Meet Team Obama in Syria: the rebels he supports over Assad


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times
As long as we're backing the "good guys..."

What a clusterfuck...
Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times

Those are our friends, the ones we want to arm and put in power in Syria. How dare anyone criticize these courageous warriors standing against Syrias Hitler?
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No wonder obama and the scumbag left wants to help the Syrian Rebels...

Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ?Liberates? Syria | FrontPage Magazine

Syrian rebels kill 11, mainly Christians, in checkpoint attack - World News

Hundreds more like these. Some worse.

And is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM making a Big Deal™ out of it?

Hell no. They can't do anything that might displease their Lord and Master, the Annointed One, the Holy One, their Jesus, their God, their leader, their Shepherd....

I hate dimocraps.

And now, the Stuttering Clusterfukk and the left wants to give these same murdering scum the protection of the United States Air Force?

We've never had a Military Coup in this Country but.........
The horrors of war are never pleasant paul. Just as America so abruptly found out during the Civil War.
The rebels aren't one group but a wide variety of groups with various intentions if they win the day.
The more extreme groups, and there are a lot of them, would quite happily bomb the shit out of anyone they could get hold of or use the American supplied anti aircraft missiles against civilian airliners.
Frankly, supporting these people is utter madness.

That doesn't imply support for Assad, as he's just as bad.
During WWII US naval vessels would not pick up Japanese sailors, which is against the Geneva convention, why in fact the US put to death a Japanese naval officer for not picking up US seamen when they we left afloat in water after their vessel was sunk.
McCains really good buddies he's been pictured with.

Yabut, the old fart is on the job now -


McCain playing poker on his iPhone
So what? Civil wars are brutal. American colonist lynched many loyalist, in fact that's where the term Lynched came from. Col. Charles Lynch of Virginia.

I still oppose intervention.
The video was snuck out of Syria by a rebel who was sick of all the killing, according to CNN.
I must say they aren't your average protestors hoping for a more democratic Syria.

No, not by a long shot. But hey, the President wants the rebels to win.

And I can't say how these barbarians are fit to run a country or an economy or deal with any leader on the world stage.

But hey, President Obama says Assad is a bad bad man and has to be deposed. M'kay President Obama.

These are your guys libs. You back Obama wanting to depose Assad, this is the crew that will rule Syria.

Right back to the stone age.

Meet your team. Oh and they rape and pillage. Swell protestors.

Very disturbing images. Be warned. Video at link. I think everyone should let their Congressman and Senator know exactly who the rebels are.

Stripped, bound and shot in the head: Horrifying fate of Assad’s soldiers executed on camera by Syrian rebels

Video smuggled out of Syria by former rebel horrified by brutality of attack

Abdul Samad Issa reads passage and says 'we will take revenge'

Issa, known as 'the uncle', fires first bullet at prisoner's head

Bodies are dumped in a well while one gunman smiles at camera

Video footage has emerged which shows the moment seven of President Bashar al-Assad's Syrian soldiers are executed on camera by rebels fighting to overthrow the regime.

The soldiers are stripped, bound and pushed to the ground where a number of rebels stand over them pointing guns at their bodies. Some bear vicious injuries on their backs and arms.

Just before they are killed, the ring-leader Abdul Samad Issa - known as 'The Uncle', recites a poem before he fires the first bullet.


'For fifty years, they are companions to corruption', he says. 'We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.'

The horrific scene filmed in April was documented in a video smuggled out of Syria only a few days ago by a former rebel who says he had become horrified by the brutality of the tactics his one-time comrades are using. He gave the footage to The New York Times.

It has emerged as G20 leaders meet in Russia to debate the dire situation in the war-torn country and will add fuel to the view that the rest of the world cannot actively support rebels who are carrying out atrocities equally as brutal as the troops deployed by President Assad.

:eusa_whistle: This is why they were killed.

His former aide, who had the copy of the footage, said the captured soldiers' allegedly had videos of them raping Syrian civilians and looting which led to the execution.

Issa requested the execution be filmed so he could show it to donors to help secure more funding.

Horrifying fate of Assad's soldiers executed on camera by Syrian rebels | Mail Online
War is sucks...go away

Obama likes it.

I know what's missing. A snappy name.

You know along the lines of Kelly's Heroes or the Dirty Dozen but with an Islamic ring to it.

Something all the liberals can get behind. Maybe a theme song too.

"Stop Draggin My Heart Around" by Stevie and Tom would work. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. That would go with the video testarosa put up earlier.

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