Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Chuck Todd's collection of gypsies, tramps, and thieves launched another preemptive strike for at Mitt. Same old crap....snickering and snide claims "even the GOP thinks he's yesterday's news...blah blah blah. Of course the token Repub on the panel, RINO Michael Steele who paved Hussein's path to the WH by doing nothing more than riding around in limos, smiled and agreed.


Chuck, he of the dead eyes and twitching elbow, seems to enjoy these little circle-jerks immensely since it's less time to figure out what to do with his hands. I've never seen a more uncomfortable stooge in a more contrived and awkward venue...why is this show still on the air?
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.

It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).
Chuck Todd's collection of gypsies, tramps, and thieves launched another preemptive strike for at Mitt. Same old crap....snickering and snide claims "even the GOP thinks he's yesterday's news...blah blah blah. Of course the token Repub on the panel, RINO Michael Steele who paved Hussein's path to the WH by doing nothing more than riding around in limos, smiled and agreed.


Chuck, he of the dead eyes and twitching elbow, seems to enjoy these little circle-jerks immensely since it's less time to figure out what to do with his hands. I've never seen a more uncomfortable stooge in a more contrived and awkward venue...why is this show still on the air?

They need to end this show....
Start a new one,same time period.Why keep the name since it seems viewers bailed on it.
MSNBC is just a branch of the Democrat election committee now.
As for Michael Steele he has crossed over to the Democrats...what a disappointment.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.
I don't really like Mitt. He's too much of a stuffed suit. He's too much of a polished politician for my liking. :D

He looks like an American president should look though....I voted for him and would again I point is we don't need help from leftist trash to pick our candidate....Hillary couldn't beat a ham sandwich and they know it. :)
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.
I don't really like Mitt. He's too much of a stuffed suit. He's too much of a polished politician for my liking. :D

He looks like an American president should look though....I voted for him and would again I point is we don't need help from leftist trash to pick our candidate....Hillary couldn't beat a ham sandwich and they know it. :)

:cheeky-smiley-018: I don't like her either.
Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

Romney was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

And I would think the people who lost their jobs at AmPad, GS Steel, KB Toys and other companies Bain Capital looted would argue about him making money on his own smarts.

Look, guy, the GOP has to get it that those of us who don't own businesses count, too. They need someone who gets working folks and how to appeal to them.

Romney isn't that guy. The only thing that kept him afloat last time is too many white people were racist.
I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.

Me too...but we need somebody who knows how to do the job....not another "community organizer" or some old-timer who thinks it's his turn.....I think Bill O'Reilly would make a good president....hell, if Rush ran he would probably end up on Mount RUSHmore..... heh heh. :lol:
Me too...but we need somebody who knows how to do the job....not another "community organizer" or some old-timer who thinks it's his turn.....I think Bill O'Reilly would make a good president....hell, if Rush ran he would probably end up on Mount RUSHmore..... heh heh

Guy, the thing was, the last time we gave your party the controls, you crashed the whole country into the wall.
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.
Doesn't matter. He is one of the most highly qualified. But being qualified for the job obviously doesn't matter today.

I don't understand voters. Put in a football analogy.

On the Democrat's side you have this stiff that's never coached a team, much less won a game.
On the Republican's side you have this guy that has proven leadership qualities but some don't like his methods. Well, those that don't like him have lost the big one themselves. As a matter of fact, they can't seem to get together and win on a regular basis. Instead they act like they're giving up before the game even starts because Democrats claim that their failure of a coach is a shoe-in.

So basically, everyone likes winners, but then again they keep voting these losers in. The best man for the job never seems to ever get it.
Well, let's see now. He lost in 2008 and 2012. The Evangelicals hate him because he's a Mormon. This time, he's actually facing opponents who have got something on their resumes.

Like I said, when we need advice from leftist trash like you and Chuck Todd, we'll ask for it....hold your breath....keep holding it....until I say stop.

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