/——/ Obozo said no reasonable person believes our elections could be tampered with. And remember, disagreeing with Obozo makes you a racist.

He said no such thing, but never mind.
/——/ I’ve posted it a dozen times. Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About Rigged Election
the right wing was Complicit.
/----/ Do you just post random thoughts when you come up empty? Complicit.with what for crying out loud?
why ditch our long time allies for new friends?
Can't be responsible for your ignorance.

U.S. imposes first economic sanctions against Venezuela

Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare

Kind of like we are still punishing Cuba 60 years after Castro threw us out.
why are capitalists acting worse than socialists?
/——/ We’re not, you’re just a jealous loser.
Jealous of what? Not solving any problems but those of the rich.
/——/ Lowest UE rate for Blacks and Hispanics isn’t solving a problem for the poor? Lowering the poverty rate hurts democRATs.
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
/——/ Obozo said no reasonable person believes our elections could be tampered with. And remember, disagreeing with Obozo makes you a racist.

He said no such thing, but never mind.
/——/ I’ve posted it a dozen times. Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About Rigged Election
the right wing was Complicit.
/----/ Do you just post random thoughts when you come up empty? Complicit.with what for crying out loud?
why ditch our long time allies for new friends?
/----/ "why ditch our long time allies for new friends?" Good point but why fry the eggs when you can paint the bathroom chartreuse?
why are capitalists acting worse than socialists?
/——/ We’re not, you’re just a jealous loser.
Jealous of what? Not solving any problems but those of the rich.
/——/ Lowest UE rate for Blacks and Hispanics isn’t solving a problem for the poor? Lowering the poverty rate hurts democRATs.
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
He said no such thing, but never mind.
/——/ I’ve posted it a dozen times. Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About Rigged Election
the right wing was Complicit.
/----/ Do you just post random thoughts when you come up empty? Complicit.with what for crying out loud?
why ditch our long time allies for new friends?
/----/ "why ditch our long time allies for new friends?" Good point but why fry the eggs when you can paint the bathroom chartreuse?
red herrings never solve the problem.

Do you trust the British more or the Russians, more.
/——/ We’re not, you’re just a jealous loser.
Jealous of what? Not solving any problems but those of the rich.
/——/ Lowest UE rate for Blacks and Hispanics isn’t solving a problem for the poor? Lowering the poverty rate hurts democRATs.
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
Jealous of what? Not solving any problems but those of the rich.
/——/ Lowest UE rate for Blacks and Hispanics isn’t solving a problem for the poor? Lowering the poverty rate hurts democRATs.
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
You have to be, competent in language.
the right wing was Complicit.
/----/ Do you just post random thoughts when you come up empty? Complicit.with what for crying out loud?
why ditch our long time allies for new friends?
/----/ "why ditch our long time allies for new friends?" Good point but why fry the eggs when you can paint the bathroom chartreuse?
red herrings never solve the problem.

Do you trust the British more or the Russians, more.
/----/ Save the Oak Beach Inn
/——/ Lowest UE rate for Blacks and Hispanics isn’t solving a problem for the poor? Lowering the poverty rate hurts democRATs.
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
You have to be, competent in language.
/-----/ You have to be, competent in language." But frying an egg won't get the bathroom painted chartreuse.
As it happens, there is, and it’s right there near the top of the monthly jobless report. Only 59.6 percent of the United States population was employed in January. On the other side of that, a whopping 40.4 percent of the population is not employed.
The Real Jobless Rate Is 42 Percent? Donald Trump Has a Point, Sort Of
Keep in mind that the population number BLS uses is the adult civilian non-institutional population: those are 16 an older not in the military or in prison or other institutions (nursing home, or other long term mental or physical health care). So the actual number employed is a little higher if you add the military but the number not employed is a lot higher adding in children, prisoners, mental patients, and those too old or disabled to look after themselves.

How many people above 18 in the USA in 2016?
why 18??

So was Trump wrong? NOPE! Was 100 million a fake number? NOPE!

Yes he was wrong: "not employed" is different from "unemployed.".
not employed means not working .
unemployed means willing and able to work but cannot find a job.

So the 100 million is mostly people who do not want to work, or cannot work, and so not unemployed, and it doesn't include millions more who cannot work so far short of the total number not employed. However you look at it be was just wrong.

As for the OP, since the unemployment rate counts individuals regardless of number of jobs, the number of people working multiple jobs would never have any effect on the unemployment rate.

You may want to see the correct definitions of "not employed" and "unemployed" from the people that actually do the work of keeping track of the unemployed/not employed.

nd as the How the Government Measures Unemployment defines..
There are about 60,000 eligible households in the sample for this survey. This translates into approximately 110,000 individuals each month, a large sample compared to public opinion surveys, which usually cover fewer than 2,000 people. The CPS sample is selected so as to be representative of the entire population of the United States. In order to select the sample, all of the counties and independent cities in the country first are grouped into approximately 2,000 geographic areas (sampling units). The Census Bureau then designs and selects a sample of about 800 of these geographic areas to represent each state and the District of Columbia. The sample is a state-based design and reflects urban and rural areas, different types of industrial and farming areas, and the major geographic divisions of each state.
Who is counted as unemployed?
People are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:

To summarize, the employed are:
  • All those who did any work for pay or profit during the survey reference week.
  • All those who did at least 15 hours of unpaid work in a business or farm operated by a family member with whom they live.
  • All those who were temporarily absent from their regular jobs because of illness, vacation, bad weather, labor dispute, or various personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off.
The unemployed are:
  • All those who did not have a job at all during the survey reference week, made at least one specific active effort to find a job during the prior 4 weeks, and were available for work (unless temporarily ill).
  • All those who were not working and were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off. (They need not be looking for work to be classified as unemployed.)
Actually, let’s stop there for now. I need some clarification.

