Meet the New Muslim Mayor of London:

Displaced? That is such a nice description of the genocidal campaign against the indians it makes me want to throw rose petals into the air. What you really mean is the wanton murder and thievery out of which this nation was born. Come on... say it. I know you can do it!
And that "superior technology" facilitated a more efficient means of genocide and thievery! ANd now that the blood has dried up blown and blown away as dust in the wind, you RW Pro-lifers can sit in front of your TVs and computers whining about the violence in Chuckago and the "thievery of your tax dollars.
Even if the original intent was to murder every single Native American, the diseases would have still killed more than the muskets could.

There is far more of a genocidal campaign against Europeans today than any Native Americans directly dealt with.
Ah, yes, the diseases brought over by Europeans like small pox? Some rumors abound that germ warfare using small pox infected blankets helped to facilitate the demise of Indian men women and children. That must really be a bummer for all you Pro-Lifers out there to learn.
Except no one knew about germs until much later...
Your ignorance begs to be resolved. We know that Louis Pasteur brought the connection between germs and disease to light in the early 1860's; but, a century before, the idea that smallpox could be transmitted from bedding of infected people to otherwise healthy must have been well known. It just so happens that the conspirators documented the plot and the strategy for carrying it out:

General Amherst, July 8:
"Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them."
Colonel Bouquet, July 13: "I will try to inocculate the Indians by means of Blankets that may fall in their hands, taking care however not to get the disease myself."
Amherst, July 16: "You will Do well to try to Innoculate the Indians by means of Blanketts, as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execreble Race."
Bouquet, July 19: "all your Directions will be observed."

Papers of Col. Henry Bouquet, ed. Stevens and Kent, ser. 21634, p. 161.Siege of Fort Pitt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is hundreds of years after smallpox was already decimating native populations in mini plagues....

And, as I have stated before on this argument, this was not some grassroots agenda to kill off the natives, this was the federal government killing natives while the populace at large was ignorant.

You haven't posited any evidence other than your own opinion. That doesn't account for much. Spurious talk of "grassroots agendas " and inoculations emanating from the Columbian era are mere diversions from the actions of evil men. It is the mindset and morbid expectations of these men that is on trial here. Their actions has been linked to the decimation of native Americans in virtually every corner of this country.. Your unsupported premise reminds me of a dope head who had a tube of heroin pulled from his rectum by the cops during a body search. When queried about it, he replied, "It ain't mine!"
At a time when Europe is reeling from reports of Muslims refugees running amok everywhere they go, Londoners have quietly voted in a Muslim to be their mayor. Lahore Karahi is the first ever Muslim to be elected as mayor of London and possibly the first minority. Considering that his opponent, a conservative snob, tried to tie hm to Islamic extremists, the taste of victory is even more satisfying.

The story broke early this morning but, unless I missed it, not a peep or post from the news hounds who don't miss a thing over at USMB. Yes, the eerie silence is quite telling. Its as if the RW crowd is watching from the shadows thinking their world is crumbling. EGADS! Whats next... Will one of the Royals marry a... ( the unthinkable)????


First mayor of London with a Fatwa on his head.

First mayor or London who has only had children with one woman who was his wife.

First mayor of London who hasn't been divorced.

And all they talk about is that he's a Muslim.
First mayor of London with a goat in the back yard

I doubt it. Livingstone was far more likely to have a goat in his backyard.

But then when someone makes a comment such as yours, you know the person saying it doesn't have anything sensible to say.
Didnt Ken keep tadpoles and newts ?

Are tadpoles and newts Communists?
I don't think tadpoles are froggy enough to jump on the communist bandwagon and I am almost certain that Newt isn't. At least he didn't seem to be last time I saw him on Fox Noise!
At a time when Europe is reeling from reports of Muslims refugees running amok everywhere they go, Londoners have quietly voted in a Muslim to be their mayor. Lahore Karahi is the first ever Muslim to be elected as mayor of London and possibly the first minority. Considering that his opponent, a conservative snob, tried to tie hm to Islamic extremists, the taste of victory is even more satisfying.

The story broke early this morning but, unless I missed it, not a peep or post from the news hounds who don't miss a thing over at USMB. Yes, the eerie silence is quite telling. Its as if the RW crowd is watching from the shadows thinking their world is crumbling. EGADS! Whats next... Will one of the Royals marry a... ( the unthinkable)????


First mayor of London with a Fatwa on his head.

First mayor or London who has only had children with one woman who was his wife.

First mayor of London who hasn't been divorced.

And all they talk about is that he's a Muslim.
First mayor of London with a goat in the back yard

I doubt it. Livingstone was far more likely to have a goat in his backyard.

But then when someone makes a comment such as yours, you know the person saying it doesn't have anything sensible to say.
Folks, read the post above this one

I was replying to a post of no consequence, and making the point that Livingstone was a Communist.
Dr. Livingston, I presume?

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