Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.
So what you're saying is the MSM has done their job. You don't like anyone, and because of that, it's a guarantee that some schmuck is going to win.

Have you ever thought that the people the left hammers the most just might be the one that Democrats fear the most? Ever thought that the MSM is picking our candidates for us?

I'm not gonna let a bunch of elitist, leftist, journalists pick who I vote for.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

Romney made his money off his daddy's name, so did Bush

What conservatives call a self made man
Doesn't matter. He is one of the most highly qualified. But being qualified for the job obviously doesn't matter today.

I don't understand voters. Put in a football analogy.

On the Democrat's side you have this stiff that's never coached a team, much less won a game.
On the Republican's side you have this guy that has proven leadership qualities but some don't like his methods. Well, those that don't like him have lost the big one themselves. As a matter of fact, they can't seem to get together and win on a regular basis. Instead they act like they're giving up before the game even starts because Democrats claim that their failure of a coach is a shoe-in.

So basically, everyone likes winners, but then again they keep voting these losers in. The best man for the job never seems to ever get it.

Well, yeah, guy. here's the thing.

When Obama got in, GDP was dropping at -6%. Now it's growing at 5%.
When he got in, Unemployment was rising to 10% and we were losing half a million jobs a month. Now it's at 5.6% and we are growing a quarter million jobs a month.

Romney's qualifications is that he was very good at buying up struggling companies and looting their assets. I'm not sure I want that done on a national scale, thank you.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.
So what you're saying is the MSM has done their job. You don't like anyone, and because of that, it's a guarantee that some schmuck is going to win.

Have you ever thought that the people the left hammers the most just might be the one that Democrats fear the most? Ever thought that the MSM is picking our candidates for us?

I'm not gonna let a bunch of elitist, leftist, journalists pick who I vote for.

No, the politicians are the ones to blame. They all suck! I don't agree with either party. I think they have both moved into the world of extremes.

I'd like to see some 3rd party candidates have a go at it. :D
I don't really like Mitt. He's too much of a stuffed suit. He's too much of a polished politician for my liking. :D

He looks like an American president should look though....I voted for him and would again I point is we don't need help from leftist trash to pick our candidate....Hillary couldn't beat a ham sandwich and they know it. :)
What the fuck does this even mean?
Romney made his money off his daddy's name, so did Bush

What conservatives call a self made man

Uh really believe the name George Romney made any difference to anybody in the 80's and 90's when Mitt was making a fortune? The Bush money get Dubya twice elected governor of Texas and twice elected president? Your claim is not only a lie, it's a stupid lie.
I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.

Me too...but we need somebody who knows how to do the job....not another "community organizer" or some old-timer who thinks it's his turn.....I think Bill O'Reilly would make a good president....hell, if Rush ran he would probably end up on Mount RUSHmore..... heh heh. :lol:
Bill O'Reilly is a liberal. He's a North Eastern liberal.
Rush is a radio personality with a good mind and an impressive voice. He's not a leader.
We need a president that follows the law, enforces the law, has the courage to do the right thing no matter what, and doesn't go after his political enemies while in office. He represents every American, not just the one on his side. Presidents are supposed to check their political party at the door once they enter the Oval Office. Is that too much to ask for?

Apparently so.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.
So what you're saying is the MSM has done their job. You don't like anyone, and because of that, it's a guarantee that some schmuck is going to win.

Have you ever thought that the people the left hammers the most just might be the one that Democrats fear the most? Ever thought that the MSM is picking our candidates for us?

I'm not gonna let a bunch of elitist, leftist, journalists pick who I vote for.

No, the politicians are the ones to blame. They all suck! I don't agree with either party. I think they have both moved into the world of extremes.

I'd like to see some 3rd party candidates have a go at it. :D
3rd party candidates are just in it to divide the opposition's votes and help one side or the other win, usually the Democrat.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

I'm so tired of the same old jerks. :rolleyes-41: Not one of them is better than another IMO. I hate them all. Lol.
So what you're saying is the MSM has done their job. You don't like anyone, and because of that, it's a guarantee that some schmuck is going to win.

Have you ever thought that the people the left hammers the most just might be the one that Democrats fear the most? Ever thought that the MSM is picking our candidates for us?

I'm not gonna let a bunch of elitist, leftist, journalists pick who I vote for.

No, the politicians are the ones to blame. They all suck! I don't agree with either party. I think they have both moved into the world of extremes.

I'd like to see some 3rd party candidates have a go at it. :D
3rd party candidates are just in it to divide the opposition's votes and help one side or the other win, usually the Democrat.

