109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?
Sharp kid ...she will go far
Yeah...she’s “sharp” alright! :lmao:
“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — Uh, rather all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a pitch to recruit more far-left political candidates.
This broad doesn’t even understand that there are two chambers of Congress (not three) or what the three branches of government are (the executive, the legislative, and the judicial - not the Senate, the House, and the “presidency”).

Ocasio-Cortez tries to name 3 branches of gov’t, fails twice, then blames ‘drooling’ Republicans

She was speaking about Dems winning the electable government bodies. She obviously wasnt referring to the Judicial Branch

She was talking about winning the White House, House of Representatives and Senate.

She did not say three branches....you did
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?

She drives Republicans crazy
She would drive any reasonable, intelligent, informed citizen crazy. She’s an elected representative pushing unconstitutional socialism while openly admitting she’s not “informed” about the subject matter she speaks out on and while being completely unaware of how her own damn government operates.

The fact that she doesn’t drive you crazy is hilarious. It’s a major indictment on you.
She was speaking about Dems winning the electable government bodies. She obviously wasnt referring to the Judicial Branchdid
Yeah...dumb shit. That’s the problem! She doesn’t even know that the judicial branch is one of the 3 branches of the federal government.

You can’t excuse this one sparky, no matter how hard you try. She doesn’t have a clue how her own government operates. She has proven that over and over and over.
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?
I honestly can’t tell if you’re making a statement or asking a question. You ended a statement with a question mark.

So, to be clear, your awful grammar, lack of punctuation, and misuse of punctuation, is the real “definition of stupid”.
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?

She drives Republicans crazy
She would drive any reasonable, intelligent, informed citizen crazy. She’s an elected representative pushing unconstitutional socialism while openly admitting she’s not “informed” about the subject matter she speaks out on and while being completely unaware of how her own damn government operates.

The fact that she doesn’t drive you crazy is hilarious. It’s a major indictment on you.
She wants to help Americans who are struggling and does not care to coddle the super wealthy at the expense of the poor

That makes her an enemy of conservatives

Now......go post a funny picture of her
That is all you got
She wants to help Americans who are struggling
She wants to help Americans who are struggling
Then why doesn’t she give them the $15,000 sitting in her bank account? Running for a $107,000 job doesn’t “help” those that are “struggling”. Giving them money does. Taking them into her home does. Paying for their health insurance does.
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?

She drives Republicans crazy
She would drive any reasonable, intelligent, informed citizen crazy. She’s an elected representative pushing unconstitutional socialism while openly admitting she’s not “informed” about the subject matter she speaks out on and while being completely unaware of how her own damn government operates.

The fact that she doesn’t drive you crazy is hilarious. It’s a major indictment on you.
She wants to help Americans who are struggling and does not care to coddle the super wealthy at the expense of the poor

That makes her an enemy of conservatives

Now......go post a funny picture of her
That is all you got
Can't believe you idiots are still falling for that old leftist line.
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?

She drives Republicans crazy
She would drive any reasonable, intelligent, informed citizen crazy. She’s an elected representative pushing unconstitutional socialism while openly admitting she’s not “informed” about the subject matter she speaks out on and while being completely unaware of how her own damn government operates.

The fact that she doesn’t drive you crazy is hilarious. It’s a major indictment on you.
She wants to help Americans who are struggling and does not care to coddle the super wealthy at the expense of the poor

That makes her an enemy of conservatives

Now......go post a funny picture of her
That is all you got
Can't believe you idiots are still falling for that old leftist line.

Good to see another person in Congress who will stand up for the rights of struggling Americans
She wants to help Americans who are struggling
The fact that you actually believe that is as comical as it is tragic... :lmao:

She wants healthcare for all, the wealthy to pay fair tax rates, low cost higher education

Things conservatives despise
Of course that's what she wants and it's what every leftist wants. Are you going to force Marxist professors to reduce their pay and tuition like you're going to force taxpayers to pay more in taxes?
109 pages on a lowly congresswoman that is the definition of stupid?

She drives Republicans crazy
She would drive any reasonable, intelligent, informed citizen crazy. She’s an elected representative pushing unconstitutional socialism while openly admitting she’s not “informed” about the subject matter she speaks out on and while being completely unaware of how her own damn government operates.

The fact that she doesn’t drive you crazy is hilarious. It’s a major indictment on you.
She wants to help Americans who are struggling and does not care to coddle the super wealthy at the expense of the poor

That makes her an enemy of conservatives

Now......go post a funny picture of her
That is all you got
Can't believe you idiots are still falling for that old leftist line.

Good to see another person in Congress who will stand up for the rights of struggling Americans

I'm a struggling American. I "struggled" my entire life, sometimes working two jobs. I'm retired, 70 years old, and still work part time and paying into Social Security and medicare. I don't want a dime of anyone else's money.
She wants to help Americans who are struggling
The fact that you actually believe that is as comical as it is tragic... :lmao:

She wants healthcare for all, the wealthy to pay fair tax rates, low cost higher education

Things conservatives despise
Of course that's what she wants and it's what every leftist wants. Are you going to force Marxist professors to reduce their pay and tuition like you're going to force taxpayers to pay more in taxes?

We need to return tax rates to where they were preReagan
The wealthy did just fine before 1980... So did American workers

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