Meet the Pelosi attacker….

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That is the thing about your "good journalistic links," they might as well be fiction. I'm not saying that they aren't doing good work, but, given the climate of the past several years, and the evidence posted in this thread, What you are doing to prove your narrative is called;

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Nobody can verify anything that is said in them.

Good journalists can PROVE their stories with sources and links. This is the twenty first century, folks want to see, touch, taste and smell reality. Hell, the establishment can even generate deep fakes for its agenda.
WTF is up with you voodoo?
I am putting up credible links, my opponents Nothing or Twisting what they read into making him a Leftist Hippie despite the Fact he watched/Posted Joe Rogan and the My Pillow guy.

And being yet another Low IQ ldiot you're confusing journalism with 'Argument from Authority.'
The latter would be something such as an opinion on the a Warning causes more rain, Not Facts like we find in a news article.
The fact Mr Pelosi Was attacked is ALSO NOT an "Argument from Authority," it TOO IS a reported FACT.
Tho Your 'logic' could say that too is an AFA.

You ******** IDIOT, you are so GD stupid it's unbelievable
So many of you too.
That's why USMB is home of the RW troll.

80% Blindingly Stupid F*****s like you, Hawk, Brestwall, BlackAgain, etc
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WTF is up with you voodoo?
I am putting up credible links, my opponents Nothing or Twisting what they read into making him a Leftist Hippie despite the Fact he watched Joe Rogan and the My Pillow guy.

And being yet another Low IQ ldiot you're confusing journalism with 'Argument from Authority.'
The latter would be something such as an opinion on the Warming, Not Facts like we find in a news article.
The fact Mr Pelosi was attacked is ALSO not an "Argument from Authority," it TOO IS a reported FACT.

You ******** IDIOT, you are so GD stupid it's unbelievable
So many of you too.
That's why USMB is home of the RW troll.

80% Blindingly Stupid F*****s like you, Hawk, Brestwall, etc

Yes, it is a Fact, that Mr. Pelosi was attacked.

Yes, it is a fact, that the person who did it is violent and crazy.

We are agreed on this much.

That is the extent of what we know, without links to proof. Folks just want to see the links, and read those posts and links for themselves, to see what sort of bias and spin has put on them.

There is nothing wrong with watching videos of Mike Lindell, he has as much right to his POV, and his narratives of reality, as you do.

There is nothing wrong with listening to Joe Rogan, he has as much right to his POV, and his narrative of reality, as you do.

This is America, NOT the USSR, or China, we don't have a social credit system, not yet anyway. None of that is an indictment on a person's character, that was the point of my post, and what the establishment media is attempting to do, and YOU have fallen for it, GOOD JOB. :113:

Everything that is in your sources, could just be election year hyperbole, folks know what these sources have told them before, and a lot of those narratives have turned out to be false in the past.

I appreciate you constructive critique on our forum, and your inexpert analysis upon its members. ;)

I do hope you aren't getting yourself worked up in any disagreements we might have. Please, do take it easy. It isn't worth rustling your jimmies over.
Pelosi described the attacker as "a friend" on the 911 call. "RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.”

I predict not a lot of coverage on this going forward. LOL.

You think this incident will get Paul out of his remaining community service hours, maybe leniency off of his probation, and help raise money for Pelosi's campaign war chest?

It might really help the DNC candidates with funding all over the nation. . . :eusa_think:

The timing sure seems, suspect.


In history it is always a small percentage of elites who screw things up for the rest of the population. And the way they live their lives breaks most or all of the seven deadly sins. It's in your face even.
Not in my book.
There is “your book” and then there are working people and small business owners who don’t want to pay egregious taxes, be hit with excessive regulations over global climate change policy, and pay high gas prices as dependence on foreign oil increases. What I described are mainstream Americans.
Cops saying PP said at some point “ David is a Friend “
He told the police he didn't know the man, but he said the MAN SAID.. his name is David and he is a friend.
David told Paul he was "a friend"... implying he isn't an enemy, or there to harm him.

Stop jumping to narratives.
Maybe they’ve gotten hammered together in the past?

This guy's website is pushing

"Pedophile normalization"

Or, more precisely, legalizing homosexual assaults on America's kids
Yea, clearly a “rightwing conspiracy theorist” type:

He is a nudist who is a “friend” to Mr. Nancy:

Form 2013:

The groom, Jaymz Smith, 20, appeared in a thrift store tuxedo to offset the white worn by Taub, 44...

NOT David DePape...
Lies so far

Break in - laughable - he was let in and he's been there before

Paul called 911 - laughable - Paul was drunk and coked and thinking about gay sex - cops were already there, as they are always there when Paul pays for a gay coke whore - massive DEFUND hypocrisy

This guy is MAGA - MAGA is not supportive of "pedophile normalization" pushed on David's actual website - this guy is a left wing homo coke whore
Pelosi described the attacker as "a friend" on the 911 call. "RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.”

I predict not a lot of coverage on this going forward. LOL.

This might have something to do with Pelosi calling him a "friend." Perhaps he didn't want to exacerbate the situation any more than necessary?

Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), called 911 and spoke in code to a dispatcher while an intruder was inside his house Friday morning, law enforcement officials said.

Paul Pelosi, who was attacked with a hammer by a man who was looking for the speaker, allegedly told the intruder that he needed to go to the restroom, where he had his phone charging, an unnamed law enforcement officer told CNN.

San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott did not confirm that Pelosi was talking in code to the 911 operator but credited the dispatcher for understanding that Paul Pelosi needed help.

"Based on her experience and her intuition, she basically figured out that there was something more to this incident than what she was being told," Scott said of the dispatcher. "Her actions, in my opinion, resulted in both a higher priority dispatch and a faster police response. I think this was life-saving..."
As usual people on both sides jump to conclusions... and the actual story is completely lost.

The REAL questions the media is ignoring because they want a narrative (both sides)
1) How is it possible someone can so easily break into the home of one of the highest ranking U.S. officials??
2) How did this hammer come into play? Why on earth would an 82 year old man think a hammer would protect him? A fucking hammer. If it didn't happen, you would think it was a funny meme.
3) What was he there to protest? He was in his underwear, he is a "nudist protester" who used his nudity to symbolize censorship that he is convinced is ruining life on earth, Why Nancy?
This might have something to do with Pelosi calling him a "friend." Perhaps he didn't want to exacerbate the situation any more than necessary?

Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), called 911 and spoke in code to a dispatcher while an intruder was inside his house Friday morning, law enforcement officials said.

Paul Pelosi, who was attacked with a hammer by a man who was looking for the speaker, allegedly told the intruder that he needed to go to the restroom, where he had his phone charging, an unnamed law enforcement officer told CNN.

San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott did not confirm that Pelosi was talking in code to the 911 operator but credited the dispatcher for understanding that Paul Pelosi needed help.

"Based on her experience and her intuition, she basically figured out that there was something more to this incident than what she was being told," Scott said of the dispatcher. "Her actions, in my opinion, resulted in both a higher priority dispatch and a faster police response. I think this was life-saving..."
LOL, yea sure, Paul “spoke in code“.

The left will make up anything to hide the fact he knew him.
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