How do you think that’s different from saying “unemployed means willing and able to work but cannot find a job? "

You have confirmed what I wrote: that those not trying to work or who do not want a job are not unemployed, even if they are not employed.

so, granted I was oversimplistic, deliberately, but I didn't differ from the BLS definition.

You did notice the definition of "not in the Labor Force, right? Those in the adult civilian constitutional population who are neither employed not unemployed?

So for the most recent data, we have a population of 257,642,000, where 155,576,000 are employed, 6,564,000 are unemployed (want a job and are looking) and 95,502,000 not in the Labor Force (neither working not trying to work) Note that while 5,258,000 of those not in the labor force say they want a job, they are not classified as unemployed because either they are not trying to work or could not have started work yet if offered.

So I'm confused as to what you think I got wrong

You didn't get the terminology wrong it's just that the biased MSM takes the simple statements made by Trump..
"We have 100 million people if you look. You know, the real number's not 4.6 percent (for the unemployment rate). They told me I had 4.6 percent last month. I'm doing great. I said yeah, but what about the hundred million people? A lot of those people came out and voted for me. I call them the forgotten man, the forgotten woman. But a lot of those people -- a good percentage of them would like to have jobs and they don't. You know, one of the statistics that, to me, is just ridiculous -- so, the 4.6 sounds good. But when you look for a job, you can't find it and you give up. You are now considered statistically employed. But I don't consider those people employed."
Donald Trump flubs how unemployment is calculated

Note Politifact.com called the statement false. This primarily is because I know about the St Petes Times which is owned by the Poynter Institute of St.Petersburg Fl and THEY own Politifact.com. The Poynter Institute/St. Pete Times are also know to be extremely liberal/Democrat biased organization.
So this statement by Trump was really taken to the extreme by liberals/MSM/Democrats and really petty.

President Trump was pointing out that of these 100 million some WERE looking for jobs but gave up. Some WERE retired and living on meager pensions/SS...but would have liked
to be working as supported by this link:

Seventy may be the new 60, and 80 may be the new 70, but 85 is still pretty old to work in America. Yet in some ways, it is the era of the very old worker in America.
Overall, 255,000 Americans 85 years old or older were working over the past 12 months.
That's 4.4 percent of Americans that age, up from 2.6 percent in 2006, before the recession. It’s the highest number on record.
Analysis | A record number of folks age 85 and older are working. Here’s what they’re doing.
Now these people were part of the 100 million Trump was alluding to.
But again the biased MSM/Politifact.org and even you ignored these components of the "100 million unemployed" Trump was describing.

The fact is that under Obama's ACA bill small employers i.e. less than 50 were penalized if they WANTED to hire that 51st employee!
ACA stated that any :
  • 2015-16 Action Required: These employers must offer health insurance or coverage beginning January 1, 2016. On Feb. 10, 2014, the Treasury Department postponed by one additional year the original requirement that employers with between 50 to 99 workers meet the mandate to offer health insurance. The new rules also require 70 percent of workers to be covered in 2016, the first year of implementation.

Now if you were an employer with less than 50 but you wanted to expand.... that 51st employee would cost the employer a whole lot more money that what the business might generate in additional revenue. Hence we had an INCREASE in part time employee numbers under Obama... BUT not reported as such!

Now this protection of Obama and ACA extends even into the supposedly EXPERTS... Hence this comment!

Obamacare and Part-Time Employment
Many have speculated that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has played a role in company decisions about full-time versus part-time employment. The $2,000 per employee penalty for companies that do not comply with regulations has influenced some to rethink their employment policies. In July 2013 the government pushed the start of the penalty from January 2014 to January 2015. But the anticipation of the penalty, even though delayed a year, no doubt influenced the decisions of private employers.

With regard to Obamacare and part-time employment, the surge in part-time employment was triggered by the recession,
not by the Affordable Care Act, as the next chart clearly illustrates.
The Ratio of Part-Time Employed: June 2018 - dshort - Advisor Perspectives

the right wing was Complicit.
/----/ Do you just post random thoughts when you come up empty? Complicit.with what for crying out loud?
why ditch our long time allies for new friends?
/----/ "why ditch our long time allies for new friends?" Good point but why fry the eggs when you can paint the bathroom chartreuse?
red herrings never solve the problem.

Do you trust the British more or the Russians, more.
/----/ Save the Oak Beach Inn
View attachment 206403
shaken, not stirred?
No, it isn't. Only solving a partial problem may work for the right wing, it is a simple market based inefficiency for the left.
/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
You have to be, competent in language.
/-----/ You have to be, competent in language." But frying an egg won't get the bathroom painted chartreuse.
i resort to the fewest fallacies. Thanks for making it easier than it should be.
Just what this country needs, another Communist Dumocrat. Let's hope most Americans don't fall for this Hussein-wannabe moron. Let's not make that mistake again.
I have a better theory.

Unemployment is low because we have a pro-America president.
The unemployment rate has been dropping for 8 years. There was no change the the rate change after Trump took over so one could say that Trump didn’t affect it one way or the other. Do you have data to show otherwise?

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