Look for many more moments from our young Socialist. She's dumb as a box of rocks.
Host: Alexandria, how will you handle the upcoming crisis if and when Russia plans to invade Georgia?
Alexandria: Well, Uh, like, uh,,Georgia? Putin wants to invade Georgia? so like, doesn't Florida have like its own army or like,national guard protecting Georgia from Russia?
why can we afford a drug war and not social services?
Because the U.S. Constitution dictates that we can tax to enforce the law. However, it is unconstitutional to tax for anything outside of the 18 enumerated powers and “social services” are not one of the 18 enumerated powers.
why can we afford a drug war and not social services?
Because the U.S. Constitution dictates that we can tax to enforce the law. However, it is unconstitutional to tax for anything outside of the 18 enumerated powers and “social services” are not one of the 18 enumerated powers.
lol. anything to justify your socialism on a national basis for the benefit of Capitalists of Wealth, but not for the poor?
You think Bill Maher will sabotage Cortez the way he did Christine O’Donnell?
No way. He’s a phony and a backwards dem shill.
Cortez: What? Palestine is a country in Europe? But,like, I thought Europe was a country in France.
No. Europe is what they say to the next batter.
i wonder if Cortez has any kind words to say about Former President Gerry Ford who passed away 3 months ago
why can we afford a drug war and not social services?
Because the U.S. Constitution dictates that we can tax to enforce the law. However, it is unconstitutional to tax for anything outside of the 18 enumerated powers and “social services” are not one of the 18 enumerated powers.
lol. anything to justify your socialism on a national basis for the benefit of Capitalists of Wealth, but not for the poor?
I don’t need to “justify” anything. I’m on the correct side of the U.S. Constitution. You are not. It’s that simple.

Incidentally, how is the drug war “socialism on a national basis”? That may be the dumbest comment in U.S. history. We don’t give the drug addicts or the drug dealers money, housing, etc.
We could be lowering our Tax burden by simplifying public policies.
A better way to say that is “we could lower our tax burden by eliminating unconstitutional government”.
the common defense and general welfare, not the common offense and general warfare.
You’re calling defense “warfare” simply because you don’t like it. Oh well. Too bad. It’s still defense. And the “general welfare” applies within the 18 enumerated powers only.
why can we afford a drug war and not social services?
Because the U.S. Constitution dictates that we can tax to enforce the law. However, it is unconstitutional to tax for anything outside of the 18 enumerated powers and “social services” are not one of the 18 enumerated powers.
lol. anything to justify your socialism on a national basis for the benefit of Capitalists of Wealth, but not for the poor?
I don’t need to “justify” anything. I’m on the correct side of the U.S. Constitution. You are not. It’s that simple.

Incidentally, how is the drug war “socialism on a national basis”? That may be the dumbest comment in U.S. history. We don’t give the drug addicts or the drug dealers money, housing, etc.
You can't even be Faith-full to the Republican Doctrine. Why should I take any right winger seriously.
typical ^^^^^^^

socialist - communist ... soooooooooooooooooooooo confusing to morons.
Typical...a left-wing minion is forced to come face-to-face with the left-wing lie and instead attempts to hijack and redirect the thread.

Communism is socialism, you uneducated little dimwit. Two sides of the exact same coin. Now about the hypocrisy of the people you bow down to and worship?

As an ideology, communism is generally regarded as hard-left, making fewer concessions to market capitalism and electoral democracy than do most forms of socialism. As a system of government, communism tends to center on a one-party state that bans most forms of political dissent. These two usages of the term "communism" – one referring to theory, the other to politics as they are practiced – need not overlap: China's ruling Communist Party has an explicitly pro-market capitalist orientation and pays only lip service to the Maoist ideology whose purist adherents (Peru's Shining Path in its heyday, for example) regard Chinese authorities as bourgeois counterrevolutionaries.

Socialism can refer to a vast swath of the political spectrum, in theory and in practice. Its intellectual history is more varied than that of communism: the Communist Manifesto devotes a chapter to criticizing the half-dozen forms of socialism already in existence at the time, and proponents have taken just about every left-of-center stance on the ideal (or best achievable) structure of economic and political systems.

bite me, moron

Over taxation and excessive spending are two of the current consequences of European socialism.

Socialism even in moderate 'pick and choose' forms requires a massive government infrastructure to control centers of national manufacturing, healthcare, education, and internal security forces. Not to mention spending to subsidize a large percentage of its population for guaranteed housing, food programs, etc. I don't know about you but surrendering means of manufacturing to the government seems like big risk.

And even if an American socialism was to follow the European model of state regulation of industry versus outright ownership, you're still throwing your economic fate solely in the hands of bureaucrats vulnerable to whim and fancy, only their greed now expands across all means of production.

The step to communism from socialism can be a very small one. Once government has become a monolithic owner of economic and industrial bases, citizens become very vulnerable to becoming market hostages of the State. Any form of mass resistance or take back of economical control by the people could result in suspension and then removal of individual rights and freedoms. Collectivism and group politics is a set of matches we Americans do not want to play with.

The step to communism from socialism can be a very small one. Once government has become a monolithic owner of economic and industrial bases, citizens become very vulnerable to becoming market hostages of the State.

This is what it is now. You can't possibly be that willfully ignorant.

Which is why she won, and why the people are going to take back control of their rights and freedoms.

Mass resistance is the right of the people. Ever read the Constitution dimwit?

Who do you think the Framers intended to endow our freedoms to? Walmart, Amazon, Exxon Mobil?

