17,000 people voted for her in a district that had a registered voter turnout of less than 10%.

Yea, the future of the Dem party!!!

Revolution! Siete has more posts than she got votes.
You don't have a Clue as Usual.

We are glad she has taken the mask off you liberals….

Talk to me after this ass whipping you are in for in November…

You won't be showing up after November 6th.
We will miss your monumental contributions to the board! :lol:

Would you care to make a wager?

Sure - D's take back the House. If I'm wrong I take a one month vacation from USMB.
If I'm right then you take a one month vacation from USMB (not that you wouldn't anyway ;-)
The Blaze? Really, Poodle?
What does one do when they absolutely cannot dispute the message? The attack the messenger in hopes of preventing anyone from hearing the message.

Yep. The Blaze. The single most reliable news source in the world today. Unprecedented in accurate, unbiased reporting.

Just like RUSH, 99.6% accurate......
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?

This is the problem with insane trumptards, no ability to tell truth from insane made up garbage

And why is any medication a banned word? That seems to be irrational

Unless someone gets their feelings hurt when we tell the truth about the oxycontin junkie’s meds

You liberals are just full of SHIT...….

Rush is Right 99.6% of the time......

no little uneducated trump troll....

70% of the country and most of the world (except for your Russian masters) knows you're morons and dupes

now be quiet. go to school.

poor little pathetic loon

Yet another example of liberals being full of shit...

You liberals with your pussy hats and all your other dumb shit

are the morons and the dupes....
She is pretty and I think she has a good heart.....

Problem is she is ignorant of human nature....

What she advocates is contrary to Nature and

It has never worked anywhere it’s ever been tried….

Depends how you define as "working", doesn't it? China has a socialist government, and they've gone from being a backward society to the world's economic superpower. True, the human cost for their to get there was horrible.

Here's the problem with your argument. Socialism in a pure form has never been tried, and neither had capitalism. We end up somewhere in-between with free markets and government collectivism.

If human nature is "Let's screw over our fellow man to make a profit", it doesn't speak well of homo sapiens as a species, does it?

/——/ My family has run businesses like a printing company, a jeweler, a pager company, flipping houses and others and not one set out to screw anyone you little twat.
not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
nothing but fake news. tax cut economics merely favors the rich. and, it does Nothing for Infrastructure.
/------/ " tax cut economics merely favors the rich. and, it does Nothing for Infrastructure."
Well Obozo's socialism with his trillion dollar Stimulus did nothing for the infrastructure but it did save the Union Pensions.
i guess, turning our economy around doesn't mean much to the right wing.
And I quote:
"Socialists often criticize interventionism"

Economic interventionism - Wikipedia
not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
/----/ danielpalos thought your post was funny but she can't explain away the massive war on poverty that started in 1965 and transferred $16 trillion from the producers to the enon producers. The libs so called solutions never solve anything and just keep going.
War on Poverty -- despite $16 trillions spent, poverty won
Fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson delivered his first State of the Union address, promising an “unconditional war on poverty in America.” Looking at the wreckage since, it’s not hard to conclude that poverty won.

If we are losing the War on Poverty, it certainly isn’t for lack of effort.

In 2012, the federal government spent $668 billion to fund 126 separate anti-poverty programs. State and local governments kicked in another $284 billion, bringing total anti-poverty spending to nearly $1 trillion. That amounts to $20,610 for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per poor family of three.


Spending on the major anti-poverty programs increased in 2013, pushing the total even higher.

Over, the last 50 years, the government spent more than $16 trillion to fight poverty.
you think that is Bad, we have a Second Amendment and are wasting money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. The right wing Only likes to complain when the poor may benefit.
/----/.She would simply say the wrong socialists are running Venezuela.

The old "it just wasn't implemented correctly".

You guys have me worried she could be a political force. I mean, guys, you're America, what the f...

The embarrassment the American moderate Left should be expressing over the new socialist bloom is instead philosophized away in dirty semantics or context arguments or outright denial in the glaring face of the truth that American socialism is on the rise. It's largely a product of hatred for our President and his removal at any cost, even seemingly if it costs us everything. Many of us have called the Left out on it around the Web, and so far the responses are largely the same, " . . . but, but, socialism is . . . ?"
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Capitalism died in 1929. Socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
Capitalism will always survive because it will always have Socialism to bail it out. - Ralph Nader
/----/ Ralph Nader is an idiot. Capitalism is needed to bail out Socialism.
right wing fake news? Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
not sure why; using socialism to correct for capitalism's market failures or inefficiencies, is what socialism is best at.

Capitalism causes inequity because those who perform better get more money. That is not a failure it is in line with human development. Humans will not work collectively because there is no monetary incentive. After all, money is the reward society bestows on those who contribute. I ask socialists to PERSONALLY give half their money to those who have less or don't work and guess what? 0 takers so far. BUT they have no trouble trying to make ME feel guilty for KEEPING my money!!
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment not a natural rate of not wanting to make money under Any form of Capitalism.

And, it is not Your money if we have Any problems in our Republic. That is why Congress has the Power to Tax.

