Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

It would be because there is a record of classified material when it is moved.
Obama supposedly moved 10 million pages of documents when he left. . Who was documenting all of those before they were moved? People tell us that federal employees were not looking at the contents of the boxes they moved for Trump. Were they looking at the 10 million pages they moved for Obama?

Obama knew he was going to move out a year before hand, since he had served two terms. So it is possible that Obama had been documenting the move of 10 million pages for a year or so in advance. Trump only had a few months to do the same.

But it still goes back to the same observation, federal employees probably didn't positively identify what either Obama or Trump were packing into boxes before they left, so there was not a record of the entire contents in those boxes moved by either president.
Obama supposedly moved 10 million pages of documents when he left. . Who was documenting all of those before they were moved? People tell us that federal employees were not looking at the contents of the boxes they moved for Trump. Were they looking at the 10 million pages they moved for Obama?

Obama knew he was going to move out a year before hand, since he had served two terms. So it is possible that Obama had been documenting the move of 10 million pages for a year or so in advance. Trump only had a few months to do the same.

But it still goes back to the same observation, federal employees probably didn't positively identify what either Obama or Trump were packing into boxes before they left, so there was not a record of the entire contents in those boxes moved by either president.

Obama turned everything over to NARA, as required.
Obama turned everything over to NARA, as required.
Did they look thru all the boxes first to make sure all 10 million pages didn't contain classified material? No. The the point I'm making is that GSA did not make a detailed "record of classified material when it is moved" to include all 10 million pages for Obama. GSA moved all of Trumps and Obama's boxes without first going thru them all to record classifications of each document.
Did they look thru all the boxes first to make sure all 10 million pages didn't contain classified material? No. The the point I'm making is that GSA did not make a detailed "record of classified material when it is moved" to include all 10 million pages for Obama. GSA moved all of Trumps and Obama's boxes without first going thru them all to record classifications of each document.

The NARA received the material as required by law and determined Obama had fully complied. There was no need to escalate the matter. Whereas, according to the FBI, someone informed them that Trump was still in possession of classified material. And that was after Team Trump declared they returned all the classified material.
Obama supposedly moved 10 million pages of documents when he left. . Who was documenting all of those before they were moved? People tell us that federal employees were not looking at the contents of the boxes they moved for Trump. Were they looking at the 10 million pages they moved for Obama?

Obama knew he was going to move out a year before hand, since he had served two terms. So it is possible that Obama had been documenting the move of 10 million pages for a year or so in advance. Trump only had a few months to do the same.

But it still goes back to the same observation, federal employees probably didn't positively identify what either Obama or Trump were packing into boxes before they left, so there was not a record of the entire contents in those boxes moved by either president.
Any excuse will do, it's sad that right wingers will sacrifice this country for a man who doesn't give a damn about them.
Hardly, numbnuts...

This is yet another idiot liberal tactic. If you point out things which were good, you're defending Trump.
Post 405, moron.

Gas wasn't under 2 dollars when Trump was president.

YOU: The fuck is wasn't.

Look at April and May of 2020. Gas was below two bucks a gallon.

Also take note that at no time during Trump's Presidency did gas ever go over $3 a gallon?
Tell me, dipshit, which of the things I mentioned do you have a problem with? Are secure borders a bad thing? Do enjoy paying $4 for a gallon of gas or dealing with high grocery prices?

You're clearly an idiot who lacks the intellectual fortitude to have a reasoned conversation about this. If someone isn't saying "ORANGE MAN BAD!" you lose your shit...
Not with a lying dumbass, like you.
Like trying to reason with Trump............................only dumber and more lies.
Talk about lying.

Where did I say that you were giving Biden credit for lowering gasoline prices? Link to that post, you lying asshole...
Also post 405.
Furthermore, there haven't been two consecutive months during Biden's abortion of a Presidency where the average price of gasoline went down.

And idiot jerk-offs on the left praise him...
Are you saying Trump was weaponizing the FBI?? The FBI was using Hilary's bought and paid for Steele dossier against Trump.
Of course, it was bought and paid for.
Clinton hired Fusion GPS, she paid for opposition research, they provided information.
Post 405, moron.


YOU: The fuck is wasn't.

Look at April and May of 2020. Gas was below two bucks a gallon.

Also take note that at no time during Trump's Presidency did gas ever go over $3 a gallon?

Not with a lying dumbass, like you.
Like trying to reason with Trump............................only dumber and more lies.

Also post 405.
Furthermore, there haven't been two consecutive months during Biden's abortion of a Presidency where the average price of gasoline went down.

And idiot jerk-offs on the left praise him...
Bullshit. Gas was never under 2 dollars a gallon in GA when Trump was in office.
Any excuse will do, it's sad that right wingers will sacrifice this country for a man who doesn't give a damn about them.
Any LIE will do, it's sad that leftTARDS will sacrifice this country for a sack of shit (xiden), who doesn't give a damn about them.

You're a lying, Right Wing, Nut Job.

You defend him.

"A pretty secure border, sub $2.00 a gallon gas, affordable grocery prices".
"Yeah, those things were horrible..."

Then accuse me of giving Biden credit for lowering fuel prices?
I stated the supply and demand for that sector is beginning to stabilize.

No, that's lying stupidity on your part.
lie, deny, twist to suit---pure definition of a SCUM demonRAT

lie, deny, twist to suit---pure definition of a SCUM demonRAT

Sure, if I only had the brains of republicans.

Problem-plagued U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker has presented an astounding argument for not enacting laws against air pollution: America’s “good air” will simply “decide” to go to China, he told supporters in Georgia.

“Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move,” Walker explained. “So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up,” he added.

Sure, if I only had the brains of republicans.

Problem-plagued U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker has presented an astounding argument for not enacting laws against air pollution: America’s “good air” will simply “decide” to go to China, he told supporters in Georgia.

“Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move,” Walker explained. “So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up,” he added.

Don't forget the trees.

Herschel Walker, the GOP nominee for a Georgia Senate seat, blasted a new climate law by asking, "'Don’t we have enough trees around here?"
Don't forget the trees.
You mean, ANOTHER living entity smarter than Walker?

Herschel Walker, the GOP nominee for a Georgia Senate seat, blasted a new climate law by asking, "'Don’t we have enough trees around here?"
YES, we do Herschel.

Plants and flowers too.

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