If you do, then you thought wrong. The Framers saw those corporations as the very definition of tyranny. That, and a standing Army. Which is why Jefferson cut the standing Army to a third of what it was after he took office.

You need some serious education on just what America is son.
We could be lowering our Tax burden by simplifying public policies.
A better way to say that is “we could lower our tax burden by eliminating unconstitutional government”.
the common defense and general welfare, not the common offense and general warfare.
You’re calling defense “warfare” simply because you don’t like it. Oh well. Too bad. It’s still defense. And the “general welfare” applies within the 18 enumerated powers only.
The common Defense is not the common Offense nor is it the general Warfare.
typical ^^^^^^^

socialist - communist ... soooooooooooooooooooooo confusing to morons.
Typical...a left-wing minion is forced to come face-to-face with the left-wing lie and instead attempts to hijack and redirect the thread.

Communism is socialism, you uneducated little dimwit. Two sides of the exact same coin. Now about the hypocrisy of the people you bow down to and worship?

As an ideology, communism is generally regarded as hard-left, making fewer concessions to market capitalism and electoral democracy than do most forms of socialism. As a system of government, communism tends to center on a one-party state that bans most forms of political dissent. These two usages of the term "communism" – one referring to theory, the other to politics as they are practiced – need not overlap: China's ruling Communist Party has an explicitly pro-market capitalist orientation and pays only lip service to the Maoist ideology whose purist adherents (Peru's Shining Path in its heyday, for example) regard Chinese authorities as bourgeois counterrevolutionaries.

Socialism can refer to a vast swath of the political spectrum, in theory and in practice. Its intellectual history is more varied than that of communism: the Communist Manifesto devotes a chapter to criticizing the half-dozen forms of socialism already in existence at the time, and proponents have taken just about every left-of-center stance on the ideal (or best achievable) structure of economic and political systems.

bite me, moron

Over taxation and excessive spending are two of the current consequences of European socialism.

Socialism even in moderate 'pick and choose' forms requires a massive government infrastructure to control centers of national manufacturing, healthcare, education, and internal security forces. Not to mention spending to subsidize a large percentage of its population for guaranteed housing, food programs, etc. I don't know about you but surrendering means of manufacturing to the government seems like big risk.

And even if an American socialism was to follow the European model of state regulation of industry versus outright ownership, you're still throwing your economic fate solely in the hands of bureaucrats vulnerable to whim and fancy, only their greed now expands across all means of production.

The step to communism from socialism can be a very small one. Once government has become a monolithic owner of economic and industrial bases, citizens become very vulnerable to becoming market hostages of the State. Any form of mass resistance or take back of economical control by the people could result in suspension and then removal of individual rights and freedoms. Collectivism and group politics is a set of matches we Americans do not want to play with.

The step to communism from socialism can be a very small one. Once government has become a monolithic owner of economic and industrial bases, citizens become very vulnerable to becoming market hostages of the State.

This is what it is now. You can't possibly be that willfully ignorant.

Which is why she won, and why the people are going to take back control of their rights and freedoms.

Mass resistance is the right of the people. Ever read the Constitution dimwit?

Who do you think the Framers intended to endow our freedoms to? Walmart, Amazon, Exxon Mobil?

If you do, then you thought wrong. The Framers saw those corporations as the very definition of tyranny. That, and a standing Army. Which is why Jefferson cut the standing Army to a third of what it was after he took office.

You need some serious education on just what America is son.

And you need to wade back out of the waters of historic Socialist murk. Tell me, do you believe the People under a successful socialist revolutionary vanguard control the government, its means of production and its economy? If you do, then you must admit card carrying membership status in the socialist care bear scouts of America. We know what you champion, and the lies told historically to get the working class and peasantry on board. There will be no socio-communista revolution in America--bloodless, cultural or otherwise.

You would compare our Founders to the Soviet Bolsheviks? Are you identifying yourself as the enemy of your nation?
/----/ WOWZA that's a great question. Because some people interview well, come with good references but not always work out the way you need them to. It's apparent you have no idea what it takes to recruit, hire, train and keep good employees.

Oh, quite the contrary, I have a resume business. I know better than most people that the whole hiring system is broken beyond repair.

It starts out with the resume. Hint. Most people don't write their own resumes... they hire someone to do it.

So I kind of pride myself on how often I help someone put something over on an HR drone.

On a more serious note, it's actually a really bad system of hiring. There are no signs outside of a building that say "Toxic Work Environment" and supervisors don't wear t-shirts that read "Sociopathic Weasel". True, websites like Glassdoor are helping, a little bit, but companies I've worked at I thought were pretty good had lower ratings than ones I thought were awful.

We would never marry someone after two dates, but we take jobs/hire people after two interviews. It's absolutely crazy.

My working experience is that there are far more bad managers than bad employees.
/----/ We ran small businesses in small towns, none of our employees would have the wherewithal to have a resume much less use a service like yours. You clearly don't know what you're talking about when it comes to blue collar workers and businesses who hire people who walk in off the street. So what is your endgame with your point?
You mean the lying OxyContin junkie who uses insurance to pay for his erections but doesn’t want women to have health care?
Is there anything more comical than the hysteria of the left? Especially jillian :lmao:

I just spit Dr. Pepper all over the floor.

That's all the left does! Look at Pocahontas at the beginning of the clip. All they do is scream "People Will Die!!!!". They are emotional train wrecks who lack the reason, logic, and intellect to examine things rationally.

unlike the right wing; who merely resort to right wing fantasy instead of facts.

have you ever noticed he melts down whenever he's called on his insane lying garbage?

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