Meet the next Supreme court justice Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

So you just came into the thread to argue since you were bored this morning?
I just Asked what made her “unique” to me she isn’t. And that question triggered many, including you. If she went to Michigan State or UMASS then yes she would have a different perspective. She is a Harvard elitist. Facts.
Why are you so afraid of people going to and graduating from good colleges? Is there some personal failure involved here?
I am not. I went to Duke. I know precisely the type of person she is. You don’t. You see color and assume she thinks a certain way. She and Kavanaugh are more alike than they are different.
bodecea said:
Why are you so afraid of people going to and graduating from good colleges? Is there some personal failure involved here?

This ^^^ is called distraction or you might say straw man. It's to distract you from the facts. She has none so she goes after your spelling. and the fact she is not as 'up on things' as she would have you believe.
She was chosen for her skin color.
And for her vagina. And because she does have an Ivy League education and because she has already been a judge and recently confirmed by the Senate for her latest judicial position. But the skin color and the genitalia were absolute requirements. Unspoken, but also an absolute requirement, was her left wing politics substituting for juridical determinations.
And it's telling how many on the Right object to her for those very same reasons.
Thanks for deflecting. It's just as racist to make a person's skin color a qualifier as it is to make it a disqualifier. In fact by making it a qualifier you are automatically making it a disqualifier for everyone who isn't that skin color, or sex, or gender or sexual orientation or whatever other division you would like to make. That's the problem with doing things like this and the thing that everyone who touts them as a good idea never seems to think about. By saying X job has to be Y race, and Z sex, you've excluded a huge portion of the population from that job based on characteristics they have no control over. Great job!!!!
Thanks for deflecting. It's just as racist to make a person's skin color a qualifier as it is to make it a disqualifier. In fact by making it a qualifier you are automatically making it a disqualifier for everyone who isn't that skin color, or sex, or gender or sexual orientation or whatever other division you would like to make. That's the problem with doing things like this and the thing that everyone who touts them as a good idea never seems to think about. By saying X job has to be Y race, and Z sex, you've excluded a huge portion of the population from that job based on characteristics they have no control over. Great job!!!!
And yet, the Right here can't discuss anything about Jackson's very clear qualifications besides her race and gender and one outlier about her being a "Ivy League elitist".
Her resume is spotless, and she is obviously qualified. She probably won't degenerate into a quivering, blubbering blob of anger at her hearings, either. And she doesn't belong to a cult where her title is "handmaiden". So she is a step up from the last two already.
I cannot lie, watching the Trumpers head explode over this pick is far more entertaining than it should be
What's even more entertaining is this should have been a slam dunk for Biden and he should have seen a poll bump. Instead he mucked it all up with identity politics and piss poor timing. Biden really does fuck up everything he touches.

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