/——/ No because some were fired for being unreliable or dishonest.

So why did you hire them? You must suck at the whole capitalism thing if you can't find good employees.
/----/ WOWZA that's a great question. Because some people interview well, come with good references but not always work out the way you need them to. It's apparent you have no idea what it takes to recruit, hire, train and keep good employees.
/---/ Now that you've watched the video you can admit your mistake. It's OK. It only hurts for a moment.

Not what he was talking about at all... but never mind. Now that you guys have to admit the Russians hacked the election, you are scrambling for a backup position.
/----/ It's exactly what he's talking about. You're just spinning away because you were wrong.... but never mind.
Isn't she the one who said unemployment was low because everyone was working two jobs ?
/----/ Yes. And for the LIbtards who will demand a link:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wins "Dummy of the Year!" with Idiotic Comments on Unemployment
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the stupidest Democrat of them all? It used to be a two way tie between Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. With Andrew Cuomo butting in, using just his vacant facial expression to beat stretchy and coo-coo Maxine. But a new contender is throwing her safety helmet into the padded ring. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Who yesterday admitted to knowing nothing about Palestine and Israel after pretending to know something about Palestine and Israel. Well, same interview, different question. This time about how unemployment being down is terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news for capitalism.

/----/ Well Obozo could have solved the problem for Black and Hispanic UE but he chose not to. Any reason why ?
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
You have to be, competent in language.
/-----/ You have to be, competent in language." But frying an egg won't get the bathroom painted chartreuse.
i resort to the fewest fallacies. Thanks for making it easier than it should be.
/----/ "i resort to the fewest fallacies. Thanks for making it easier than it should be." You're welcome, but you can't change a flat tire while the car is rolling or can you?

So again, not really what we were talking about at all.
/——/ Obozo said no reasonable person believes our elections could be tampered with. And remember, disagreeing with Obozo makes you a racist.

He said no such thing, but never mind.

And I provided a video when he did say that. Now what were you talking about ?
And maybe because I’m a Jew I do fascism when I see it.
"You do fascism when you see it"....You said the above....You are one confused idiot...
Oh she's not confused Deno. That's what is known as a "Freudian Slip". She absolutely does fascism. She believes in the state having control over you. Forcing you to carry health insurance. Forcing you to provide for her and others. Believe me, jillian does fascism like few others do.
some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id.
/----/ "some on the left are considering a class action; and, California is already on track for a real id." The best response to daniel comes from the
Gibberish Generator
Califor a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, California is action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are considering a real id. some on track for a real id. some on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a class alreal id. some on track for a ready on the left are considering a class action; and, Califor a real id. some on the left are cons
You have to be, competent in language.
/-----/ You have to be, competent in language." But frying an egg won't get the bathroom painted chartreuse.
i resort to the fewest fallacies. Thanks for making it easier than it should be.
/----/ "i resort to the fewest fallacies. Thanks for making it easier than it should be." You're welcome, but you can't change a flat tire while the car is rolling or can you?
I resort to the fewest fallacies. That means, I experience the "fewest flat tires."
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
I resort to the fewest fallacies. That means, I experience the "fewest flat tires."
So you admit to resorting to fallacies? About damn time. I resort to no fallacies. But unlike you, I'm not trying to get society to provide for me. I take personal responsibility for my own life.
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Right wing fantasy is all they have.

We have a First World economy due to FDR's brand of Socialism, not Hoover's brand of Capitalism.
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?
Yep. Rush Limbaugh "doesn't want women to have healthcare" (one word, nitwit). :lmao:

capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
/----/ The wrong Socialists were running Venezuela, USSR and Cuba.
No other possible explanation.
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Right wing fantasy is all they have.

We have a First World economy due to FDR's brand of Socialism, not Hoover's brand of Capitalism.

We print your posts and wipe our asses with them.

You need to move somewhere that they like your thinking.

I hear Cuba is nice this time of year.

FDR's meddling strung out the depression.

And his stupid social security system is going fuck generations to come.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?
Is there anything more comical than the hysteria of the left? Especially jillian :lmao:

I think jillian is fixated on him and has some kind of strange fantasy about him.

He's gross...but probably has some standards.

You'll notice she listens to him.

I could not tell you when or where he broadcasts.
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
/----/ The wrong Socialists were running Venezuela, USSR and Cuba.
No other possible explanation.
View attachment 206415
capitalists couldn't handle it and bailed?
capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
Socialism was "born" (in the U.S.) in 1929. It's been dragging us down ever since. Capitalism keeps rising up to bail us out. If socialism worked, Venezuela wouldn't have gone from the 18th wealthiest nation in the world to the worst third-world shit-hole nation. If socialism worked, the U.S.S.R. wouldn't have collapsed. If socialism worked, Cuba wouldn't have spent the last 70 years in perpetual poverty.

If socialism worked, you wouldn't be ignorant.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Right wing fantasy is all they have.

We have a First World economy due to FDR's brand of Socialism, not Hoover's brand of Capitalism.

We print your posts and wipe our asses with them.

You need to move somewhere that they like your thinking.

I hear Cuba is nice this time of year.

FDR's meddling strung out the depression.

And his stupid social security system is going fuck generations to come.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
We didn't understand economics as well, then.

We still have federal policies from the depression era, hard at work, bailing out capitalists.

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