The left continues to become more and more radicalized. Even their own ardent supporters are recognizing it.
The descendants of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels should have no place in the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Given its horrific record of human suffering, it would be a moral disgrace for Democrats to embrace socialism just to win elections, as some suggest.
It can’t be stated any better. Socialism is a moral disgrace - as are those who support it. It results in unimaginable human suffering. Just ask the citizens of Venezuela.

My family escaped socialism, now my fellow Democrats think we should move the party in its direction
Our use of socialism is limited by our Constitution. The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common like our common defense clause.
She hasn’t even been sworn in yet and she is already whining...
“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez told The New York Times. “So, how do I get an apartment? Those little things are very real.”
Here’s a radical “idea”, you lazy communist parasite: work a job for the next 3 months.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rips Fox News for jokes about her financial situation
Yes she shouldn’t be complaining about her financial situation and should get a job if she needs money.

And yes, Fox anchors and pundits should not be making fun of her about it
what's here experience exactly?
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
I think you may be forgetting about all the millions of brain dead morons who are putting them in power. How stupid and treasonous these elected politicians are doesn't seem to matter to the herd.
She hasn’t even been sworn in yet and she is already whining...
“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez told The New York Times. “So, how do I get an apartment? Those little things are very real.”
Here’s a radical “idea”, you lazy communist parasite: work a job for the next 3 months.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rips Fox News for jokes about her financial situation
Yes she shouldn’t be complaining about her financial situation and should get a job if she needs money.

And yes, Fox anchors and pundits should not be making fun of her about it
what's here experience exactly?
she has more than nothing but Repeal. why not come up with a better solution at lower cost.
I'm not really a fan beyond thinking all sides need to be heard (and kicked to the curb in the case of white supremacists LOL) but a particular place in Hell should be reserved for Faux news rent shaming her. There are over a dozen white gop congress people living in corporate subsidized housing on KStreet.
I'm not really a fan beyond thinking all sides need to be heard (and kicked to the curb in the case of white supremacists LOL) but a particular place in Hell should be reserved for Faux news rent shaming her. There are over a dozen white gop congress people living in corporate subsidized housing on KStreet.

She's being shamed because she wants to be part of running the government, and she's not even organized and forward-thinking enough to make arrangements for her own residence despite knowing months ahead of time that she was going to be going to DC.
I'm not really a fan beyond thinking all sides need to be heard (and kicked to the curb in the case of white supremacists LOL) but a particular place in Hell should be reserved for Faux news rent shaming her. There are over a dozen white gop congress people living in corporate subsidized housing on KStreet.

She's being shamed because she wants to be part of running the government, and she's not even organized and forward-thinking enough to make arrangements for her own residence despite knowing months ahead of time that she was going to be going to DC.
Please. Two congress people from my state couldn't afford the rent. Faux should be shamed.

Faux tried to income shame her. You are not civil person to ignore that.
I'm not really a fan beyond thinking all sides need to be heard (and kicked to the curb in the case of white supremacists LOL) but a particular place in Hell should be reserved for Faux news rent shaming her. There are over a dozen white gop congress people living in corporate subsidized housing on KStreet.

She's being shamed because she wants to be part of running the government, and she's not even organized and forward-thinking enough to make arrangements for her own residence despite knowing months ahead of time that she was going to be going to DC.
Please. Two congress people from my state couldn't afford the rent. Faux should be shamed.

Faux tried to income shame her. You are not civil person to ignore that.

Please. What kind of dumbass applies for a job without considering whether they can live in the city where the job is located?

Googly-Eyes should be ashamed, and should be mocked, for her lack of mature, adult foresight and planning.

Oh, gee. You don't approve of my "civility"? Let me get right on not giving a shit about your approval.
You could tell by each and every interview she had that she's as ignorant as can be.
Being massively stupid and ignorant didn't stop Trump from getting elected, either.

It makes you wonder about the astounding credulity and willful blindness of the rubes who vote for such people, doesn't it.
Amazon is seemingly just renaming Crystal City

About 50 of them, and you can shit my approval, you partisan piece of shit. You're no better than faux rent shaming a working class person.

There is just something about the reality that you don't matter and you aren't setting standards of anything for anyone that just does not register through the desperate haze of "I'm important, damn it!" that surrounds each and every one of you hubristic leftist guttersnipes.

Googly-Eyes is a moron. She SHOULD be ashamed. She's a moron pretending that she's qualified to tell others how to live. She should be mortified and humiliated. Of course, if she was capable of any of those things, she wouldn't be nearly as frigging stupid as she actually is.

If you can't sack up enough to take criticism the way you dish it out, gutter trash, I suggest you run and cry in a safe space somewhere. I have every intention of continuing to say EXACTLY what I think about your dream girl every chance I get. The more you try to impose your standards on me as though you're someone, the less meaningful you're going to be.
This bitch is bat-shit crazy (then again, what Dumbocrat isn’t). Her eyes are the female version of Charles Manson (as is her intellect).

Sharp kid ...she will go far
Yeah...she’s “sharp” alright! :lmao:
“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — Uh, rather all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a pitch to recruit more far-left political candidates.
This broad doesn’t even understand that there are two chambers of Congress (not three) or what the three branches of government are (the executive, the legislative, and the judicial - not the Senate, the House, and the “presidency”).

Ocasio-Cortez tries to name 3 branches of gov’t, fails twice, then blames ‘drooling’ Republicans
Being massively stupid and ignorant didn't stop Trump from getting elected, either.
Snowflake...President Trump attended the Wharton School of Business at Penn (that’s Ivy League) and he ran a multi-billion dollar empire. Neither of those are possible if someone is truly “massively stupid” and “ignorant”.

Someone could be naïve and achieve those things. Someone could lack common sense and achieve those things. Someone could even be of average intelligence and maybe pull it off. But no way could someone who is actually “massively stupid” and “ignorant”.

Your comment right there makes you sound “massively stupid” and “ignorant”. And it makes you sound like a butt hurt little partisan hack.

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