seems to be irrational

Unless someone gets their feelings hurt when we tell the truth about the oxycontin junkie’s meds

You liberals are just full of SHIT...….

Rush is Right 99.6% of the time......

no little uneducated trump troll....

70% of the country and most of the world (except for your Russian masters) knows you're morons and dupes

now be quiet. go to school.

poor little pathetic loon
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is the quintessential Democrat. Makes comments about subjects that she is completely and totally uninformed about...

Ocasio-Cortez confronted over anti-Israel tweet, admits she has no idea what she’s talking about

The Blaze? Really, Poodle?

Actually, I think it's awesome that we finally have politicians that question why we do the bidding of the Zionist Entity.

You look like the poodle with that avatar of yours......

Shut up you uneducated little twat

Trump trolls should really know how to read

Maybe then you wouldn’t be trump trolls

Your retort was stupid and didn't have anything to do with what I said....
You don't have a Clue as Usual.

We are glad she has taken the mask off you liberals….

Talk to me after this ass whipping you are in for in November…

You won't be showing up after November 6th.
We will miss your monumental contributions to the board! :lol:
The problem with your argument is it's bull shit.....

Without capitalism we wouldn’t have many of our
modern marvels in medicine or technology.

Horseshit, people would invent things no matter the economic system.

As Ugly as “The not so bright” and “The not inclined to work hard crowd” might find it…

The benefits of a person wanting to better their selves is indisputable.

Oh, i have no problem with people bettering themselves. I just don't think greed makes us "better".
The mountain of debt these kids face out of college is another result of liberalism...…

liberalism fucks up everything it touches....

Really, how is that? Or do you just blame liberalism for every failure in your life?

Let's look at why college costs so much. Because at some point, it became a business selling a product. A product that everyone has to have to be successful in life. And because they are selling their service, they had to make it fancier and with more amenities.

Meanwhile, various Republican governors have cut funding to state universities, so rich people can have their tax cuts, so costs of tuition went up.

When I went to UIC in the 1980, tuition was less than 1500 a year. Now it's close to 14,000, ten times that much.

What changed?

I don't have any failures in life and if I did I wouldn't blame anyone else...

liberals run most colleges, the tuition is a result of liberal greed.
The problem with your argument is it's bull shit.....

Without capitalism we wouldn’t have many of our
modern marvels in medicine or technology.

Horseshit, people would invent things no matter the economic system.

As Ugly as “The not so bright” and “The not inclined to work hard crowd” might find it…

The benefits of a person wanting to better their selves is indisputable.

Oh, i have no problem with people bettering themselves. I just don't think greed makes us "better".

Yet more proof you liberals are full of shit...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is the quintessential Democrat. Makes comments about subjects that she is completely and totally uninformed about...

Ocasio-Cortez confronted over anti-Israel tweet, admits she has no idea what she’s talking about

The Blaze? Really, Poodle?

Actually, I think it's awesome that we finally have politicians that question why we do the bidding of the Zionist Entity.

You look like the poodle with that avatar of yours......

Shut up you uneducated little twat

Trump trolls should really know how to read

Maybe then you wouldn’t be trump trolls
/——/ Do you have a Betty Boop backpack that you wear to the playground?

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