Oh, no they are not! They have goals and aspirations too. Besides, the two parties have monopolized the system for long enough!
The point of my thread is that leftist shitholes like NBC and CBS don't have the country's interests in mind when they're little more than lapdogs in slamming their masters' political rivals. We'll pick our own candidates thank you....y'all can worry about trying to keep Hillary looking sane enough to get through another campaign.
Romney made his money off his daddy's name, so did Bush

What conservatives call a self made man

Uh really believe the name George Romney made any difference to anybody in the 80's and 90's when Mitt was making a fortune? The Bush money get Dubya twice elected governor of Texas and twice elected president? Your claim is not only a lie, it's a stupid lie.
You really think being the son of George Romney didn't open doors when you were looking for investors? That he didn't have contacts from the days daddy was a Presidential contender?
You think ANYONE in Texas would have voted for Bush without his daddy's name?
Romney made his money off his daddy's name, so did Bush

What conservatives call a self made man

Uh really believe the name George Romney made any difference to anybody in the 80's and 90's when Mitt was making a fortune? The Bush money get Dubya twice elected governor of Texas and twice elected president? Your claim is not only a lie, it's a stupid lie.
You really think being the son of George Romney didn't open doors when you were looking for investors? That he didn't have contacts from the days daddy was a Presidential contender?
You think ANYONE in Texas would have voted for Bush without his daddy's name?

One thing we can be 100% sure about - you do not think. Ever.
Oh, no they are not! They have goals and aspirations too. Besides, the two parties have monopolized the system for long enough!

I couldn't vote for Bush41 or Clinturd so I got on the Perot team....Ross would have made a terrific president...but the press laughed at his ears and his accent until nobody would admit they liked his ideas....the MSM wants a white Ivy Leaguer who can lie with a straight face and cry out of one eye.
You really think being the son of George Romney didn't open doors when you were looking for investors? That he didn't have contacts from the days daddy was a Presidential contender?
You think ANYONE in Texas would have voted for Bush without his daddy's name?

Get back on topic or get the fuck out of this thread.
Oh, no they are not! They have goals and aspirations too. Besides, the two parties have monopolized the system for long enough!

I couldn't vote for Bush41 or Clinturd so I got on the Perot team....Ross would have made a terrific president...but the press laughed at his ears and his accent until nobody would admit they liked his ideas....the MSM wants a white Ivy Leaguer who can lie with a straight face and cry out of one eye.

It seems that every time I begin to like a candidate, he/she says something completely retarded or something comes out about that particular candidate or whatever. Then you have the ones that just seem too "smooth," like Romney. Also, he was the governor Massachusetts. Where do you think they got the idea for "Obama Care?" :wink_2:
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.
Doesn't matter. He is one of the most highly qualified. But being qualified for the job obviously doesn't matter today.

I don't understand voters. Put in a football analogy.

On the Democrat's side you have this stiff that's never coached a team, much less won a game.
On the Republican's side you have this guy that has proven leadership qualities but some don't like his methods. Well, those that don't like him have lost the big one themselves. As a matter of fact, they can't seem to get together and win on a regular basis. Instead they act like they're giving up before the game even starts because Democrats claim that their failure of a coach is a shoe-in.

So basically, everyone likes winners, but then again they keep voting these losers in. The best man for the job never seems to ever get it.

According to your "football analogy" Obama is an all star because he never lost a single game.
You really think being the son of George Romney didn't open doors when you were looking for investors? That he didn't have contacts from the days daddy was a Presidential contender?
You think ANYONE in Texas would have voted for Bush without his daddy's name?

Get back on topic or get the fuck out of this thread.

You should make a poll. I'm curious to see how many people would think of Romney as a valid presidential candidate. :)
It seems that every time I begin to like a candidate, he/she says something completely retarded or something comes out about that particular candidate or whatever. Then you have the ones that just seem too "smooth," like Romney. Also, he was the governor Massachusetts. Where do you think they got the idea for "Obama Care?" :wink_2:

I know..I liked Rick Perry until he forgot where he was during a debate.....why they agree to debate each other 6 times I don't get...all it does is give the Rats ammunition to use against the winner.....I don't know if Romney could win but he'd be a good president....he's already got a billion dollars...nobody can bribe him.
You should make a poll. I'm curious to see how many people would think of Romney as a valid presidential candidate. :)

I don't know how to do a poll here.
It seems that every time I begin to like a candidate, he/she says something completely retarded or something comes out about that particular candidate or whatever. Then you have the ones that just seem too "smooth," like Romney. Also, he was the governor Massachusetts. Where do you think they got the idea for "Obama Care?" :wink_2:

I know..I liked Rick Perry until he forgot where he was during a debate.....why they agree to debate each other 6 times I don't get...all it does is give the Rats ammunition to use against the winner.....I don't know if Romney could win but he'd be a good president....he's already got a billion dollars...nobody can bribe him.

Meh. :)

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