Meet the new Left, who think Hamas are good and that Swastikas are woke


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

During the Trans Day of Visibility, a Palestine flag flew above the Trans flag during some marches, with one sign explaining that “Liberations are linked.” Some are even talking up BRICS as allies (maybe Putin and Xi aren’t so bad after all?) and – yes – even looking back fondly at the Khmer Rouge.

How did Hamas wind up with the LGTB community?

Trump is a Nazi, but Nazis are GOOD.

The left changes politics more often than Joe Biden sniffs small girls.
You raise a good question here, what Hitler a sniffer?


If he was, he did not do so on camera like Joe.
Swastikas are a BAD thing, right OP? Only the Jew hating Left like yourself seems confused about the question, which is sad, and I answered it without even being a trained biologist.

In fact, not much you can say good about the Nazi movement other than Hitler had legs to die for!


Put him on any street corner at night and he would make a killing every night.
The Hamas attack on the Zionist regime was revenge and it fell far short of evening the score.

Two wrongs will never make a right.

However, no matter how many die, there's gain to be had by all with the change in what side holds power over the ME.
That is, if Iran, Russia, and China don't abuse their power.
Sadly, this generation is the most ignorant as it applies to history. They have little to no interest in what happened before, during and after WWII, the most transformative event in creating the global conditions we have seen for 80 years.

These kids could take a few hours and watch numerous documentaries on Netflix rather than watching another few hours of Reality TV and learn about it, it is all there at the click of a button, but few do. I am one of the few. All good we have today is because of the victory in WWII and it is vital in my opinion to learn about this period as much as one can, it illustrates the depravity of men, but also the courage of the righteous.

Don't forget that Hitler met with Islamic leaders during his time and it was recorded that they would welcome Germanies efforts to murder all the Jews and it was Hitler who told the Grand Mufti that no Jew would be allowed to survive in Palestine. The Mufti then desired a public statement from Germany for this but they declined, stating they would do so at a later date when in a more advantageous position. Without question, most of the Islamic world supported this genocide, though some truly religious followers of Islam rightfully rejected the murder of innocent people regardless of their religion.

Initially, Germanies plan was "simply" to have the Jews leave the country. To where? That in itself is despicable a demand. A fateful 90 minute meeting between his closest allies in Germany sealed the horrific genocide that would follow which is known as the Final Solution.

That is how quickly history can change when you have evil people in charge. There is a fascinating documentary on Netflix about how the general public, the average Joe, came to support this evil at times and at times, normalize it. In Eastern Europe in particular, participate in it through police agencies and the like. Now, this is not a direct comparison obviously, but consider the Groupthink and reaction of the public during Covid. When going after Trump and Russia, Russia.

The same people that has influenced and molded institutions and policies are the same who demand the shutting down of dissent. They have in fact, created all of the Woke and climate extremism. With this "nazi-like" demands to get in line or be destroyed, they have created their own neo-nazis...this time on the far-left, which has much in common with the far-right in terms of fascist impulses.

What we are seeing today is the increasing normalization of the hatred of Jews and America, make no mistake about it. We may not see another Holocaust as long as the U.S can remain solvent and sovereign, but there are NO guarantees this will remain the case in our lifetime.

What happens if America and the West fail? What will follow around the world?

This isn't alarmism, this is history potentially repeating itself.
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The Hamas attack on the Zionist regime was revenge and it fell far short of evening the score.

Two wrongs will never make a right.

However, no matter how many die, there's gain to be had by all with the change in what side holds power over the ME.
That is, if Iran, Russia, and China don't abuse their power.

The need to use "Zionist" just reveals antisemitism
No sooner than allied forces defeating the Axis, America started it's policy of world wide aggression.
80 years later we are seeing signs that the world's wars won't be started by the superpowers anymore.

As predicted elsewhere, the future of the world will be decided in the Ukraine. Not with a 'Big Bang' but with a whimper.
The nuclear powers have no other choice.
You need to get used to it, until Americans stop referring to Hamas as terrorists.

Remember Iraq? The highlight of America's 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2!

You need to realize virtually everyone paying attention knows your weak Zionist is just a cover for antisemitism

Choke on that, Canuck Only the Jew hating Left like yourself seems confused about the question, which is sad, and I answered it without even being a trained biologist.

In fact, not much you can say good about the Nazi movement other than Hitler had legs to die for!

View attachment 937042

Put him on any street corner at night and he would make a killing every night.

The guest speaker at ivy league schools EVERY night.
Sadly, this generation is the most ignorant as it applies to history. They have little to no interest in what happened before, during and after WWII, the most transformative event in creating the global conditions we have seen for 80 years.

These kids could take a few hours and watch numerous documentaries on Netflix rather than watching another few hours of Reality TV and learn about it, it is all there at the click of a button, but few do. I am one of the few. All good we have today is because of the victory in WWII and it is vital in my opinion to learn about this period as much as one can, it illustrates the depravity of men, but also the courage of the righteous.

Don't forget that Hitler met with Islamic leaders during his time and it was recorded that they would welcome Germanies efforts to murder all the Jews and it was Hitler who told the Grand Mufti that no Jew would be allowed to survive in Palestine. The Mufti then desired a public statement from Germany for this but they declined, stating they would do so at a later date when in a more advantageous position. Without question, most of the Islamic world supported this genocide, though some truly religious followers of Islam rightfully rejected the murder of innocent people regardless of their religion.

Initially, Germanies plan was "simply" to have the Jews leave the country. To where? That in itself is despicable a demand. A fateful 90 minute meeting between his closest allies in Germany sealed the horrific genocide that would follow which is known as the Final Solution.

That is how quickly history can change when you have evil people in charge. There is a fascinating documentary on Netflix about how the general public, the average Joe, came to support this evil at times and at times, normalize it. In Eastern Europe in particular, participate in it through police agencies and the like. Now, this is not a direct comparison obviously, but consider the Groupthink and reaction of the public during Covid. When going after Trump and Russia, Russia.

The same people that has influenced and molded institutions and policies are the same who demand the shutting down of dissent. They have in fact, created all of the Woke and climate extremism. With this "nazi-like" demands to get in line or be destroyed, they have created their own neo-nazis...this time on the far-left, which has much in common with the far-right in terms of fascist impulses.

What we are seeing today is the increasing normalization of the hatred of Jews and America, make no mistake about it. We may not see another Holocaust as long as the U.S can remain solvent and sovereign, but there are NO guarantees this will remain the case in our lifetime.

What happens if America and the West fail? What will follow around the world?

This isn't alarmism, this is history potentially repeating itself.
You'd be just fine w/Russia taking the leading role in world affairs, wouldn't you?
It won't be long till they are belting out the Horst Wessel and hanging out banners at leftist campuses all across America.

You'd be just fine w/Russia taking the leading role in world affairs, wouldn't you?
Huh? Are you in the same ward as Tommy?

I have been begging for America to remain strong, sovereign and solvent for years. I supported funding to Ukraine as long as there is oversight. You need to also protect your border, what nation allows millions of people from around the globe to enter their nation with little scrutiny?

Maybe you are confused or just biased.
The guest speaker at ivy league schools EVERY night.
To be fair to the leadership at these ivy league schools, it depends on the context of saying you want to rape, torture, and murder every single Jew on earth today, and then create a time machine and go back in time to do it all over again.
You'd be just fine w/Russia taking the leading role in world affairs, wouldn't you?
I thought that is what the Left wanted, Russia and China taking over, because that is what is going to happen if the Left has their way with their death to America chants.

But then, I can kind of understand if you are this sick of Biden. Everyone is.

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