Any problems, right wingers?

Socialists create 'problems' then take other people's money to 'solve' the problems they created. The government 'administrators' take the largest part of the money collected to 'solve' the created problem which, magically, never seems to go away. Socialist Democrats are among the richest on Capitol Hill.
/----/ danielpalos thought your post was funny but she can't explain away the massive war on poverty that started in 1965 and transferred $16 trillion from the producers to the enon producers. The libs so called solutions never solve anything and just keep going.
War on Poverty -- despite $16 trillions spent, poverty won
Fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson delivered his first State of the Union address, promising an “unconditional war on poverty in America.” Looking at the wreckage since, it’s not hard to conclude that poverty won.

If we are losing the War on Poverty, it certainly isn’t for lack of effort.

In 2012, the federal government spent $668 billion to fund 126 separate anti-poverty programs. State and local governments kicked in another $284 billion, bringing total anti-poverty spending to nearly $1 trillion. That amounts to $20,610 for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per poor family of three.


Spending on the major anti-poverty programs increased in 2013, pushing the total even higher.

Over, the last 50 years, the government spent more than $16 trillion to fight poverty.
you think that is Bad, we have a Second Amendment and are wasting money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. The right wing Only likes to complain when the poor may benefit.
/—-/ We want to lift the poor out of poverty. democRATs need a permanent underclass to maintain their power.
Yes, and let's remember that Socialism has killed millions more innocent people than even Hitler. Of course, Hitler was also a Socialist so there is that too.

Socialism never killed anyone.

Those people were killed by Germans, Russians and Chinese for reasons that had little to do with economic philosophy.
it is like saying capitalism kills just as much, because we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
The embarrassment the American moderate Left should be expressing over the new socialist bloom is instead philosophized away in dirty semantics or context arguments or outright denial in the glaring face of the truth that American socialism is on the rise. It's largely a product of hatred for our President and his removal at any cost, even seemingly if it costs us everything. Many of us have called the Left out on it around the Web, and so far the responses are largely the same, " . . . but, but, socialism is . . . ?"

I think you are mixing two different issues here.

One of them is the justified hate of the racist Russian Agent who stole our presidency when the majority clearly said "No".

The other is the appeal of socialism to younger people who look at having less than their parents had and are looking on to their own children having less still. That's why socialism is on the rise... and it's kind of the fault of capitalists for letting it get this far.
/——/ Obozo said no reasonable person believes our elections could be tampered with. And remember, disagreeing with Obozo makes you a racist.
/----/ "Hey, maybe if we stopped putting the screws to Venezuela economically, "
I know this is a crazy question but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

Can't be responsible for your ignorance.

U.S. imposes first economic sanctions against Venezuela

Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare

Kind of like we are still punishing Cuba 60 years after Castro threw us out.
why are capitalists acting worse than socialists?
/——/ We’re not, you’re just a jealous loser.
You don't have a Clue as Usual.

We are glad she has taken the mask off you liberals….

Talk to me after this ass whipping you are in for in November…

You won't be showing up after November 6th.
We will miss your monumental contributions to the board! :lol:

Would you care to make a wager?

Sure - D's take back the House. If I'm wrong I take a one month vacation from USMB.
If I'm right then you take a one month vacation from USMB (not that you wouldn't anyway ;-)

It's a bet then...….

The Blaze? Really, Poodle?
What does one do when they absolutely cannot dispute the message? The attack the messenger in hopes of preventing anyone from hearing the message.

Yep. The Blaze. The single most reliable news source in the world today. Unprecedented in accurate, unbiased reporting.

Just like RUSH, 99.6% accurate......
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?

This is the problem with insane trumptards, no ability to tell truth from insane made up garbage

And why is any medication a banned word? That seems to be irrational

Unless someone gets their feelings hurt when we tell the truth about the oxycontin junkie’s meds

You liberals are just full of SHIT...….

Rush is Right 99.6% of the time......

no little uneducated trump troll....

70% of the country and most of the world (except for your Russian masters) knows you're morons and dupes

now be quiet. go to school.

poor little pathetic loon
I have to shake my head when I read such vile postings, entertainment at its finest
Thank God for freedom of speech
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

All you have to Remember is liberals are all full of Shit…
so what; we know the right wing is full of fallacy, when they say that.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the quintessential left-winger. Preach communism like a passionate preacher, hoards money like the ugliest and greediest of capitalists (even when someone else earns that money, she still won’t “share” it).
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said. “It says so much about her character,”
Like all on the left - she has no character. And she has no actual belief in the bullshit she peddles about communism. She just knows that it’s easy to gain wealth and power by peddling that nonsense to the mindless minion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers

Wow, this was your complaint, that when she was a waitress, she ticked off one co-worker?

Really, bud?

I find it hilarious to watch the Reich Wing go into an absolute panic because this pretty Hispanic girl advocated socialism and won.

She is pretty and I think she has a good heart.....

Problem is she is ignorant of human nature....

What she advocates is contrary to Nature and

It has never worked anywhere it’s ever been tried….
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.

only the Right Wing, never gets it.

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