Meet the next Supreme court justice Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Go away Irrated Colon.

Absolutely nobody cares.

I know I don't
This seems to be an MO...."go away" if this poster has the power to make people leave and wishes to silence others. And posts again and again and again about how they "don't care".
She's going to be excellent. I believe she has more judicial experience than all the Republican Justices COMBINED. She will be the only Justice who has ever defended someone in court. She's the first Justice who served as a Public Defender.

Synthia, you’re such a petty little poseur. Judge Jackson has judicial experience no doubt. But that’s not more than the Republican Justices combined. Seriously, your lack of credibility gets underscored often enough without you straining to prove it.

Also, Judicial “experience” is hardly a major qualification. It is simply one qualification. I’m not a fan of many of the opinions of the late Justice William O. Douglas but he was a lib favorite for a long time. And do you know how much judicial experience he had prior to getting nominated for the SCOTUS? Exactly none.

You are orgasming ober the Brandon nomination of Judge Jackson for the very same reason I don’t care for her nomination. She’s a liberal; and her judicial philosophy is more liberal political philosophy than it is judicial. Fidelity to the constraints of the Constitution and the actual law is not your concern. Results are. Only results.
How are these not racist/sexist statements?

You are ascribing a point of view or set of values based on her skin color and the fact that she has a vagina
And it's telling how many on the Right object to her for those very same reasons.
Again...."I don't care" how many posts in this thread so far? We've got object strictly based on Jackson's race and gender.
And you support strictly on race and gender. Your hypocrisy is amazing.
Doubtful but AA ratios has to be met
"AA ratios"? :heehee: A women who went to one of the hardest and most prestigious law schools, clerked for the Supreme Court, was easily appointed to the Federal Bench (with the vetting involved)......but because she is a black women, it's all AA ratios to you. Very very telling.
And you support strictly on race and gender. Your hypocrisy is amazing.
Not at all....I support on her law school history, her SCOTUS clerking, her already done vetting by the Senate when she was appointed to a Federal Bench. Her qualifications match Chief Justice Roberts, but with more Federal bench time.
I cannot lie, watching the Trumpers head explode over this pick is far more entertaining than it should be
By "Trumper", you must mean anybody who does not march in lockstep with authoritarian leftist identity politics.

When do you plan on abandoning your charade that you are actually some sort of libertarian?

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