Meet the most prolific rapist in legal British history


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.
He SURE isn't a local, is he? Cultural diversity has done SO much to enrich England! (sarcasm alert)
Better than many countries that allow rapes because it is in their culture to do so!
Unless British prisons protect inmates from other inmates better than American prisons do, that guy will soon learn what it's like to be a victim of rape.
Unless British prisons protect inmates from other inmates better than American prisons do, that guy will soon learn what it's like to be a victim of rape.

He may be quite happy in prison.

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

Probably because he wasn't am immigrant as such, just on a student visa. So we have a homosexual Roman Catholic Indonesian student that committed crimes that sent him to prison for life, are you saying all Indonesian Catholics are serial rapists? As opposed to say native Texans? US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

Probably because he wasn't am immigrant as such, just on a student visa. So we have a homosexual Roman Catholic Indonesian student that committed crimes that sent him to prison for life, are you saying all Indonesian Catholics are serial rapists? As opposed to say native Texans? US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show
I imagine he will become a priest in time.

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

Probably because he wasn't am immigrant as such, just on a student visa. So we have a homosexual Roman Catholic Indonesian student that committed crimes that sent him to prison for life, are you saying all Indonesian Catholics are serial rapists? As opposed to say native Texans? US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show

I'm saying the UK permitted a shitload of foreign trash into their nation. But that's a small price to pay for diversity, right?

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

Probably because he wasn't am immigrant as such, just on a student visa. So we have a homosexual Roman Catholic Indonesian student that committed crimes that sent him to prison for life, are you saying all Indonesian Catholics are serial rapists? As opposed to say native Texans? US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show
I imagine he will become a priest in time.

Did he call you "Daddy"?

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.

Probably because he wasn't am immigrant as such, just on a student visa. So we have a homosexual Roman Catholic Indonesian student that committed crimes that sent him to prison for life, are you saying all Indonesian Catholics are serial rapists? As opposed to say native Texans? US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants, Texas data show

I'm saying the UK permitted a shitload of foreign trash into their nation. But that's a small price to pay for diversity, right?

Yes, those bloody Romans, we let them in and, "apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

Then came the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, bloody Germans giving us Christianity, theology, poetry, grammar, biblical commentaries and a litany of saints – one of whom, the Syrian saint George, would later become patron saint of the English. They imported texts on culture history and science from Italy and this chap Bede, ended up creating the gens Anglorum or English Nation. They even started Europe's first Renaissance, and created the legal system that exists in many countirs today, buggers!

Vikings and Normans came next, followed by Huguenots, Lascars, Africans, Indians, etc, etc. All adding to British culture, cuisine, etc.and making us who we are today. Britain has always been a destination for immigrants, just like America. You have Scandinavians, Germans, Spaniards, Africans, Italians, French, Mexicans, etc etc. All of who contributed to the development of Amercan "culture" and made America what it is today. Every country has some form of ethnic "diversity", what's wrong with that?

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.
Indonesia, the most populated Muslim nation. One of Islam's core beliefs is that women must dress extremely conservatively and if they don't, they are considered to be open to being raped and thus should be. Even if Muslim women do dress conservatively, some Muslim men think that they're fair game, if they aren't accompanied by a male relative.
I bet the idiot who posted this thought that this guy was a Muslim because he comes from a country that is predominantly Muslim. Who would have thought that he was a raging Roman Catholic? More anti-Muslim shenanigans.

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.
Indonesia, the most populated Muslim nation. One of Islam's core beliefs is that women must dress extremely conservatively and if they don't, they are considered to be open to being raped and thus should be. Even if Muslim women do dress conservatively, some Muslim men think that they're fair game, if they aren't accompanied by a male relative.
Odd that the outrage has tailed off now we know he isnt an evil Muzzie.

'Evil sexual predator' jailed for 136 rapes

That's Reynhard Sinaga. He's an immigrant from Indonesia, and Britain's most prolific rapist in the known history of their nation. Of course, the BBC article makes no mention of him being an immigrant. Anyway, mass rape is a small price to pay for diversity.
Indonesia, the most populated Muslim nation. One of Islam's core beliefs is that women must dress extremely conservatively and if they don't, they are considered to be open to being raped and thus should be. Even if Muslim women do dress conservatively, some Muslim men think that they're fair game, if they aren't accompanied by a male relative.
He isnt a muslim and his victims were drunken men that he picked up outside clubs.So what was your point ?

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